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Future of EU...


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Our biggest problem surrounding the whole extremists/immigrants/leaving the EU/culture clashes due to lack of willingness of migrants to take on our ways etc etc etc is that it's all a distraction from the real issues we face at the moment.


I'm Scottish, born in Edinburgh raised as a protestant and socialized to believe that I am schooled to prepare me for working life as an adult. I'm told material goods will make me happy - that I need them to gain status within our society. I'm assured that study hard then work hard and I'll be considered a success because of the money I earn and the trinkets I can afford will lead to happiness, a choice of attractive mates which of course makes you even happier until one day at the peak of your happiness your times up and you find yourself lying on your death bed considering all you've achieved and how well your thought of and how you will be remembered fondly.


Of course it's a complete sham. It all starts with asking why?


Lets try Why did the Uk have a referendum on leaving the EU? It wasn't because of immigration, the working mans curtailed prospects because of the imported labour, the crisis in the Middle East or the British Governments loss of Soveirenty and control to Europe. We had a referendum because David Cameron couldn't control his party without this concession - he believed we'd vote to stay and essentially the Euro Sceptics within the Tories would be quieted until the end of his stint as PM. Greatly simplified, but we had a referendum because of the politics of politics, in fighting within the tory party and it's just blown up in his face. Boris Johnston, who's generally pro-euro given he was Londons Mayor and London does lots of business in the EU was sold the line that if he headed the campaign - because the leave campaign needed at popular figurehead given that neither Gove nor Farrage would do - he would be the next PM if we voted to leave. Of course, he got stabbed in the back immediately upon serving his purpose by Gove only for Gove to find out that no one really wanted someone as repugnant as himself as PM. So several rich privelaged idiots played a game of thrones with our membership of the EU and they all lost to the ugliest Stormborn in existence.


Problem is - this has real consequences for millions of people. This of course doesn't matter to them - no ones even got a clue what the "DEAL" the UK is gonna strike with the EU is going to look like - no one thought to plan for what was always going to be one of two eventualties. This level of incompetence is consistent across all political hues - the "left" and the "right" and everything in between. I'd find it consistently funny if it wasn't for the fact that these are the same people who control our armed forces, make decisions that throw millions into poverty and rather than lead and govern for the good of all they play on peoples fears, sensationalise anything that will further their agenda and keep their masters happy. Chilcot. The horror of 250 British Service personel losing the only thing that matters - their lives - pales into insignifance when say 500'000 innocent Iraqi civilians also pay the ultimate price in the great game. It would seem though that someone decided that the Iraqi CIVILLIANS who have been murdered in a war based on lies don't have the same value as 250 British Service Personel.


Since the start of the Euro's, several times I've seen the face of some mad looking supposed member or ISIS on the front of papers promising that the Euro's would be a blood bath. Euro's have been a massive success - decent football - extended format a success, a few surprises and no blood bath. What I'd like to know - and I don't claim to have the slightest clue - but I do ask the question - who's financing ISIS, how are so many mistakes made by western intelligence agencies despite the power they now have with legislation passed that curtails everyones freedoms in the name of fighting terror. I wonder if the Iraqi's who saw their families obliterated before facing the same fate themselves had time to appreciate the real terror or wonder about the evil behind their criminal demise.


I mentioned my own roots - simply put, I am not in any way responsible for the fact I was born in Scotland and am not a dead Iraqi or Syrian. Why by being born in Scotland would make me believe that I am in some way entitled to sit and judge the actions of the opressed - the less fortunate - the absoloutely desperate from other areas of our planet I've no idea. Why where you are from and what you believe should define your value as a human being or your entitlement to survive should be the case blows my mind. The inability to empathise with someone - another HUMAN BEING - another person - just because you were socialized differently is an inexcusable human failing. I personally consider it complete stupidity. However the stupidity of people unable to ask why is largely down to the system of socialization and the fact we are not taught to think critically - anything that might gain you genuine insight by other means is demonised and criminalised. The absolute farce that is the "Psychoactive Substances bill" recently brought into law in the UK is a fair example. I mean, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine etc etc - these are okay but someone who either prefers a different method of copying with modern day society is denied access based on lies makes me wonder why? Figures vary but even conservative estimates of deaths per year in the UK are directly linked to alcohol and tobacco are apparently no big deal - but if 17 people die between 2006-2012 inhaling laughing gas you can be sure it's on BBC Breakfast presented as horrific. It's estimated that between 2013-2014 470'000 people inhaled the old Nitros Oxide for recreational purposes. Risks are involved with everything in live - but why the big killers are legal and various compounds that encourage introspection and open mindedness are demonised makes me ask why?


