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Advice on a Custom Built Gaming PC

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Hello all, I've been searching and searching for parts for my second custom-built PC. I've tried to make the best choices I can for around $800, but I would like to hear others' advice on what I've got. It was originally going to have an 80gb SSD and have focus on the video card for gaming (esp. Oblivion), but I had to drop the SSD because it was too expensive. So my questions are what can I do to make my rig cheap enough to add $150 SSD and will all these parts work well together?


Here are the parts:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811208036 Case (I really like this 8)

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236059 Monitor (maybe could get a cheaper one or go without)

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131647 Motherboard

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102948 GPU

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827118031 DVD Drive (might just get one at a store because of shipping)

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817341017 Power Supply

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823107128 Keyboard (need one)

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231308 RAM (These look good :D)

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103727 Processor

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002QEBMCI/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER External HDD (Now I lack an internal HDD, which was supposed to be the SSD - I'm going for 2TB because literally it's a better deal than 1TB. The difference is like $25.)


So it seems I need an internal. There were reasons I wanted an external for most of my data (to keep it safe, because most comments I see on cheaper internal 1TB HDD's talk about HD failures).

So, this is the SSD: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820167049

Of course, if I choose to go without the monitor it'll be a no-brainer to get the SSD instead.

Without SSD, this all comes to $796.90 after all the rebates and promos (-$25 if I don't order DVD Drive now)

With SSD, it comes to $946.90.

Anyway, I'm probably gonna get this today (because some of the promos end tomorrow) so I'm hoping people have some quick advice. Thanks in advance, have a great day everyone!


EDIT: BTW, I have found another video card that is Nvidia and way cheaper http://www.amazon.com/GeForce-ENGT520-Silent-1GD3-LP/dp/B004X68L44 but I do not know how it is with the graphical capabilities. Could it still achieve well with high-end games/ Oblivion?


UPDATE: So now I'm getting this video card instead: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102954 and this hard drive: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136533 , and this power supply: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182072 and this case instead of the Xion (because I think it's awesome): http://www.amazon.com/NZXT-Crafted-Tower-Steel-Chassis/dp/B003WE9WQO/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top I'm also not getting the SSD or the external HDD. I've ordered just about everything but the video card so far.

Edited by The Black Ninja
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It says here 500w at least, so I thot 600 would be good, but someone has mentioned to me 650w.

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yea, 500W for just the GPU, you want at least 150W clearance for the rest of the system. plus when your PC starts up, you can get a surge of power (for the fans and stuff) and that can help overpower your PSU....so get a 650-700W to be safe if you can.
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What case you get is pretty much personal preference, try googling for any reviews that might point out any flaws in it and decide whether or not they're enough to change to some other case.

Same for monitors, I guess.

There's probably no major flaws in Asus' motherboards, that one has 2 PCI-E slots if you want to crossfire later on, pci slots and so on. And like I said, it's Asus, they make good boards.

That GPU is probably one of the best budget GPUs (budget GPU compared to the 570 and higher). I can't say you can go wrong with that card, especially if building under a budget. You could consider the gtx 560Ti, though since you're going with an AMD cpu, going with an AMD video card is a wise choice, from what I've read. Dunno if it's just rumors.

Doubt I have to say anything about DVD drives, even if I could...

That PSU is good quality and 600W is just fine, I'm quite sure you could crossfire 2 6870s with a 600W as well. You could probably run it with a 400W as well, though that might be pushing it a little.

RAM, maybe try to find a 1333 or 1600MHz kit if you can and it fits your budget.

That CPU is definitely not horrible, but obviously not the best of the best.

And yeah, HDD is HDD...

SSD, there are probably cheaper alternatives you could go with, OCZ or Crucial or Corsair, but Intel is good quality as well.

Edited by Nysba
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Several things.


First off, i have a amd system now and am converting to intel later this week. I currently run an m4a89gtd-pro and a phenom 2-965 black. I cooked the fourth core on my black edition just from being silly but the mobo is just fine. You might consider going with a mobo that has the newer northbridge chipset such as the 890gx or the 990fx.


Second, Make sure that motherboard supports ram at 1.5 volts. That ram operates at 1066mhz. You can get faster ram for cheaper. This is the ram i am using on my system now which will work on yours: http://www.amazon.co...0623684&sr=1-51



as far as gpu's go here's the most accurate fps comparison you will find: http://www.tomshardw...siast,2660.html


at 145watts, the phenoms get a little thirsty with the power. I run a corsair 650 power supply and have never had any problems

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What case you get is pretty much personal preference, try googling for any reviews that might point out any flaws in it and decide whether or not they're enough to change to some other case.


Can speak from experience..Xion cases may look nice, but they are kinda poorly built. I'm not too sure on that particular one he has listed, but the one my boyfriend has is pretty junk...and it cost $99 on top of it.


I'd suggest this one...thinking about getting it myself:



watch the video for it on the site, it's a pretty sweet looking case...great price too :D

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ASUS boards are notoriusly picky about RAM. Make sure that you consult the Qualified Vendor List for that board. Even then it might not perform as advertised when overclocked. If it doesn't, drop XMP, slap a divider on it, and try to tell the difference, honestly. Also, why not get an AM3+? There is one on Newegg without Crossfire for only $7 more.
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So now I am wondering if the 6950 video card (at beginning of this post) is really worth the 2Gb. Would it be a worthwhile performance increase? Would this rig overall be able to run Oblivion well for the budget (and by well I mean never dipping below 30fps @ 1080p with a bunch of mods). I don't use things like Qarl's Texture Pack (I may, but I do not like texture packs), but I was using Obge on my last rig with SSAO or something similar if I can recall (didn't work to well, on AMD HD 4650). I would most definitely expect to use AA. Final question: nVidia (gtx 560Ti) better for games, or this AMD card? (Oblivion in specific).
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