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Naming Enchanted Weapons


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I hope so! I'll totally name some of my enchanted weapons fashioned after Vagrant Story, such a bad-a game. Like, the Holy Win, Rhomphaia, Destroyer, Shillelagh, Bosom Cleaver, Schiavona, Hand of Light, Mjolinir... fffffffffffffffffff-


I can only hope though. It would only make sense that they'd let us in a game that lets us do so much!

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Half the fun of making enchanted equipment is naming them.


I don't often give them straight names, but especially in Morrowind, I often attempted to think of great names for gear I was making.


I believe my favorite was a ring I enchanted once playing Morrowind which I named Eye Of The Storm. It was an on-use ring which was enchanted to do an AoE calm monster and humanoid on touch.Pulled me out of some sticky stituations at times.


I hope that I get to have the joy of personalizing equipment that has been enchanted.

Edited by Crocutrax
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