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Feature Request: Ability to choose how the date is shown


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Currently on the sites it shows the date how the British write the date (and most other countries actually), so I was wondering if there could be a feature coded in that allows you to set how you want the date shown? I find it confusing at times reading the dates on the news posts and such, since I live in America where we write the date the other way around (Ex: Currently it reads 5.10.11, where in America it would be written 10.5.11).


I think it could be done with a drop box in your member preferences that lets you choose to have the month then date shown, or have it shown date then month (how it is now).




And yes, I know that Dark0ne lives in England, and is British :P



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oh jeeze, the french...."we give up!"


i think the date is fine (i live in america) because it says the month. if it didnt say the month i would be confused i think, but "posted 05 October 2011", isnt hard to read for me.


if anything we should make it ultra mega formal "posted on the eve of the 5th of October in the year of 2011 at 1:17pm" :P

Edited by hoofhearted4
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