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Are you and your character similar?


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I've always made my characters sort of an image of myself. I picture myself as a stealthy, in the shadows, stab you in the back from behind or put an arrow through your head from a distance kinda guy as apossed to wielding a giant axe and taking on 10 people at once.

I notice a lot people play as female characters, argonians, etc etc. So I wonder if more people create more of a fantasy type character than a real life counterpart. I'm not a big burly barbarian, so playing that character is not as immersive to me as playing a character similar to myself (along with exaggerated skills that I wish I had of course). So do you make your character how you would actually be in that world, or an entirely seperate entity?

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I make myself XD in oblivion and both fallouts it´s actually me thanks to facegen.I hope to be able to make myself in skyrim when it comes out.Will be possible if I manage to open the creation kit and construction set at the same time.
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I make myself XD in oblivion and both fallouts it´s actually me thanks to facegen.I hope to be able to make myself in skyrim when it comes out.Will be possible if I manage to open the creation kit and construction set at the same time.


I am hoping that also

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Nope but I always play as female because if I am going to paly a game for hours on end I don't want to stare at some dude that long. I will make some orc barbarian / pro flower picker


I can understand that, lol, I play in 1st person mostly so I'm not really looking at myself that much, I was also referring to skills and attributes during character creation

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I create four of the same characters, which I've done since the 4th grade, if possible in every game. All are guys, btw.

Unoe-Typically a caster, in D&D, he's usually lawful evil or neutral evil.

Sudduken-Typically a fighter or paladin, he's usually of any good or neutral alignment, except for chaotic.

Sunoeken-Has been a spellsword, ranger, rogue, and monk. He's usually neutral.

Altre-Enjoys being a badass and doing whatever the hell he pleases, he ends up being the character that breaks boundaries in games because he's the character that I exploit bugs and glitches with.


If I do make a female character, it's usually a destruction caster or rogue named Ellie.

None of the guys are based on me at all because I'm simply not as badass as the characters I make.

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I hope a LOT of people on here are nothing like their characters, otherwise they'd be baby-smashing, murdering psychopaths.


My character isn't planned, call me less hardcore but I'll make him up as I go along. But I will mostly have the same values in my character as I do, except I'll rob everyone blind. Haha.

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