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Your #1 dislike about Oblivion?


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1) Level scaling- This ruined replay value for me. It's not like people playing Morrowind would run into super high lvl dungeons without realizing it. But trying to sneak into and loot a high lvl dungeon is so fun! I mean let's face it, with the ability to quick save and load, anybody can take a dungeon their level. My legendary thief-mage should have the option to seak out godly items at low levels.


2) Levitation- Leave the code in please so we can mod it in if we want. Can you imagine how amazing it would be for dragon fights in Skyrim!!


3) "Optimal leveling"- Man, spending hours repeatedly summoning a skeleton then bashing his brains in to level my weapon skills was almost as fun as repeatedly summoning him and letting him try to bash mine in so I could level heavy armor and armorer! I could never level optimally and play the game at the same time. I would have to level sloppily while I enjoyed the game, then spend an hour or two leveling perfectly. Or I could just level perfectly to max, then start playing the game. It's ridiculous that playing the game the way I like forces me to feel like i'm missing out on making my char powerful.


4) Oblivion gates- HORRIBLE. SOOOOOO repetitive! Laziest game design EVER!


5) Other dungeons- for the most part, same as oblivion gates. Nothing special.


6) Epic loot- it should be rare and hard to get, but it should exist.


7) Arena- Pretty darn cool until you beat the quest-line...then it's just crap.

All good points...but this thread is about your dislikes about Oblivion...only about half of these were relevant haha. But I totally agree about the Oblivion Gates and leveling, what a pain.

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The heat seeking cyborgs from the future with powers like out of minority report guards. You take a dump in someones basement with the lights turned off and invisibility spells and those bastards would be in in a flash yelling at you.


Also the combat, my god who knew people didn't fight on their feet but on some sort of hover boots from out of space!


Oh and i know this isn't a proper complaint but i desperatly wanted to get higher then a kite with some guys on skooma, like Argonian and Kajits bogus journey.

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Mine was the stuttering. No matter what I did I always had that draw distance stutter issue.

If Skyrim was just Oblivion with a better engine I would still be thrilled.

For me it's a tie between the bland voice acting and the poorly written dialogue/story. Characters never said anything meaningful or memorable unless it had derpy comedic value. That whole aspect of the game reminded me of a bad Elder Scrolls fanfic. I thought Shivering Isles did much better in this regard, but Fallout 3 had the same problem.

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The entire story was dull, the NPCs where uninteresting and uninspiring... so much so I didnt really give a crap if the gates opened up and ate them all. Except the dark brotherhood, but that doesnt end well anyways. D:
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1. Stealing. I never finished the game because of it. I could have 100 sneak, be hiding in the shadows on the 2nd floor of a vacant house & out of nowhere a gaurd would come running upstairs when I attempt to open anything and say "I SEE YOU!"


2. Fences. Again, related to stealing. If I steal something from a person on one side of a continent, do you really think a merchant hundreds of miles away is going to know its stolen? No. Having to use fences to sell stolen items was the dumbest mechanic ever.


3. Enemies leveling with you. Whats the point in leveling at all if everything levels with you? Derp


4. Poor selection of pre-set faces. This is one thing that has plagued almost all bethesda games. I always end up having to create a mod so that my characters look realistic.

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The entire story was dull, the NPCs where uninteresting and uninspiring... so much so I didnt really give a crap if the gates opened up and ate them all. Except the dark brotherhood, but that doesnt end well anyways. D:


This is why mods couldn't fix the game for me, the level scaling was dealt with but there was no way to make the story interesting or the characters any less vacuous.

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You guys have so high demands. Was there ever any game that was perfect? Every game has something you don't like. And everyone has something to complain about. But if you instead focus on the things you like from a game and not mind all the bad crap you'll really enjoy a game. If you start complaining about what you don't like I think you'll be disappointed at EVERY game.
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