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Future of EU...


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You know guys, it's very curious read I have here, but I can't state how brutally outrageous it seems from time to time. I don't how to put it right, but it feels like your criticism of your own governments (EU/UK/US) as a bit off the board. I mean, yes, those politicians aren't all rainbows and sunshine, but considering more than half of the worlds' dream is to live in there, and they are even ready to die for a chance of this. Good, solid economics, not every citizen is billionare, sure, but you have good jobs and good salaries, your governments care for people at some extent, they aren't only busy stealing from you, like literally... all the time! I wonder, what should 3rd world and less wealthy country people say about their leaders in that case?...


On topic, still interested in how Britain fares after exit, not in relation to EU itself, but from within.

The standard of ones expectation seems to go up goes up as you get used to what is allowed where you are. satisfaction is a moving target when you look to others to do what you assume you could do in thir stead, especially when you assume what they have to deal with to accommodate you. Prosperity to some is like the future. It's always just out of reach and always within sight, just over the horizon.

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You know guys, it's very curious read I have here, but I can't state how brutally outrageous it seems from time to time. I don't how to put it right, but it feels like your criticism of your own governments (EU/UK/US) as a bit off the board. I mean, yes, those politicians aren't all rainbows and sunshine, but considering more than half of the worlds' dream is to live in there, and they are even ready to die for a chance of this. Good, solid economics, not every citizen is billionare, sure, but you have good jobs and good salaries, your governments care for people at some extent, they aren't only busy stealing from you, like literally... all the time! I wonder, what should 3rd world and less wealthy country people say about their leaders in that case?...


On topic, still interested in how Britain fares after exit, not in relation to EU itself, but from within.

That's because the US government pretty much DOESN'T care about the 'average' citizen.

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You know guys, it's very curious read I have here, but I can't state how brutally outrageous it seems from time to time. I don't how to put it right, but it feels like your criticism of your own governments (EU/UK/US) as a bit off the board. I mean, yes, those politicians aren't all rainbows and sunshine, but considering more than half of the worlds' dream is to live in there, and they are even ready to die for a chance of this. Good, solid economics, not every citizen is billionare, sure, but you have good jobs and good salaries, your governments care for people at some extent, they aren't only busy stealing from you, like literally... all the time! I wonder, what should 3rd world and less wealthy country people say about their leaders in that case?...


On topic, still interested in how Britain fares after exit, not in relation to EU itself, but from within.

That's because the US government pretty much DOESN'T care about the 'average' citizen.


“Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."


“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”


Winston Churchill

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That's because the US government pretty much DOESN'T care about the 'average' citizen.

You´re saying other governments do? :P

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personally I'm amused that the EU is essentially a bolshevik organization trying for a greater russia tactic (continuation of tzarist russian empire dreams) and soviet democracy


That all directing bodies of the Party, from top to bottom, shall be elected;
That Party bodies shall give periodical accounts of their activities to their respective Party organizations;
That there shall be strict Party discipline and the subordination of the minority to the majority;
That all decisions of higher bodies shall be absolutely binding on lower bodies and on all Party members.

someone said "EUSSR" and it's kind of funny, I know it's not some foreign plot etc or whatever, but it's still a riot to see european aristocracy going down that route just because they like the sound of it in complete ignorance of what they're talking about (if it's not an actual conspiracy that is - which is arguable because they get tangible benefits while the majority of the populations don't)

Article 3. The state organs of the People's Republic of China apply the principle of democratic centralism. The National People's Congress and the local people's congresses at different levels are instituted through democratic election. They are responsible to the people and subject to their supervision. All administrative, judicial and procuratorial organs of the state are created by the people's congresses to which they are responsible and under whose supervision they operate. The division of functions and powers between the central and local state organs is guided by the principle of giving full play to the initiative and enthusiasm of the local authorities under the unified leadership of the central authorities.

then there's the always lovely centralism of france, you know why the trains are always going through paris predominantly/only? because it was designed that way so that outliers could be attacked by central, but couldn't link up with each other, centralism, the refuge of paranoid useless monarchs, kings, aristocrats and tyrants - when you combine this with the various undemocratic and insane things like a man apologizing to his rapist for being "racist" against him or something by being honest about him being his rapist etc leading the rapist getting deported...
I'm not really one for nationalism as a default but there are things of value worth preserving in modern secular nation-states, the SJW phenomenon isn't one of those things
also, the reason the streets are so wide in paris? again.. those pesky peasant revolts against central
they redesigned the roads so that it was almost impossible to barricade the roads

hope you kids love yale history course lectures by someone that lived in france for years, there should be roughly 20 hours here

European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202)
France Since 1871 (HIST 276)
Edited by tartarsauce2
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You know guys, it's very curious read I have here, but I can't state how brutally outrageous it seems from time to time. I don't how to put it right, but it feels like your criticism of your own governments (EU/UK/US) as a bit off the board. I mean, yes, those politicians aren't all rainbows and sunshine, but considering more than half of the worlds' dream is to live in there, and they are even ready to die for a chance of this. Good, solid economics, not every citizen is billionare, sure, but you have good jobs and good salaries, your governments care for people at some extent, they aren't only busy stealing from you, like literally... all the time! I wonder, what should 3rd world and less wealthy country people say about their leaders in that case?...


