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Are you and your character similar?


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I hope a LOT of people on here are nothing like their characters, otherwise they'd be baby-smashing, murdering psychopaths.


My character isn't planned, call me less hardcore but I'll make him up as I go along. But I will mostly have the same values in my character as I do, except I'll rob everyone blind. Haha.


I think its the whole "consequence free enviroment" that makes our characters do some of the things they do. I would never break in someones home in the real world, but I find it a bit exhilerating looting an NPC's house!

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I hope a LOT of people on here are nothing like their characters, otherwise they'd be baby-smashing, murdering psychopaths.


My character isn't planned, call me less hardcore but I'll make him up as I go along. But I will mostly have the same values in my character as I do, except I'll rob everyone blind. Haha.


I think its the whole "consequence free enviroment" that makes our characters do some of the things they do. I would never break in someones home in the real world, but I find it a bit exhilerating looting an NPC's house!

Ha exactly...stealing, not the same as taking a life obviously. I feel bad killing the innocent in games, so I don't. Well, sometimes I go on a spree just cuz, but I then promptly re-load to before I went crazy since it's not how I really do things.

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Usually I play as a stealthy character, and yes, if I was in the TES world and had to fight, that is how I would do it. Being fairly scrawny myself, it would really be the only option open for me IRL...so...yeah. Usually, almost all the characters I play, from a hulking nord to a crafty bosmer (lol, like I would ever play as a bosmer), are "good", or "neutral". It feels too unnatural to play as a bad guy, however the dark brotherhood and thieves guild quests were fun in a "sneak past everyone" kind of way. Sad that both guilds where "stealth" style characters flourish are the guilds that you get bad karma from :(
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Usually in order

1. A replica of myself (so of course I make myself look awesome, I'm a boy, I use swords and I'm a goodie)

2. Probably a rogue who looks similarish but still way more varied (still a boy, but probably a dark elf neutral char)

3. Someone completely different (like a girl or a khajiit evil guy)


So yeah.

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I guess in some way most of us if not all of us, project ourselves into our character in some way or another, especially if you get to make that character from scratch and build it up, it might also be the reason why i can rarely play female characters and only sorta try it, out of sheer curiosity.
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I'd say 50/50. My first characters usually have much of me in them: tactical approach to combat and cunning over brawn (I'm a scrawny type).


After that, the sky's the limit XD


I admit I tend to play almost always human males. :D

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