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Is it just me, or is the mod community not quite what Skyrim's was.


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My point was, and i could be wrong, maybe it's the smoking, maybe it's my age, but my memory isn't what it used to be, and because of that, and because the CK has been out for 2-3 months already (i think?) I seem to remember at this point in Skyrim's lifespan browsing the Nexus mods for hours, and looking at cool new stuff that people have made. And every time i pop on the FO4 Nexus, i'm greeted with the same mods i seen a week ago.


Really? Do you really think the Creation Kit has been out 2-3 months?


Your whole argument is based on a totally wrong set of information. The Creation Kit has been in 'open beta' for just over 1 months... April 26th if I remember correctly. So that is 1 month and 1 week.


Would it really be that hard for you to do a simple fact check before coming on here and insulting the community?




And your memory of Skyrim seems to be clouded by magical unicorn sparkles, causing you to see the past as better than it was.


Ok, maybe i should have fact checked, my point and end-goal was to find out how much the community was active, i did that, and found out that some real nice mods are on their way.


To suggest that i came on here to insult the community is ridiculous.

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My point was, and i could be wrong, maybe it's the smoking, maybe it's my age, but my memory isn't what it used to be, and because of that, and because the CK has been out for 2-3 months already (i think?) I seem to remember at this point in Skyrim's lifespan browsing the Nexus mods for hours, and looking at cool new stuff that people have made. And every time i pop on the FO4 Nexus, i'm greeted with the same mods i seen a week ago.


Really? Do you really think the Creation Kit has been out 2-3 months?


Your whole argument is based on a totally wrong set of information. The Creation Kit has been in 'open beta' for just over 1 months... April 26th if I remember correctly. So that is 1 month and 1 week.


Would it really be that hard for you to do a simple fact check before coming on here and insulting the community?




And your memory of Skyrim seems to be clouded by magical unicorn sparkles, causing you to see the past as better than it was.


Ok, maybe i should have fact checked, my point and end-goal was to find out how much the community was active, i did that, and found out that some real nice mods are on their way.


To suggest that i came on here to insult the community is ridiculous.



To be frank, it really seemed like it with your OP.

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Ok, maybe i should have fact checked, my point and end-goal was to find out how much the community was active, i did that, and found out that some real nice mods are on their way.


To suggest that i came on here to insult the community is ridiculous.



How would you like it if you were working really hard on something, and you were doing it all for free because you just enjoy doing it.


Then someone comes along and looks at your stuff and starts asking you, 'Why is your stuff not as good as that other guys stuff? His stuff was good, your stuff isn't, what is wrong with you, why is your work not better yet?'


I don't know what you came here to do, but you succeeded in insulting modders who apparently don't live up to your high standards.




If you don't want my free mods, then don't download them. I will give you a 100% refund on all of them, even if you lost your receipt.

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I blame A. A voiced protagonist, this makes quest mods a pain to play due to the awkward scilence between the NPC talking and you pretending to talk with only body motions. B. The four forced dialogue options, you have to have 4 at a time no more no less, granted you can have less then four but that leads to a blank option the player can choose still even though nothing is programed for that option. C. It doesn't feel like as much as a RPG as bethesdas past games, including Skyrim and fo3 (even though to some people they think Skyrim was as bad as fo4)
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I blame A. A voiced protagonist, this makes quest mods a pain to play due to the awkward scilence between the NPC talking and you pretending to talk with only body motions. B. The four forced dialogue options, you have to have 4 at a time no more no less, granted you can have less then four but that leads to a blank option the player can choose still even though nothing is programed for that option. C. It doesn't feel like as much as a RPG as bethesdas past games, including Skyrim and fo3 (even though to some people they think Skyrim was as bad as fo4)


I'm just gonna take this moment to say that, not only do you have a wide variety of mods to choose from when it comes to silencing the protagonist, but one such mod has already made excellent use of the existing protagonist dialogue to make a fairly seamless conversation, which you can find here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13949/?


Not only that, but we've already seen the dialogue limitations can easily be surpassed by using one of the three options to take the player to another group of options, which is rather easy to do in the GECK.


I'm frankly sick of people still lurking in the Fallout 4 forums, doing nothing but reiterating their complaints from seven months ago and offering no actual solutions; just griping.

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I blame A. A voiced protagonist, this makes quest mods a pain to play due to the awkward scilence between the NPC talking and you pretending to talk with only body motions. B. The four forced dialogue options, you have to have 4 at a time no more no less, granted you can have less then four but that leads to a blank option the player can choose still even though nothing is programed for that option. C. It doesn't feel like as much as a RPG as bethesdas past games, including Skyrim and fo3 (even though to some people they think Skyrim was as bad as fo4)


I'm just gonna take this moment to say that, not only do you have a wide variety of mods to choose from when it comes to silencing the protagonist, but one such mod has already made excellent use of the existing protagonist dialogue to make a fairly seamless conversation, which you can find here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13949/?


