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Jane Fonda isn't the first dumb *censored* in the world, isn't the last.




You are absolutely correct. But two million of my brethren and I were her target, so for me and others it is personal. Jane Fonda is our very own, very personal "dumb *censored*".


IMO you have a ridiculously convenient and selective memory.


Johnson declined to run for re-election in 1968, largely due to Vietnam, and Nixon won largely on his claim of having an exit plan for the conflict. Four months after taking office there was still no sign of a plan, and Nixon announced that he, excuse me I mean WE had invaded Cambodia, illegally. That's when the war criminal accusations were launched against him and our Pentagon. Fonda was by no means the only person using that phrase at the time, see my earlier comment about John Kerry etc. Grace Slick almost succeeded in dropping 600 micrograms of LSD in Nixon's tea and she's never been charged for it, even though she readily admits doing it and has precisely zero remorse to this day about it. Etc etc. So imo you should wake up and drop your histrionic and absurdly selective hatred against Fonda. She's not lying in that video clip about having spent years with active duty soldiers, because of her father, or understanding the sacrifices made by them for our country.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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I hate people from Wisconsin with a burning passion. It's a bit of a stretch calling them people, to be fair. In my opinion, they're likely an alien species posing as humans. The fact that they have cheese instead of heads is evidence enough.

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Jane Fonda isn't the first dumb *censored* in the world, isn't the last.




You are absolutely correct. But two million of my brethren and I were her target, so for me and others it is personal. Jane Fonda is our very own, very personal "dumb *censored*".


IMO you have a ridiculously convenient and selective memory.


Johnson declined to run for re-election in 1968, largely due to Vietnam, and Nixon won largely on his claim of having an exit plan for the conflict. Four months after taking office there was still no sign of a plan, and Nixon announced that he, excuse me I mean WE had invaded Cambodia, illegally. That's when the war criminal accusations were launched against him and our Pentagon. Fonda was by no means the only person using that phrase at the time, see my earlier comment about John Kerry etc. Grace Slick almost succeeded in dropping 600 micrograms of LSD in Nixon's tea and she's never been charged for it, even though she readily admits doing it and has precisely zero remorse to this day about it. Etc etc. So imo you should wake up and drop your histrionic and absurdly selective hatred against Fonda. She's not lying in that video clip about having spent years with active duty soldiers, because of her father, or understanding the sacrifices made by them for our country.



Histrionics? You have led an ongoing crusade in defense of Jane Fonda and peppered your rants with insults, half-truths, and contextual misquotes. You have used my hatred of Jane Fonda to make me the target of some private invective. You have dismissed factual data and quotes and countered it with supposition, innuendos and opinions. It has reached the point where I desire to know the name of your supplier, because I would like to enjoy the same hallucinogenics which you appear to be using.

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And some people need to cool down and take a breather here. The point of my last post was to encourage you to accept that some people will have opinions that you do not agree with. Opinions that you may feel very strongly against. But that does not mean you should take leave of your senses and continue endlessly insulting eachother while dragging what is meant to be a fun topic into the mud. Don't need to kiss, don't need to make up, just respect eachothers corners or find somewhere else (than this site) to fight it out.

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What do I hate most? Anger and hostility. And I don't even mean when it is pointed at me because it very rarely is. I hate to see it in others. I hate to see people arguing, I hate to listen to it. I hate to read it. It does nothing but harm, self destructive. I finally figured out why I dislike rap music so much, nothing but angry voices.


I hate hate, and anger and hostility are like the seeds of hate, and hate is like a poison in your soul.

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Bravo imo. My dad used to say an old hater is an entire life wasted, and if I "hate" anything it's seeing people taking hatred to their graves. Terrible idea according to my cosmology. If you look deep enough, all hatred is self-hatred. This is not airy fairy mumbo jumbo newage psychobabble, it's basic Einstein.

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If those who hate, hate; do so then are they stuck hating hate? That is; if the Einstein's basic rule is correct?


I withdraw my statement, that I hate anything, then.


I dislike, that I did not learn this before from someone as close to me as my Mom or Dad was or someone I cared about enough to listen and learn from them.

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Pagafyr, in Einstein's cosmology there is no such thing as something other than yourself (or "the" self), in the entire universe. Therefore the final cause of all hate, as well as love etc, is and can only be yourself. I sincerely pity those who live according to "forgive but never forget", since all human beings make at least one and usually many unforgivable mistakes in their lives. The measure you use for others really is the precise one used for yourself, since it's all "you" and it's the only measure that can exist.

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