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Is it worth it to start making a new mod or wait until Skyrim S.E


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Hello everyone, a while back I had started on making my very own little mod for me to use and then about half way through I stopped due to complications and a lack of understanding of the Creation Kit. However, I'd like to get back to making the mod and sharing it with the public if everything works out the way I'd like, but I'm honestly worried that if I finish the mod now that it won't be compatible with the remastered version. So my question to you guys of the modding community or even modders themselves. Do you guys think I should finish the mod or wait until the special edition and start fresh with the new version.


Otherwise thanks for your time and have a great rest of your day.

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Personally, my opinion would be to do it now. Even if it's not compatible, you'll have learned the way around the CK a bit more, which will help if you have to rewrite everything for Skyrim Remastered. And if it ends up being compatible, well, you just saved yourself many months of waiting to get started.

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Go for it. People won't suddenly stop using Skyrim Legendary Edition. This "remake" is mostly for console players.

Besides, not everyone will have PC strong enough to run new version of Skyrim & mods.

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Unless it is a graphics mod designed for top-end machines, go ahead and finish it. Even if other aspects of mods besides graphics will be broken by the special edition, it will be a lot easier to patch the progress you've made than to start from scratch. Has anyone heard if the new edition will have its own CK or if the current CK will work for both? If the current CK works for both then it is safe bet most mods will as well.

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I'm all for SSE, but.... I'm pretty sure... our mods are... well... better... if all they're doing is updating the graphics... well... just... download an ENB mod and some 4K trees right?

Wrong. ENB cannot even come close to the new features special edition has. This is due to DX 9 limitations. DX 11 is much more capable. Which allows you to expand on what you can do with enb. Since this is a port to the FO4 engine then that also means 64 bit which increases memory and allows you to be able to do much more with mods. This does mean a wait time till skse,and enb are compatible but once they are I would expect a shift of players and modders to the special edition.



Unless it is a graphics mod designed for top-end machines, go ahead and finish it. Even if other aspects of mods besides graphics will be broken by the special edition, it will be a lot easier to patch the progress you've made than to start from scratch. Has anyone heard if the new edition will have its own CK or if the current CK will work for both? If the current CK works for both then it is safe bet most mods will as well.

Based on my understanding the Special Edition would likely need its own creation kit, because of the upgraded engine. This is why Special Edition is a separate title because it cant just be patched to upgrade to x64. However I wouldn't be surprised if they right out of the gate had some sort of way to make upgrading mods easier to increase the amount of modders who would likely also want to port their mods to the consoles. Since thats' the main reason most likely that is was remastered for PC to begin with as you have to develop the mods on PC.

Edited by Shurtugal08
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But the CK doesn't interface with the engine in any way, right? It just needs to be able to read the forms from the skyrim master plug in. Forms may have changed, but that could be handled with a patch, depending on bow extensive theh are.
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If the old mods need update, i think there will be soon a separation of users that will stick with the old Legendary version and mods and those that will go to the new version. There are hundreds of mods, that have been abbandoned by their creators. Many of those mods are essential to many players. I doubt these modders will suddenly reappear just to make their old mods compatible with the new version. So automatically, you will have 2 mod worlds.


To that, you must add how many people don't have the hardware to properly run the FO4 engine. Plus, i 've spent months to find a stable mod configuration, plus ini, enboost, step configuration and now i must fight with everything from scratch, because i doubt that the new game will be flawless.

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Wrong. ENB cannot even come close to the new features special edition has. This is due to DX 9 limitations. DX 11 is much more capable. Which allows you to expand on what you can do with enb. Since this is a port to the FO4 engine then that also means 64 bit which increases memory and allows you to be able to do much more with mods. This does mean a wait time till skse,and enb are compatible but once they are I would expect a shift of players and modders to the special edition.




This is exactly what I came here to post. I really wish more people would realize this fact. It seems most of the community, at least the vocal ones, are under the impression that mods make the upgrade pointless. It will make modding even better in the long run.

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