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Judge beats daughter for pirating music.


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I saw this yesterday. This guy overreacted to the slightest thing... sure, piracy is serious, but it's not as if she was communicating with al-Qaeda members or researching the materials to make an atomic bomb.


Simply deleting the pirated music, uninstalling kazaa and filtering her internet connection would have been enough, or maybe even taking it away. She didn't deserve this, and the fact that she had cerebral palsy makes it worse.

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beating =/= discipline. ive never been struck before, and i have to say im pretty well behaved.


this is truly disgusting to put it nicely. someone like him isnt fit to be a parent...it seriously looks like he has some controlling issues, and needs to take it out on ppl weaker then him....honestly for me, it doesnt seem like a far stretch between this and rape the way he was trying to act all controlling and stuff.



but i guess the mother isnt getting charged cause she says she was forced into it...which makes sense...as i said the father seems like he has some controlling issues and takes it out on the weak..that and she really only hits the girl once or twice and never really has anything to say. more of a "um listen to your father i guess" kind of tone. and i guess shes gotten a divorce since then and is against him on everything.


but why was the video being taken? im guessing this was commonplace (her getting beaten) and she set up a camera knowing it was going to happen again?

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He's a judge, so the 'holier than thou' attitude is pretty much a given. I would think anger issues as well. He should be well aware that his behavior was WAY over the line, as he would be crucified if he tried to sentence anyone to that type of beating.


He is a great candidate for the lynch mob. :D I have a selection of torches and pitchforks, for just such an occasion. (or would that be bucket of tar, and bag of feathers?)

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He is a great candidate for the lynch mob. :D I have a selection of torches and pitchforks, for just such an occasion. (or would that be bucket of tar, and bag of feathers?)

thinking along the line of 500 gallons of crisco (solid)


boil him in trans-fat

Edited by Fonger
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there is actually a lot more to this story then the video lets on.


though its mostly irrelevant because it still doesnt condone what he did and in way shape or form. but the girl in this video is not an innocent angel. shes a spoiled brat. it actually all started because he took away her Mercedes Benz or something.


also, when the mother and father got separated, she went and lived with him....this video came up because of the divorce between the father and the mother, and the daughter wanted to get back at him and get money or whatever.



again, the back story doesnt provide anything that says oh ok i understand why he did that. because nothing could say that. however, as i said, its not like she was a sweet innocent little girl put in the wrong place at the wrong time kind of thing either.

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BY the way..he isn't just any judge. He is a Family Law judge. The kind that decides if you get custody of your kid or not.




Though I also wonder about why after all this time, the daughter has thrown this video out there.


Also not making excuse for him.

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Well I think that is wrong, but if you really want the man to get help is posting it on You Tube the best way to do it? Its a shamee that bad seems to bring out worse.
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