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War with Iran?


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I don't know, Obama and his cronies seem to be fairly Pro-Israel...... He HAS said some things to annoy them, which is really out of character for him, after all, he bows to foreign kings......


That said, I don't think an invasion is a good idea. It is the leadership in Iran that causes the problems. Instead of going in, and physically overthrowing the government, and the spending billions to rebuild what we just blew up, how about we just take out a few select buildings in the capitol, wipe out most of the ruling elite, and then let the Iranians take it from there? Couple million worth of ordinance, and we are all set.

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I don't know, Obama and his cronies seem to be fairly Pro-Israel...... He HAS said some things to annoy them, which is really out of character for him, after all, he bows to foreign kings......


That said, I don't think an invasion is a good idea. It is the leadership in Iran that causes the problems. Instead of going in, and physically overthrowing the government, and the spending billions to rebuild what we just blew up, how about we just take out a few select buildings in the capitol, wipe out most of the ruling elite, and then let the Iranians take it from there? Couple million worth of ordinance, and we are all set.

Interesting concept but most of Iran's nuclear sites are deep underground well past our best ordinance's penetration ability and dispersed geographically. So if they are to be neutralized there is only one way...an insertion team or teams. Not an inviting prospect to contemplate since air superiority would have to be already de facto in order to have a reasonable chance of success.

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I don't know, Obama and his cronies seem to be fairly Pro-Israel...... He HAS said some things to annoy them, which is really out of character for him, after all, he bows to foreign kings......


That said, I don't think an invasion is a good idea. It is the leadership in Iran that causes the problems. Instead of going in, and physically overthrowing the government, and the spending billions to rebuild what we just blew up, how about we just take out a few select buildings in the capitol, wipe out most of the ruling elite, and then let the Iranians take it from there? Couple million worth of ordinance, and we are all set.

Interesting concept but most of Iran's nuclear sites are deep underground well past our best ordinance's penetration ability and dispersed geographically. So if they are to be neutralized there is only one way...an insertion team or teams. Not an inviting prospect to contemplate since air superiority would have to be already de facto in order to have a reasonable chance of success.


I wasn't worried about the nuclear facilities. (although, we DO have nuclear tipped bunker busters.......) I was more concerned with taking out the current leadership. The rest can sort itself after the current trouble makers are dead.

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I don't know, Obama and his cronies seem to be fairly Pro-Israel...... He HAS said some things to annoy them, which is really out of character for him, after all, he bows to foreign kings......


That said, I don't think an invasion is a good idea. It is the leadership in Iran that causes the problems. Instead of going in, and physically overthrowing the government, and the spending billions to rebuild what we just blew up, how about we just take out a few select buildings in the capitol, wipe out most of the ruling elite, and then let the Iranians take it from there? Couple million worth of ordinance, and we are all set.


It was the "eating with his family while keeping the Israeli Prime Minister (I think it was) sitting and waiting" ... and yes the other things he's said to annoy them, like the "Israel should move it's borders" comment ... HeyYou, it's evident from your "tack" that you're not interested in having the US get involved in a war with Iran and think that's it's only the leadership that needs chamging ... that's nothing further from the truth ... Iran as a people hate the West in general but especially the Great Satan and that's you.

A war with Iran is in the pipeline but it won't happen now.

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I don't think all Iranians hate us. I think that is just what the Iranian government would like us to believe. (and the press....) I have spoken with a selection of Iranian citizens, some of whom live in Tehran... and they don't agree with what their government is doing, though they DO wish that the US would stop playing the bully in the middle east. It is our foreign policy that irks a pretty high percentage of them.


I will grant that the current regime is not what I would prefer to see there, but, going on what you posted there, should we then try and kill them all? We don't have any rock solid proof that they are developing nuclear weapons..... they sure haven't tested any. We have seen them attempting to acquire nuclear technology, but, so far, that has only been for processing nuclear fuel for their reactors. (which russia/china is helping them build) Given current conditions, should they decide they want to develop a bomb, there isn't a lot we can do to prevent that. Still, simply having a bomb is only half the battle, then they need a delivery system. Nukes aren't light, and are pretty easy to trace. Should one of their weapons show up elsewhere, and we have UNEQUIVOCAL proof, THEN I would see taking some pretty serious measures, but, they would NOT include 'boots on the ground', or rebuilding any infrastructure we destroy in the process.

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Actually during the 1980s Iraq and Iran where at war with each other and this war ended in a draw due to the UN stepping in. As for hitting the Nuclear reactors I would put money on the Thermobaric payloads being used for such a tunnel complex as it would push the preassure wave and ignite most of the air in the facility. As I said earlier the best option is to get the people of Iran to want to push these nut jobs out but at the same time provide the means and support to make it stick unlike what happened last year when people were getting gunned down in the streets during a Peaceful Protest.
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Why do we even need to go to war anyway? What can we possibly gain from blowing up orphanages and gunning down innocents in the streets, other than to give them another reason to repeat 9/11? Greenbacks? So called "power". Prestige, honor, respect (and I use the latter very loosely)? All of that means crap if we can't even support ourselves, and now our government wants us to become engaged in another war? Have we not learned from Iraq or Libya, the protests in Egypt, the Britain Burning, or the Norwegian terrorist attack? The world is pissed right now, and I couldn't agree more that those men will line up and use America as target practice if we piss them off even more. This is ridiculous. Pouring money into a war WE DON'T EVEN NEED TO BE INVOLVED IN, when we could be using it for more important things like, oh...IDK, getting rid of our massive debt? If we're so worried about terrorists, then we should just leave the Middle East and let them wage their wars as they see fit. How is any of that any of our business? If we could just keep to ourselves, then hey...maybe we wouldn't find people who want to drop a sun on the District of Columbia.
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For the love of...


Can we stop with this whole going to war with x. US doesn't even have the man power or the will to fight and going to war with factual evidence is clumsy.

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Why do we even need to go to war anyway? What can we possibly gain from blowing up orphanages and gunning down innocents in the streets, other than to give them another reason to repeat 9/11?

Right, because obviously our air force is so barbaric that we'd seek these targets out and destroy them....


Last I checked, this description of US military action is nowhere near accurate and is usually spread by left wing anti-war activists who think talking terrorist nations to death actually works. It doesn't. You cannot negotiate with crazy people.

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Why do we even need to go to war anyway? What can we possibly gain from blowing up orphanages and gunning down innocents in the streets, other than to give them another reason to repeat 9/11?

Right, because obviously our air force is so barbaric that we'd seek these targets out and destroy them....


Last I checked, this description of US military action is nowhere near accurate and is usually spread by left wing anti-war activists who think talking terrorist nations to death actually works. It doesn't. You cannot negotiate with crazy people.


You could pray that the people get their spine and remove the religious leaders, which is where the root of everything extreme comes from these days but that is just wishful thinking. I also find it funny that people bring that article of that guy trying to kill the Saudi ambassador to the US as jusfication to start a war. Guys, newspaper articles are second hand accounts when you don't have first hand account info. If anything, this would bring is a lot of angry noise rather than a airstrike. Then again the US people are war fatigued and the government doesn't have the cash to pay. On top of that starting a war is a Propaganda coup for the Iranian government. War is not the answer boys and girls.

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