I'm not an economist - once upon at time I thought the reason I didn't understand finance was because I wasn't clever enough. Maybe so - but a much more likely scenario is because it makes no sense whatsoever. Since the crash of 2008, whilst the poorest, most vulnerable in society have been hammered by cuts we've been subjected to a process called "quantitative easing" What this means is that Central Banks around the world create money from NOTHING and then loan it to banks and governments charging them interest. THEY CREATE MONEY FROM NOTHING and then sell it at a profit supposedly to stimulate the western models of "Captialism". I cannot for the life of me tell you what current financial system we are using - but it isn't capitalism. Everytime they create money from nowhere the new money takes its value from the money already in circulation therefore devaluing every penny or cent in your pocket and everything you own. They're making interest that hasn't even been created on money they made from nothing. So the Central Banks are sorted - Fractal Banking - the biggest con you've never seen. This of course means that their is never going to be enough money in the system to pay of all the debt. Why are these people allowed to create money from nothing then sell it - why can't I do that? I wouldn't do it because it's evil - it's exploitation of everyone who buys into a system that is so badly broken for the sole reason that they believe its just how things work.


We live on a planet of finite resource - so efficient use of these resources would seem to be the way to do things yet in to days corporate profit at all cost its the opposite that happens. Goods aren't made to last - they're made to fail so repeat purchases are required so they make more profit - never mind the fact of the finite resource issue. This brings me back to capitalism and how I know it's not the system were using. Capitalism essentially supposed to work a bit like this.


Party starts making cars - employs people. People working for factory think they can make cars better cheaper and more efficiently so they open their own factory and now the first party has to raise his game or get crushed by the new opposition. In the capitalist system the workers would be in a competitive market where severel producers compete for personel - meaning better conditions for workers - ergonomically outstanding products that are as cheap as they can be and are reliable and easily maintained. We work in a system where things are engineered to fail or "PLANNED OBSOLECENSE" is diometrically opposed to efficiency. It's not capitalism.


Technological leaps forward are hidden from us because it would mean no more replacing goods every couple of years and because these systems would cost people jobs and if people don't have jobs they're not buying these over hyped sub standard products.


I have no proof that a cure for cancer exists but I wouldn't be surprised if its never seen the light of day because of corporations making far too much money on drugs that leave people barely alive and able to keep buying the drugs that afford them this existence.


Bill Hicks on American Politics. "Yeah the guy on the right, what he says makes sense but the guy on the left I can relate to more - OH HANG ON they're both controlled by the same puppet master".


I personally believe that Global warming is real - I believe that we have contributed to it - to what extent I don't know - I'm not a scientist. It could be the case that the very survival of our species is dependent on us changing everything and yet were not. People don't want wind farms because it spoils they're view - corporations are legally obliged to make as much profit as possible for shareholders and our economies are based ON NEVER ENDING GROWTH. We live on a planet of finite size, of finite resource and we base our wealth system on infinite growth and profit no matter what the consequences.


Yet here we are debating leaving the EU - fed constantly by the media sensationalising and generating fear - promoting conflict and disharmony and diverting our attention from the real issues. I heard someone ask - how much will it cost to rebuild Syria. Why should there be a cost - why don't we just allocate the resource in an efficient fashion to house and feed these people so they do not have to flee the country that we have been bombing. Why are machines not doing the menial work leaving us to stop worrying about getting a job and instead freeing us to live a iife instead?


As for the EU - it requires serious reform - unelected presidents making decisions based on vested interest - oh hang on - that's what we call democracy these days - there is no choice - only the illusion in modern day politics and the machine is desperately destroying millions of lives before it consumes itself.


Open your eyes - stop listening to what your told and think about things for yourself. The human race has completely lost its way - we are currently on a path that will likely lead to our own destruction - and for no other reason that we are being monitored, manipulated and controlled to feed a dying machine. Phones with GPS - cars with Twat Nav that do exactly the same - internet usage monitored - removal of constitutonal rights - it' getting near the point that even if we do waken up - we won't be able to fight back - or our ability to do so will be so badly compromised it'll be too little too late.


