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Should be better on the more open maps, bet there shall be lots of prone campers still :P Then again, BF 2142 was only bad for prone camping in titans, and some areas on the map. Nothing like COD. and constant campers would be kicked, unless it was a poor admin or part of the clan for the server. -___-





Might have to start doing this: http://www.gamesradar.com/uk-man-strangles-boy-over-call-duty-black-ops-feud/


or just use skill to wipe them out. :P

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i play TEAM Death Match and Capture the Flag.


camping is stupid because what skill is there in camping?

Pardon me, but staying in one position and laying cover for your team to move up does require skill :rolleyes:

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and as such, i dont ever play Rush, cause its no fun when your Attacking and the enemy just camps around the Objective....and if you manage to get it, what do you do? camp next to it so ppl cant disarm it.


you can do whatever you want in Rush, camp all you want. the goal is to see who is the best camper. you can convince me there is skill, you can try to convince me its not camping, but you cannot convince me that its any fun. i play TDM because you dont camp, and those who do, dont win. constant movement (mostly) :P



and worst case scenario, if it turns out that ppl like to lie prone in TDM and whatnot and just stay in their spot in the bushes, and it becomes a big prone camp fest. then ill just go back to bfbc2, and will refrain from future battlefield (but not bad company) titles.....i have a couple of friends i know who are staying at bfbc2 cause they arent getting B3, so either way ive got players to play with.

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Backing up marharth here. This game is about controlling an area. so if you lie down, drop your bipod and cover an approach to that area, you are keeping the enemies at bay.

That is the goal, no?


As am I.


Speaking for myself Im a camper from way back when. Why? because the weapons I preffer are ones you do not fire while moving. You can't expect to win charging the enemy with an M-95 firing from the hip, can you? Recons and medics(machinegunners) by nature are usualy unmoving while shooting for long range accuracy, and that's typicaly how I enggage. Furthermore you can't defend a point without being somewhere near the point. A lot of very frustrated people absolutely hate campers, but it's a legitimate tactic and frequently required to play the game as intended. In certain modes however. Camping in DM is wrong sure, and basecamping is REALLY wrong(permaban worthy) but if you're using a bipod mount then what choice have you?


Funny story: I once had an ex COD guy get super mad at me for "camping" on an AA gun. According to him "vehicles" should be moving and I shouldn't have been "basecamping" "his" helicopter from "the other side of the map". :ermm:

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Backing up marharth here. This game is about controlling an area. so if you lie down, drop your bipod and cover an approach to that area, you are keeping the enemies at bay.

That is the goal, no?


As am I.


Speaking for myself Im a camper from way back when. Why? because the weapons I preffer are ones you do not fire while moving. You can't expect to win charging the enemy with an M-95 firing from the hip, can you? Recons and medics(machinegunners) by nature are usualy unmoving while shooting for long range accuracy, and that's typicaly how I enggage. Furthermore you can't defend a point without being somewhere near the point. A lot of very frustrated people absolutely hate campers, but it's a legitimate tactic and frequently required to play the game as intended. In certain modes however. Camping in DM is wrong sure, and basecamping is REALLY wrong(permaban worthy) but if you're using a bipod mount then what choice have you?


Funny story: I once had an ex COD guy get super mad at me for "camping" on an AA gun. According to him "vehicles" should be moving and I shouldn't have been "basecamping" "his" helicopter from "the other side of the map". :ermm:


im talking about Rush, when one side just sits back and points their scopes at the Objective. ....on the M95 note. i have over 1000 kills, and i hardly ever just sat back and sniped (cause i suck at it) i LOVE the m95 lol. OHKO up close. though if you miss, its almost always game over....which is why the GOL was better, it reloaded faster giving you a better chance for a second shot.


i wont get mad at that person who sniped me across map with a sniper. good shot lol. but that brings me to my argument of ARs/MGs vs Snipers. no accuracy is requires cause you can burst fire. i do get annoyed getting killed cross map with a gun that has 200 bullets. you cant outrun it cause he doesnt reload. he doesnt have to be spot on cause hes got 200 bullets to make sure he gets it right. lol.


but again ill stick to my TDM. i never venture into Rush, cause its just annoying. imho

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