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Bethesda.net Boycott


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To be honest after reading about this for the last 24 hours I feel that in one way it's Bethesda giving pc gamers a big hug. Cause with out us not one of these games would be as big as they are. The mods really pushed the threshold of what makes good games good. And as stated many times before, consoles are going to be very limited as to what mods are going to work. We've been given a nice big shiny 64 bit toy for free. If it wasn't for modders this Special Edition would never existed! Besides a lot of existing mods will no longer work for the new game for we would have to wait for a SESE Special Edition Script Extender lol.

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I don't see a boycott being an effective way to voice complaints. That's not going to get noticed and I doubt everyone on the Nexus is going to join in, I certainly won't. Now a petition is better to go as that actually gives them a number of people to go on that want said change.


Personal opinion, we should petition Bethesda to take stealing mods seriously. While it may be okay for Bethesda to allow "self-policing" among ourselves, this means nothing if there are no consequences and fair warnings. Bethesda should implement:


1. A warning upon upload that presents the user with an agreement that the work is their own.

2. Banning a user on first offense from Bethesda.net by their XB1/PS4 account.


If they would do the above, pirated mods would evaporate into thin air.

The thing is, you can only upload a mod to Bethesda.net if you have a copy of the PC game and the GECK/CK. I'm not sure if pirated copies work because I'm never going to touch one but for the most part all the people putting up console mods are PC players.

Edited by CiderMuffin
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If no one would post their mods on beth.derp they would have a big problem and things would change quickly. Frankly I don't understand people uploading their mods there at all, s#*! site, s#*! forum, s#*! users iow massive s#*!.

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Probably because some people dont have any issue with Bethesda (or actually really respect them!) , some people might also not have any issue with being begged or harassed for mods, and some people might not feel that they need to read or police the comments posted under their mods on the beth forum at all (considering the nexus works to debug well enough). In fact, I might go as far to say that some people just want to provide other people toys to have fun with and there isn't a single thought beyond that.


Yes, these people exist.

Edited by EbokianKnight
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Not being a modder myself but being a programmer, I would like to float a idea although I'm not sure its possible and would require modders to maintain forked source trees in a sense.


Mod version 1. Find a way to make your mod unusable on non-PC platforms and embed it (deeper the better) in your mods that you post on nexus. ( Maybe a game killing exploit could be used so that people who download the stolen copy from bethesda.net for a console wont even be able to start a game with it installed.)


Mod version 2. Maintain a private console playable version that is not available anywhere but your account on bethesda.net that you load, maintain and update on whatever schedule you see fit.


Both would have to be maintained on bethesda.net separately as different downloads and this of course would do nothing for stolen nexus mods being put up to be used on other PCs.


This method may only do nothing but stop traffic caused by people who only know how to use a download and upload button.

It might seem mean but companies use copy protection and game legitimacy verification all the time. Why not modders? And if you don't want your mod on a console then even better.


If i'm completely missing the point then I must confess it's not the first time and apologize in advance.



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Just a side thought but still, curious:

Stolen mods from Nexus are all over the internet, especially on foregn sites, where authors often rename it and make it look like it's their work. There is very little fuss about here, but ppl get so uptight when it comes to Beth.net, just wonder why?...


And no, to clarify, I'm not supporting mod stealing, and don't want divide community as Beth is trying to do, but it doesn't seem to me that there are some REAL preventative measures against mod stealing. Even hiding won't help, cause I'm sure many mod users keeping downloaded mods on theirs HDDs, and those can simple be uploaded to Beth.net. Best solution would be Disclamer on Nexus page and not getting involved with illegal uploaded version IMHO.

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Just a side thought but still, curious:

Stolen mods from Nexus are all over the internet, especially on foregn sites, where authors often rename it and make it look like it's their work. There is very little fuss about here, but ppl get so uptight when it comes to Beth.net, just wonder why?...


Mostly because Bethesda isn't some s#*! site run in some backwater 3rd world country where they can't be bothered to care about these things. It is a site run in the US by a company who has enough money and resources at their disposal to handle issues like this. Bethesda has had more than a decade of experience regarding usermade mods involving their games. They have seen these same exact issues pop up before with the Steam Workshop integration for Skyrim. They have had sites like this one to look at and see what sorts of issues they might expect when launching a mod hosting website. It is ridiculous to think that a site run by such a large company with a paid staff still takes 1-2 weeks to respond to a request to remove a mod due to stolen content. Sure, they may be flooded with such requests, but it isn't exactly rocket science to tell when something looks sketchy.

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I'm a console player, and just wanted to stop by to say a few lines, I first want to say thank you to all the mod authors who have taken time out of their busy schedules to take their own mods from sites like nexus and navigate the headache to post them here, much less move them to consoles, I'd also like to apologizes for the all the "plz put this on xbone" comments and spam, I've done it a few times, mods are a new world to us, you could say we're over eager, I'd like to also apologize that it seems this over eagerness and impatience along with some people who lack a moral compass has resulted in mods being stolen, and unfortunately some of the eagerness and impatience has made some of the other console players so desperate that they don't care if the mod is stolen or not, they just want the content, on the other side we as console gamers unfortunately have yet to meet and chat with many of the authors and don't recognize if a mod is stolen.I know we have been demanding and impatient more often then not since the mods dropped for xbox a week ago. I just want you guys to know that a lot of us are just as passionate about fallout as you are and hope we can find common ground so we're not doing the bitter back and forth.

Thank you for you time and all sharing your amazing creations

Its just a shame that a small minority of people are ruining it for other console players. Not you obviously because you've gone out of your way to talk to the mod makers directly and were pretty reasonable. I hope we do find common ground because that would be awesome. It'll take time and console players need to be patient its not easy to port mods to the console versions. The only mods that console users won't get are NSFW / Porn Mods because MS / Sony won't allow it so console users have to understand that certain types of mods just can't be ported to consoles.


Hope things get better as time goes on.

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Not being a modder myself but being a programmer, I would like to float a idea although I'm not sure its possible and would require modders to maintain forked source trees in a sense.


Mod version 1. Find a way to make your mod unusable on non-PC platforms and embed it (deeper the better) in your mods that you post on nexus. ( Maybe a game killing exploit could be used so that people who download the stolen copy from bethesda.net for a console wont even be able to start a game with it installed.)


Mod version 2. Maintain a private console playable version that is not available anywhere but your account on bethesda.net that you load, maintain and update on whatever schedule you see fit.


Both would have to be maintained on bethesda.net separately as different downloads and this of course would do nothing for stolen nexus mods being put up to be used on other PCs.


This method may only do nothing but stop traffic caused by people who only know how to use a download and upload button.

It might seem mean but companies use copy protection and game legitimacy verification all the time. Why not modders? And if you don't want your mod on a console then even better.


If i'm completely missing the point then I must confess it's not the first time and apologize in advance.



1. Its possible if one forces the use of Script Extenders on mods or make compressed mods as consoles can't support either.


Also I'd like to point out that Bethesda have or are going to make changes to Bethesda Net to keep the number of stolen mods to a minium. In order to upload mods to BethNet you need to link a steam account and own Fallout 4 (and / or Skyrim remaster). https://community.bethesda.net/thread/32340?start=0&tstart=0


If you only want to download mods then you can create an account without linking to Steam but won't be able to upload mods.

Edited by illage2
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