Not only that, but we've already seen the dialogue limitations can easily be surpassed by using one of the three options to take the player to another group of options, which is rather easy to do in the GECK.


I'm frankly sick of people still lurking in the Fallout 4 forums, doing nothing but reiterating their complaints from seven months ago and offering no actual solutions; just griping.


Thank you danny, people don't seem to understand how easy the dialog system actually is to get around.

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I blame A. A voiced protagonist, this makes quest mods a pain to play due to the awkward scilence between the NPC talking and you pretending to talk with only body motions. B. The four forced dialogue options, you have to have 4 at a time no more no less, granted you can have less then four but that leads to a blank option the player can choose still even though nothing is programed for that option. C. It doesn't feel like as much as a RPG as bethesdas past games, including Skyrim and fo3 (even though to some people they think Skyrim was as bad as fo4)


I'm just gonna take this moment to say that, not only do you have a wide variety of mods to choose from when it comes to silencing the protagonist, but one such mod has already made excellent use of the existing protagonist dialogue to make a fairly seamless conversation, which you can find here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13949/?


Not only that, but we've already seen the dialogue limitations can easily be surpassed by using one of the three options to take the player to another group of options, which is rather easy to do in the GECK.


I'm frankly sick of people still lurking in the Fallout 4 forums, doing nothing but reiterating their complaints from seven months ago and offering no actual solutions; just griping.



People haven't even had enough time to make long quest mods yet... 1 month and 1 week... That's barely enough time to get some of your locations in place and to just get started on some character scripts. I don't know about the rest of the quest modders out there, but I haven't even got the lighting done on my first location or even started with quest objectives... I've got at minimum 3 months of work left.


You can't say the voice protagonist is the issue after 1 month and 1 week. If once you actually give us some time and we still don't have quest mods, we can have that discussion then, but having it now is ridiculous.

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Not only that, but we've already seen the dialogue limitations can easily be surpassed by using one of the three options to take the player to another group of options, which is rather easy to do in the GECK.


Well duh we can use different scenes, and actions in phases and such to circumvent this however, in Skyrim it was much easier to just have a list of choices rather than submenu after submenu.

Also for the voiced protagonist silencer it just makes the camera scenes weird for me, as it appears I am watching a conversation between two people other than me and someone else (like in skyrim) but with the silencer on its like I'm watching a guy talking to himself. However in a first person view and even an over the shoulder camera view looking at the actor its more natural, and I'm unaware of a mod that does this with the camera in dialogue otherwise I would use a silence protagonist mod.


Also for more mods that have clips of the protagonist dialogue it would really help if there was a modders resource or wiki of all common lines spoken and where the voice file is stored for that line.


I realise this is a really old complaint however, it's still valid, it's not like Bethesda has released an official "patch" for what I described.

That's barely enough time to get some of your locations in place and to just get started on some character scripts. I don't know about the rest of the quest modders out there, but I haven't even got the lighting done on my first location


You make your locations first? Huh. I'd think a script of events and player Npc dialogue would come first, then modify the world so you know what you need first, but to each their own

Edited by jangofett890
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Also for more mods that have clips of the protagonist dialogue it would really help if there was a modders resource or wiki of all common lines spoken and where the voice file is stored for that line.



You make your locations first? Huh. I'd think a script of events and player Npc dialogue would come first, then modify the world so you know what you need first, but to each their own



There is a list of all the player character and other character dialogue available to download so you can read all the lines and have the file locations. That's how I add lines for characters like Whitechapel Charlie or Claire or the old guy painting the wall in Diamond City. I just look up the line I need and add it.




You cannot write a script for an event to send the player to a location without first having a location to send them to. I can't write the code for a murder investigation scene without first having the objects in place to reference in that code...


It isn't to each his own, it is a neccessary order of operations. You place items down before you can link to them...



Maybe you were thinking 'script' like for a movie or something... Because in that case I was done with that months ago... When I say 'script' I am talking about a script in Papyrus code.

Edited by TeamBacon
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I think you and I both know that the likelihood of any situation requiring a set of more than six different options is low. If you have more than that, being more than two sets of options, that's more poor conversation design than anything else.


Just remove the state for the full dialogue then and send it straight to the next stage with the NPC, avoiding the awkward silence.




And about your comments towards TeamBacon: He was working on scripts and quest chains long before the CK came out.

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