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Girlfriends wives and SKYRIM


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I see nothing wrong with having a week or two when your free time is spent exclusively in Skyrim. For the fans, we've been waiting for this game for freaking years. If my girlfriend had a game (or other activity) that she was this excited about I would totally be okay with her wanting to play it hard when it first came out.


Actually, when Skyrim does come out, me and a lady friend of mine have both preordered and we've both taken off work so we can do Skyrim hard for the weekend. But we actually play together. We'll start with my character first, and then after 5 hours or so we'll go to her place and play her character for 5 hours or so. While getting drunk most likely. This is how we spent a lot of hours together with Oblivion. I find that some games you can play together and just swap chairs every half hour or so while both people are still engaged in the game. It's f***ing awesome!

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At the end of the day, female gamers, whilst more plentiful than in previous times are a minority and most females don't understand obssesive gaming or even gaming as a general rule. My last ex didn't, the ex before didn't and I didn't even play that much to be honest. I think from a practical perspective, the best thing to be when 11.11.11 hits is single and unemployed of which I am only one so playing will have to be restricted to the weekends because between work, the gym and other stuff there won't be time.
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My wife wife knows what to expect. She has been married to me since Morrowind. She is awesome like that and knows TES is serious business! :P
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At the end of the day, female gamers, whilst more plentiful than in previous times are a minority and most females don't understand obssesive gaming or even gaming as a general rule. My last ex didn't, the ex before didn't and I didn't even play that much to be honest. I think from a practical perspective, the best thing to be when 11.11.11 hits is single and unemployed of which I am only one so playing will have to be restricted to the weekends because between work, the gym and other stuff there won't be time.


Well, my significant other is a gamer, and I think part of the whole 'men dominate gaming' thing is generational. The gender divide of who plays video games in the younger age groups is pretty evenly split. Ten years from now, all those people will be in their twenties, and the industry will have to deal with designing M-rated games with women as a much stronger part of their customer-base.

Edited by xaliqen
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I feel so lucky.

My girlfriend bought the CE for me for my Birthday and scheduled a weeks worth of dinner dates with her girlfriends.

It's after that week is up and I've only scratched the surface of this game that the "Are you still playing that damn thing?" will start, LOL.

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