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just cancelled my preorder


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seriously, this game went from good (bc2) to call of duty battlefield edition (this game). all you have to do to win is sit in a corner with prone and a m249 saw and shoot people in the big toe for an instant kill. yep. when they said "we're gonna beat cod in sales" i thought they meant make a better game, not a clone.
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i see what ur saying. seems like you die a lot faster in B3 then you did in BFBC2. i dont have time to run away from a bullet or turn and find someone anymore, like i could in BFBC2. im not a fan of prone, really helps the CoD kiddies come over and just camp. BFBC2 didnt have much camping cause when CoD kiddies came over, they realized they couldnt or Battlefield Vets would destroy them. but in B3, you can camp a lot easier now with prone allowing the CoD kiddies to come on over and camp. guarantee you when you find someone just laying there prone, he came from CoD and not Battlefield.


that said, im still pre ordering. im very much looking forward to the Campaign. i NEVER buy a game solely for MP, defeats the purpose of playing a game imo, and always play SP before i step foot in MP. also, i never play Rush on MP. its just one big camp fest, both sides just camp. i only play TDM and Capture the Flag (as ive said before in other threads) and both of those (esp TDM) you move a lot more since there is no objective to camp around, and i think youll see prone used a lot more tactically in TDM then you will in Rush.


also, its not a CoD clone. even if you wanted to call it that, it still better at everything CoD does and more. i mean ya now there is prone (but there was in B2 as well, so ya, no surprise there) the graphics are better then CoD by far, and its trademark, destructible enviros, 2.0! you dont. so the similarities between the two, i think B3 is better at them. there is bullet drop, the scope sways even in prone, making it that much more skill based then the CoD scopes where the bullet hits square on where the cross hairs are.


although on that note, they still didnt really balance long range attacking. assault rifles have less bullet drop then snipers meaning they are mroe accurate at long range then a sniper. the bullet of the sniper is more powerful then the assault rilfe, however after a certain distance it still takes two bullets (excluding head shot) to kill some one. (which is fine, one shot kills at any range would be over powered) but with the assault rifles and their lower kick back, you can burst fire long range accurately, and kill someone long range in just one or two bursts, whereas the sniper either has to reload (in the case of a bullpup) or recenter (in the case of the semi autos) and in either case, the assault rifle is faster, and it annoys the hell out of me when i get killed across map from one when making the shot with the sniper requires me to account for bullet drop and what not, and since i just can keep firing until i get it right (like you can with an AR) it takes a lot more skill then it does with the AR, where aiming is less required


hence the reason i take my bullpup sniper close range, cause at close range there are OHKO and more balance. if i miss its all over for me 9 times out of 10. but at least my chance to kill was equal to theirs......in short ARs are just OP.

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I've been doing consistently well in the beta and I like the increased bullet damage and prone. I destroyed three stations one game and went 23-10, which wasn't so bad.


I have to wonder how people reach level 44 and such though, considering when the beta came out.

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just non stop playing....kinda sad when u rly think about it, but no judgement here :P


as for how im doing, im doing ok. not quite as good as i would do in bfbc2, but respectable. :P


but ya, i dont like the increased bullet damage at all. prone i guess i can live with... Rush i cant :P


:P :P :P :P everywhere!!!

Edited by hoofhearted4
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You do realise this is a beta don't you?


It's just silly to make your mind up about a game when it's just gone into beta, it makes no logical sense whatsoever. Me, I'll be getting it regardless to support DICE, even besides the point that it's a very good game already.

