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More settlement building garbage for DLC


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Ok I apologize for using the word easily, that was wrong of me and I didn't mean any disrespect.


Though to be fair you're doing the same thing with Wasteland Workshop. You're making it out to be some easily made thing that can't be used as a foundation, that's equally disrespectful and well let's face it entirely wrong.


I'm a different guy lol and I don't remember you saying easily. I was talking to culaio.

Edited by noahdvs
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Ok I apologize for using the word easily, that was wrong of me and I didn't mean any disrespect.


Though to be fair you're doing the same thing with Wasteland Workshop. You're making it out to be some easily made thing that can't be used as a foundation, that's equally disrespectful and well let's face it entirely wrong.

I'm a different guy lol and I don't remember you saying easily. I was talking to culaio.


Derp xD haha sorry I'm a bit tired and the faceless avatars threw me off. I'm so use to forums where everyone has a picture. My bad

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While its true that not all DLC's for previous fallout games were amazing, they still were solid foundations from which modders could build, for example lots of people dislike mothership zeta DLC for fallout 3 but you know what, one of my favorite mods for fallout 3 was using it as its foundation: "MOTHERSHIP ZETA CREW: THE TERRAN STARSHIP COMMAND", it was DLC size in itself, had many new locations and quests, some of the coolest and funniest quests I ever seen, like teleporter malfunction which lead to our character being gender swaped, being teleported high above ground and being teleported back few seconds before going SPLAT, and even ending up in cave from which we see White-Gold Tower from elder scrolls(yup we ended up in elder scrolls world XD), sadly we get teleported back before we can leave cave.

We could also walk on moon for a while in this mod, also there is quest with really creepy atmosphere that makes you expect something creepy to jump out at any moment.

And whats more this mod was so popular that other modders created their own add-ons expanding this mod further, so yeah mothership zeta DLC maybe wasnt greatest but it lead to creation of DLC sized mod that lead to other modders expanding it further and something like this wont happen with workshop type DLC's since DLC's like this cant be used as foundation for story mods

A person comes up to you with the idea of building a massive arena underground, not like in the settlements but a arena with criminal influences. After the arena is built by you you're given quests to expand it's popularity and to set up other things like a gambling parlor, a brothel, hire gang members to protect your assets, a drug den with a drug lab and squeezing in on the drug trade in the commonwealth.


Just came up with an interesting idea that requires the wasteland workship DLC. All you need is some imagination, really o.o


This is not story mod using DLC as foundations its simply mod using DLC elements in it, difference is that building on fundations is building off the story that DLC had, while workshop DLC dont even have story to build from, whats more you can create arena mod easliy without even having DLC with cages and stuff, not a single thing from workshop DLC is needed to create your mod idea(I saw area mods from previous bethesda games that didnt had DLC's like this), workshop DLC has nothing to do with creating a gambling parlor, a brothel, hire gang members to protect your assets.


It's a story mod using DLC as a foundation. The foundation is the arena mechanic, the story is becoming a kingpin. The original DLC doesn't need to have a story to be the foundation of a mod that involves a story.


Like I said nothing from this DLC is needed for mod like this, only thing this DLC adds is assets that can be easily replaced with stuff we already have in game or easily made by mod creator


"easily made by mod creator"

You don't even have any mods. Modding is not easy, especially making brand new assets.

Honestly, if you're going to make an argument like that, you could say the Mothership Zeta DLC wasn't needed either. After all, a modder could have "easily" made the same thing.



I actually didnt mean this type of new assets, I meant what mod creator can do from basic stuff accessible in game, I saw while ago someone make in game something that could work like 'cage'(made completly from basic stuff accessible in game)


Also when I said easily I meant when compared to big DLC's and mods(modders are putting mods with models almost everyday on nexus, but big Mods are much rarer), I know that modding isnt that easy, I have nothing but respect for modders, but the fact that many modders create with similar amount of content to those DLC's for free makes bethseda look bad.


Also while I am not a modder I did create few 3d models in my life for fun, so I know how much effort 3d modeling takes.

Edited by culaio
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