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PC to Console Mod theft


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I came here to Nexus originally to browse & ask for advice (Console user, recent convert to the "hey, MODS! That looks like fun/something I could do" school) and after finding some of the mods I had seem images of had been taken down I've spend a few days familiarising myself with the "sitch".


So - two things for ya. First: Not all xbox owners are dicks (#notallconsoleusers). I cut my teeth on Doom and Beneath a steel sky on PC (yes I'm old) and was a PC gamer right up to the point where sitting on a sofa playing seemed preferable to sitting at my desk. I love high frame rate and hirez graphics, but not as much as I love not having to move from my sofa. (yes I'm old and lazy)


Second: As one of those console using scum I'd like to apologise on behalf of the silent majority of console users that will no doubt never even be aware of this shitstorm. As a Zbrush user the level of entitlement I've seen from the console crowd so hungry for content they don't give a rats ass if someones hard work is being co-opted "because it's digital" has made me sick.


It's got to suck a huge one for you people to have us console kids all up in your mod business allofasudden, it would have been a pissing contest without this whole insult to injury fiasco. All I can do is say as one gamer to another... heartfelt sorry for the xbo pricks doing the mod theft. Makes me ashamed to be an xbox user. I'd go back to PC, but if you sat on my sofa you would understand... it's sooooo comfortable.



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I support console modding.


What I don't support is the theft of stuff I would have given out for free. That is just impractical and rude at the same time. I just don't think other people should be getting credit for my work.

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I don't see why anyone using a console version of a game would come to the Nexus. Console software is a walled garden, strictly regulated by the console manufacturer (sony, microsoft and nintendo), and when you buy a console you agree to play by their rules and use their software distribution services.


Beth.net has forums where Xbone and PS4 gamers can beg for mods. If a mod author on the PC side has an interest in making a console version, I would assume they'd make use of Beth.net services, and thus read the begging messages.


One only has to look at Neogaf forums to see that console heads troll, spam and feel entitled. They are remorseless cheerleaders for corporations, and hate individuality. And if someone DARES to post correct technical information on Neogaf explaining why console users are wrong about something, the moderators of Neogaf ban that person almost immediately (I've seen DEVELOPERS from major software teams banned for saying truths console heads did not like).


Nothing good can come from allowing console heads run wild on the Nexus- when they understand they won't get their own way, their only goal will be to slash and burn.


As I said, console users have LOADS of outlets exclusively for them, where they can make their wishes known. Their voices are not silenced, and they are not discriminated against. But they have their places, and PC users have theirs- and anyone who fails to understand why the two mustn't mix is about to experience, first hand, the horrors that are inherent in the console gaming jungle.

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Yeah, I had one of those underpowered Atari 2600 consoles before I moved on to a computer that could do so much more.

I got an Atari 800, with the memory upgrade. It had 48k of memory. Yup. K.


Lots of us old-timers lurking here, I suspect.... :)

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