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well i wouldnt say its silly. if your dropping the game for small things like, oh there was a big on this map, or something, ya its stupid, betas are to fix bugs, plus bugs are easily fixed post game launch. but if your dropping the game because you dont like the feel of the game, then yea its a smart choice. its not like the game will change all that much between now and launch, not enough change to change someones mind if they dont like something big on the game (guns or mechanics or something)


a lot of the stuff i dont like just comes with the fact its one map and one mode, and a mode i dont like :P and is deff not a reason to cancel a game. however the stuff he doesnt like isnt going to change between not and game launch. the game is still gunna feel the same and look the same and whatnot.


and it is $60. i mean it would suck to buy the game and realize its just not for him. better for him to cancel his pre order, wait for a price drop and or sale on Origin and then buy it. i know for me, there are still a bunch of games out there i want, but at $60 i just cant get them all. so even really good games, i have to pass on for a later date.


and saying its "just gone into beta" really doesnt mean anything. regardless if it just went into beta, its still being released in under a month. not a lot of time left. not much will change. compared to a game like Diablo 3 that just went into beta, but still wont be out until next year, allowing for a lot of time for change. if not big changes



if anything, i would say dont judge a game based off one map and one mode. it still has a Single Player and there will be other maps, modes, weapons and whatnot that you havent touched. saying your dropping this game based of the very little amount uve seen of it is a little silly, but then again, its all your gunna see before the game comes out. i would wait for reviews if not game play videos before you make ur final decision. cancel ur pre order, but dont cancel the game.

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Actually just made captain myself before battlelog went down for updates on monday 3:30 am est. Its not all about time in, infact I actually leveled faster then a lot of people that where on the same server with me over the course of 2 hours and they had 3 ranks on me. What it comes down to is working the point values. Push them kills with one gun and far and as hard as you can every 10 kills with a gun is an attachment which is 200 points for the first 100 kills, which also nets you 3k points. Also going for ribbons due to most people playing assult go support and chuck an ammo pack into the middle of a bunch of friendlies and watch the points fly. Keeping yourself alive also helps as a lot of people will try and respawn on the closest person to the objective. As for the guys getting kills quick bursts go very very well. As for Prone I am loving having it back infact I snuck right up under a LMG and shot him square in the face and he didn't even know I was crawling up the tracks to get past their first line defenders.


As for the coment about the bugs this build we got is actually a month old as it was suppose to be out very early september but Sony and Microsoft dragged their feet on letting it out, However I do know that the Console fellas have a very buggy version compared to the pc which did get hotfixed to fix the falling though the ground issue.

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i actually havent noticed any bugs in PS3 save for the falling into the ground bug, which was easy to get out of, and was on PC and a bug where the kill screen of the guy who killed me would show a dead guy (when i know he wasnt dead) which ive seen in bfbc2 lol, no biggie.


i think im lvl 3 or something after like 4 maps played. i just hate rush with a passion. i keep going back to try and i get frustrated and usually end up just quitting and going back to FF13 lol. wont matter after Tuesday anyways, Dark Souls for PS3 is coming out and ill be hooked, prolly even after B3 comes out, i have iB3 pre ordered, but it might just sit collecting dust till November sometime, if Dark Souls is as good as Demons Souls. and i know it will b

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Silly people, seriously.


when you find someone just laying there prone, he came from CoD and not Battlefield.


Nope. I do not enjoy playing CoD, and I still use prone. You had prone back in Battlefield 2.


i NEVER buy a game solely for MP, defeats the purpose of playing a game imo, and always play SP before i step foot in MP. also,


Nope. Battlefield used to be about multiplayer only until Bad Company came out. At it's heart, it's a competitive game, not a single player game. I don't know who to blame anymore though. EA does have a say on what goes in the game or not. It doesn't defeat the purpose of playing the game if the multiplayer was the primary focus.


although on that note, they still didnt really balance long range attacking. assault rifles have less bullet drop then snipers meaning they are mroe accurate at long range then a sniper. the bullet of the sniper is more powerful then the assault rilfe, ... whereas the sniper either has to reload (in the case of a bullpup) or recenter (in the case of the semi autos)


Bullet velocity affects bullet drop. I think. While sniper rounds are indeed more powerful, they have lower velocity. 7.62x51mm and 5.56x45mm. Not to mention that sniper rounds are usually heavier, thus, more gravity pull.

Edited by Yoshh
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I didn't preorder in the first place because I was worried it was going to be a campfest and the beta proved me right, these people could save money by turning off the PC, going into the garden and sitting in a bush for half an hour. I miss the good old days when campers got kicked.
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