On topic, still interested in how Britain fares after exit, not in relation to EU itself, but from within.


We can cure cancer a lot better today here in Western Europe than anywhere in Africa. Does that mean we should stop or even slow doing more research into treatment and just be happy that only ten thousand die of cancer rather than twenty thousand? Ofcourse not, you keep working until you find a way to cure cancer like you cure a common cold, until noone has to worry about it anymore.


Governments are the same, yes they might be better than whatever represents leadership down there in Africa, but our governments are far from perfect and there is quite a bit we can do to make them better or even change them for the better. Yes, our salaries are better but if our government(mine specifically) managed it finances better, we'd have higher salaries(we wouldnt be billionaires, no, but we'd all drive expensive cars, thats for sure). Our jobs are good? Depends on what job, there are still some stinky jobs out there, maybe if they were paid properly... We seem rich here in the West but you'd be surprised if you look at the finances of the average family here and discover that a large proportion actually have trouble paying the bills every month.

As for third world countries, they should dream of making a better future of their own country instead of trying to find it here. The West could help a bit more with that.


btw, I'm not an average voter, I base myself off of studies and reports, not hearsay or populist nonsense. Results in me going head to head with like union people as I refuse to go on strike behind their demands.

On that note, I remember many years ago people went on strike here and that lasted 10 days, could have been more though. It ended because some guys went back to work as they were afraid that they'd no longer be able to pay their bills.

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You know guys, it's very curious read I have here, but I can't state how brutally outrageous it seems from time to time. I don't how to put it right, but it feels like your criticism of your own governments (EU/UK/US) as a bit off the board. I mean, yes, those politicians aren't all rainbows and sunshine, but considering more than half of the worlds' dream is to live in there, and they are even ready to die for a chance of this. Good, solid economics, not every citizen is billionare, sure, but you have good jobs and good salaries, your governments care for people at some extent, they aren't only busy stealing from you, like literally... all the time! I wonder, what should 3rd world and less wealthy country people say about their leaders in that case?...


On topic, still interested in how Britain fares after exit, not in relation to EU itself, but from within.

That's because the US government pretty much DOESN'T care about the 'average' citizen.

Compared to other, erm, place is does. And does very well...



We can cure cancer a lot better today here in Western Europe than anywhere in Africa. Does that mean we should stop or even slow doing more research into treatment and just be happy that only ten thousand die of cancer rather than twenty thousand? Ofcourse not, you keep working until you find a way to cure cancer like you cure a common cold, until noone has to worry about it anymore.


Governments are the same, yes they might be better than whatever represents leadership down there in Africa, but our governments are far from perfect and there is quite a bit we can do to make them better or even change them for the better. Yes, our salaries are better but if our government(mine specifically) managed it finances better, we'd have higher salaries(we wouldnt be billionaires, no, but we'd all drive expensive cars, thats for sure). Our jobs are good? Depends on what job, there are still some stinky jobs out there, maybe if they were paid properly... We seem rich here in the West but you'd be surprised if you look at the finances of the average family here and discover that a large proportion actually have trouble paying the bills every month.

As for third world countries, they should dream of making a better future of their own country instead of trying to find it here. The West could help a bit more with that.


btw, I'm not an average voter, I base myself off of studies and reports, not hearsay or populist nonsense. Results in me going head to head with like union people as I refuse to go on strike behind their demands.

On that note, I remember many years ago people went on strike here and that lasted 10 days, could have been more though. It ended because some guys went back to work as they were afraid that they'd no longer be able to pay their bills.

Well, I didn't say western governments are perfect, but we live in times of information, and people easily can compare living condition of their own country and any other one. Having stinky job is better than have non at all, and when you have even rather prestige job, that pays so poorly, that you rather do ANY stinky job in western country, so you would earn 10 times more, that counts I think. Some mighty rising economies (like Chinese) don't have retired pay, so if you don't have relatives who can support you, you die from hunger and poverty. Many countries don't have grant-in-aids, medicares and benefits for sick and disabled people at ALL and so on. For example, in Switzerland they have unemployment benefit of ~7,000 Euros per month... I don't say there shouldn't be an improvement and moving forward but sometimes criticism feels just a little too much.


And regarding cancer, from my pont of view it's rather luck than actual quality of treatment. I've seen people basically fighting it on their own, and going to expensive clinics in Germany and other EU countries, selling all their property for a chance to cure and dying from it.

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Sorry, I dont accept 'lets stop trying to improve our own situation because those people over there have it worse'. We always need to go forward and improve, whether its our own government or the EU. Eventually the world aswell.

But then I get the impression your replies are influenced by people who make a big deal out of nothing. You'll always get that sort I'm afraid and unfortunatly they often seem to scream the loudest.


As for cancer, you cant fight it on your own, you cant. And yes, I am aware of people who say otherwise. Its nonsense, dangerous nonsense. Yes, I'm an expert on the matter. More of an expert than I want, if you understand me so no more on that.

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Excuss me, but the government that cares for it's citizens is the government whose officals are governed by the same standards as the citiens. They have equal pay for services rendered. They have the same retirment package. Their children attend the same types of schools their citizens do. and have the same type of health care that the public does.Other than that those in power are just throwing pennies at us. All of us.

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