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EA and Origin: or the beginning of the end...


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They certainly don't scan your entire hard drive for it.

This. Atleast they havn't cared much about any of the hex editors, mod tools, or other stuffs I've used for some steam and non-steam games. Steam also doesn't seem to access or read any files which are not specifically related to steam games (I already checked this) and often only when starting those games.


Origin on the other hand... I can see all this scanning as being a SERIOUS resource hog even if it is done in the background. Regardless of the reasons why, it's still sucking up your PC's performance for something outside what you would like to do with your PC. The fact that this performance drop is only going to help EA is just insult to injury.

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This could all end if people refuse to buy games that require such programs, they are abusing of their power but in reality we are their power, if we stop buying games rom them they get no money and either change or go down.Of course that is only an idea cause in reality people wont do that and prefer being spied on while they play a game.At least I wont be using anything that requires origins, I only use steam with new vegas and skyrim in the near future and I hate even that. Edited by scot
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They certainly don't scan your entire hard drive for it.

This. Atleast they havn't cared much about any of the hex editors, mod tools, or other stuffs I've used for some steam and non-steam games. Steam also doesn't seem to access or read any files which are not specifically related to steam games (I already checked this) and often only when starting those games.


they leave that up to the discretion of the individual publishers who use the Steam service. According to their EULA Steam might not be scanning and collecting your data and chat logs, but some games on the services EULA say the same sort of thing as an EA one. I get that Steam itself might not currently do it, but it's not much of a silver lining, it doesn't really matter if does ends up in the games EULA, so if a value game ends up having it in that particular install it basically renders the point moot. There are games on Steam which according to their EULA can scan your drive and publish your data. Don't know if any of them are Value ones though.


Origin is pretty much EA for all intents and purposes. AFAIK EA as a publisher have been using over the top EULA for a while. It is hardly surprising to see that on any EA published software.

Edited by Ghogiel
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I personally take things such as Origins extremely seriously. Irregardless of the fact that I strictly use Windows for gaming and my Mac's partition is fully encrypted, I won't be playing SWtoR or ME3 if either require Origin to run or patch.


I'll be interested to see how or if Origin changes over time. When WoW's Warden client was first implemented, there was a huge uproar over rumors that Warden scanned non-WoW processes. Afaik, it's functionality was severely pruned.

Edited by Tair
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Im not a very technical person, but considering the amount of viruses/malware/spyware. Why dontt these community members create a software that prohibits these clients from obtaining any real information. Perhaps feeding them information standards that meets the criteria these clients software engines seek..Im sure this would lead to a programing war, but viruses and other lethal software seem to achive more.
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They're already threatening to ban people from it thus removing access to games that have been paid for, it didn't take long for the "Do as we say or we'll take our games back" to start.

They learned that behavior by watching Valve get away with it for years. You're surprised? Better yet, you're upset by this but not by anything Valve does?


Seriously, do none of you see what you're doing and how silly it makes you all sound when you bash one company for doing precisely the same thing as another? Does. Not. Compute.


Valve and Origin are nothing alike, as long as you don't cheat in VAC enabled games then you can do what you like with your purchases. I've not known Steam threaten to take away peoples games for playing on unauthorised servers either.

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Well the reason EA was banning accounts during the beta for those that got on those "illegal" servers was because they where Hacked servers. The code on the servers didn't just modify the ammount of people able to play on it, it changed the value of points recieved toss down a medic kit and instead of earning 10 points for a team heal they where getting 10k plus points of a heal. To top things off people who, joined those servers reported that their Origin accounts where being hacked into shortly after joining those servers. Apparently those hacked servers where recording log on information and transmitting it to whom ever set up the server so they can get vital account informations. Best solution for those people would be to ban and lock the account down so it couldn't be stolen.
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Actually the better solution would have been to temporarily block access to the Origin account until the user changes password, then issue a warning before completely blocking access to the specific game in question & not the all game access.


This form of technically unnecessary central control is conveniently abused and is inherently a potential single point of failure imposed on the user. It certainly doesn't help when they want to mine personal information for market research benefits against your wishes.


As for those who do not mind having their personal information ransacked, it is their choice but a good amount of gamers certainly do not want such intrusion or allow such a precedence. (Yes Steam has already set such precedence.)

Edited by sendo75
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