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Wonder Why


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Wonderin Why!! the skyrim tech forum is not being flooded with threads about


My game k-rashes at [insert here]


Think back to FO3 and NV --- by this time after initial release (ok, its Australia) the forum was already flooded with threads about auto crashing games --- So many that just refreshing your screen would have a whole new page of threads


Does this imply that this game was actually tested (for a change)

Edited by Fonger
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They did already release the first patch (1.1) so that may be helping. The Beth Boards are lit up but the only crash problems seem to be coming from from XP users (Vista/Win 7 required) and those with sub-par systems. The PC UI on the other hand...


Edit: We spoke too soon, crashes and non-starts are lighting it up now, can't wait til it's my turn tomorrow.

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