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Feelings of Disappointment


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I still don't see the bad animations that everyone is talking about in skyrim.


Let me rephrase. They are by no means 'bad', but they are not even close to being on par with other AAA titles being released this year. Or in the past few years for that matter.



Perhaps the "good-enough" aspects are that way due to the various technical & financial constraints that constrain those aspects because they all occur within a kind of virtual reality environment where so many other objects have to also exist together? Or to put it another way, perhaps some of the less than awesome animations are the cost of having to also detail such a huge, open, interactive world? I don't really know how much RAM is taxed by having lots of very fluid animations on screen at the same time.


I totally understand that, and Im sure that has a lot to do with it. However, with as bright of minds that are working in the industry right now, I find it hard to believe that this could not be resolved in some way.



And hector, I am also very sad that they are letting the console limitations place a very definite and firm cap on the quality we can expect on the PC. Other titles have shown that it is certainly possible to have far better looking PC versions when compared to console versions of the same game.

Edited by mdale13
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I still don't see the bad animations that everyone is talking about in skyrim.


Let me rephrase. They are by no means 'bad', but they are not even close to being on par with other AAA titles being released this year. Or in the past few years for that matter.


Nah I think it is. Also don't compare something that is motion captured to something that is done by hand.. Err computer alone.

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I still don't see the bad animations that everyone is talking about in skyrim.


Let me rephrase. They are by no means 'bad', but they are not even close to being on par with other AAA titles being released this year. Or in the past few years for that matter.


Nah I think it is. Also don't compare something that is motion captured to something that is done by hand.. Err computer alone.



I agree it isnt a fair comparison, but the argument can then be made that Bethesda should be using Mo-Cap.

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I ONLY hear people complain about animations on Bethesda games, but they never seem to complain about other that do have awful animations like every movement in dead island or any movement that didn't invole killing someone is deux ex human rev.


Those games had laughable animations.

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I ONLY hear people complain about animations on Bethesda games, but they never seem to complain about other that do have awful animations like every movement in dead island or any movement that didn't invole killing someone is deux ex human rev.


Those games had laughable animations.



Youre totally right, but the difference is I dont give a damn about either of those games :smile: . This is just my opinion. Nothing more, nothing less. The fact that there are others who share my views is based, I think, on the outstanding quality of almost every other aspect of a Bethesda game.

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For me, a problem I see in most games with animations is their uniformity. People usually all share the same walk/run/sneak animations. A sword strike is simply replayed for each PC & NPC encounter. I would love to see animations that had different, subtle fluctuations in them. Or different gaits for different characters.
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Really you can't judge the game through it's visuals. I know that I'd enjoy the game no matter how visually appealing it is, on the other hand, the Witcher 2 was not a very good game in my opinion. I barely got 5 hours into it before I stopped playing it, but Oblivion was over 300 hours for me. I guess it depends...
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For me, a problem I see in most games with animations is their uniformity. People usually all share the same walk/run/sneak animations. A sword strike is simply replayed for each PC & NPC encounter. I would love to see animations that had different, subtle fluctuations in them. Or different gaits for different characters.



Ah yes. I agree that would be a very nice addition to add to the overall realism of games as a whole. There are very few games I can think of that use any thing like this (Uncharted comes to mind, however it is all scripted and rarely dynamic). I am hoping when the next round of consoles come out, developers will start approaching games with the attitude of developing for top of the line PC's of today (which could easily have the computing power to call on different animation cycles dynamically and with consideration to the sort of person being animated). Hmmmm. Perhaps its technology that hasnt caught up to Elder Scrolls games, not the other way around.... :thumbsup:




Really you can't judge the game through it's visuals. I know that I'd enjoy the game no matter how visually appealing it is, on the other hand, the Witcher 2 was not a very good game in my opinion. I barely got 5 hours into it before I stopped playing it, but Oblivion was over 300 hours for me. I guess it depends...



If you'd care to read more carefully, youll see that I am by no means judging Skyrim as a whole based on its visuals. I am very excited to play it, regardless of any visual shortcomings it may have.


Its too bad you didnt put more time in the Witcher 2, its gets better and better as it progresses!

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Uncharted is a heavily story driven, linear action game and you cannot compare it to an open world RPG with a lot more dialogue.

Witcher 2 is one of my favorite RPG's, though it seems you forgot that it is still a PC exclusive. The team could just work on the game without thinking about console limitations. The graphics and polish, are near to perfect because of that.


With Skyrim being a multiplatform game, it's understandable that not all graphics look amazing on the footage we just saw, and if console players complain about how their old and dated console has low graphics in some games, it's their fault.

And I still don't see bad animations or voice acting in Skyrim, they all look and sound quite good to me.

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