We are capable of so much better - these unsolvable problems are constructions of the system - the don't really exist - what does exist is one planet - one set of rules - obey these rules or face extinction worrying about someone taking a job you probably despise anyway - WAGE SLAVES - that's all we are and no one is more completely enslaved than he who falsely believes he is free,


Anyway - I'm away back to Boston.


Can't be certain that the figures here are spot on - I've also massively simplfied things for obvious reasons. At the moment - WE ARE STILL HERE.



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Brexit grew out of a deep, unexamined divide between those that fear globalization and those that embrace it


No, it grew out of a desire to live in a democracy and in many areas a desire to be paid properly, being able to find a school place for your children, being able to see a doctor, being able to afford somewhere to live and not feeling like a foreigner in your own country.

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Brexit grew out of a deep, unexamined divide between those that fear globalization and those that embrace it

No, it grew out of a desire to live in a democracy and in many areas a desire to be paid properly, being able to find a school place for your children, being able to see a doctor, being able to afford somewhere to live and not feeling like a foreigner in your own country.

Well I'm glad that's all sorted now... :confused:



@JaYmZeE311074 - I am glad to find there are others who can see the strings.

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One thing I have to point out about the Brexit vote . In 1973 when Britain voted to enter the EEC (forerunner to EU) the vote was 67% - 33% and it at that time was expected only to be in the 55% - 58% for range , but the got a surprise result because so many of the young were so enthusiastic for it. Back then immigrants accounted for only about 5.5% of population.


Now go to the Brexit vote of today . The turnout was roughly 70% and in the immigrant community which now makes up about 13.5 % they by all indications voted remain 70 - 80% . If you were to remove the immigrant vote and adjust for the population drop the Leave vote would shoot up to at least 60% and maybe make the 67% mark (mathematician would have to figure out exact number) . This means there was a rough 30 point shift from the results of 43 years ago and if you look at the demographics of who was largely for the Leave vote it was older voters . The same people who largely 43 years ago made up the enthusiastic young voters , the baby boomers . The question that needs to be asked is what are they seeing that would make them vote against something that 43 years ago they were so enthusiastic for. A 30 point shift is a significant shift.


To give you an idea of how significant that is , Scotland which voted roughly 60 - 40% remain , would see many of those races tighten up to a close 50 - 50 split with a few voting to Leave , though overall still slightly leaning Remain.


Just thought that was an interesting contrast of voting patterns from 1973 vs today.

Edited by Harbringe
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Brexit grew out of a deep, unexamined divide between those that fear globalization and those that embrace it

No, it grew out of a desire to live in a democracy and in many areas a desire to be paid properly, being able to find a school place for your children, being able to see a doctor, being able to afford somewhere to live and not feeling like a foreigner in your own country.

Well I'm glad that's all sorted now... :confused:



@JaYmZeE311074 - I am glad to find there are others who can see the strings.



Anyone who was on the ground during the referendum will know exactly why people wanted out, it doesn't need to be analysed or second guessed.


One thing I have to point out about the Brexit vote . In 1973 when Britain voted to enter the EEC (forerunner to EU) the vote was 67% - 33% and it at that time was expected only to be in the 55% - 58% for range , but the got a surprise result because so many of the young were so enthusiastic for it. Back then immigrants accounted for only about 5.5% of population.


Now go to the Brexit vote of today . The turnout was roughly 70% and in the immigrant community which now makes up about 13.5 % they by all indications voted remain 70 - 80% . If you were to remove the immigrant vote and adjust for the population drop the Leave vote would shoot up to at least 60% and maybe make the 67% mark (mathematician would have to figure out exact number) . This means there was a rough 30 point shift from the results of 43 years ago and if you look at the demographics of who was largely for the Leave vote it was older voters . The same people who largely 43 years ago made up the enthusiastic young voters , the baby boomers . The question that needs to be asked is what are they seeing that would make them vote against something that 43 years ago they were so enthusiastic for. A 30 point shift is a significant shift.


To give you an idea of how significant that is , Scotland which voted roughly 60 - 40% remain , would see many of those races tighten up to a close 50 - 50 split with a few voting to Leave , though overall still slightly leaning Remain.


Just thought that was an interesting contrast of voting patterns from 1973 vs today.


Back then it was sold as just a trading block, what people voted on last month was something very different, the EEC had become the very thing people were promised it would not become.

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