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Should Canadian Authority arrest George Bush?


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Amnesty International wants the Canadian government to arrest former U.S. president George W. Bush when he visits British Columbia next week.


"It is incumbent upon Canadian officials to investigate, arrest and prosecute former president Bush for torture when he arrives in Canada a week tomorrow," said Alex Neve, Amnesty Canada's secretary general.


A variety of torture methods, including water boarding, beatings and sleep deprivation were authorized by president Bush; who admitted in his memoirs that he authorized the use of torture against terror suspects. The US administration used euphemisms such as "enhanced interrogation techniques," but Amnesty International states these methods constitute torture.


So, should Bush be arrested and investigated and if the investigation warrants, tried by an international court for authorizing the use of torture techniques? Or should the whole thing be ignored as part of the war on terror?

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No offense to the OP but it is absolutely ridiculous proposition, with a snowball's chance in hell of occurring. But this is a fantasy site so have fun with it if you must. :whistling:



Not cool or very smart....unless you like long interviews with the Secret Service who have no known sense of humor about that.

Edited by Aurielius
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Statements like that have a tendency to attract attention from the Secret Service. Probably not a good idea.











Edited for everyone's sake. -mm

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No offense to the OP but it is absolutely ridiculous proposition, with a snowball's chance in hell of occurring. But this is a fantasy site so have fun with it if you must. :whistling:


I don't think it was the OP's position to bring up anything more than what Amnesty International's posting.


Organizations are notorious for demanding responsibility from those reacting to a crisis, when they ignore what the perpetrators did to garnish such actions. They are very short sited on many things

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