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[WIP] Beast Master - Creature Companion Overhaul


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I have a question for the community, if anyone can help me.


I'm having difficulty getting some of the deathclaw paint overlays to appear correctly. What I did was take the standard deathclaw mesh, then gave it a texture with only the paint lines, and left everything else transparent. The alpha properties seem to work fine - when I preview the paint mesh in the CK, I get floating paint lines, like I would expect.


The problem, however, is that for all but 1 of the deathclaw paint overlays, the paint tends to "flicker" when applied to a deathclaw. As in, if your cursor is on the deathclaw, you can see the paint, but as soon as you look away, it vanishes. The really frustrating thing is that I've gotten it to work for the standard deathclaw mesh with no flickering whatsoever by duplicating the mesh object in the nif file and giving it the alpha property from the chameleon deathclaw "color" layer. But when I tried doing this with, say, the Matriarch mesh (copy the base matriarch mesh, replace the alpha property), it doesn't help.


And what's REALLY bonkers is that if I apply the working paint overlay to the matriarch/savage/albino, it doesn't have any flickering problems. So it can't be a problem with z-fighting between the two meshes. It has to be something to do with the alpha properties. I just can't figure out what....


If anyone has any suggestions, please speak up!

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Love the deathclaw wearing a chain collar. I don't have the wasteland creatures or whatever that DLC is called, but if you release this mod for it, I may have to get it at some point just give this a try.

You won't regret it! :D



Oh man! This is going to be GREAT!


I used to play a Creature Handler on Star Wars Galaxies




Since I've only ever modded textures, I'm not sure if this is possible, but would there be a way to set the 'behavior' of your Pet?


IE "Aggressive" "Defensive" "Passive"?

Already done!



"Change combat style" allows you to set when your pet will attack and how cautious (or not) they will be in battle.

Edited by steelfeathers
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PS: Is anyone actually interested in or following this mod? Because right now it seems like only 1 person cares...

I learnt on another forum, with a lot of traffic, that even if it looks like only 1 or 2 are interested (have posted) take more notice of your thread view count. Yours has just over 1000, which is great, IMO. People are looking in here and many, like me, are saying to themselves, "This looks awesome!" "Oh, painted pet deathclaws, with collars! How cool is that!" :D


I often just lurk. I don't usually have much to say :smile:

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So...not exactly anything new, but for those of you who haven't seen the full set, here is a promotional pic showing all the different dyes that can be applied to saddlebags. The Child of Atom version will only be available with the Exotic Creatures patch (since it requires Far Harbor)


Saddlebags can be put on dogs (including dogmeat), radstags, molerats, yao guai, mutant hounds, brahmin, and wolves (with the Exotic Creatures patch).




I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

Edited by steelfeathers
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