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I thought I was having fun with F4, to the point where I would sneak out of bed early on the weekends to try and get to it before anyone else played. Between us in the apartment we have about 600 hours sunk into the game - which if you work it out as value per cent / penny is the least we have paid per minute of entertainment in a decade.


Having started modding a little I've been reading threads on Nexus and have realised how wrong we are and how much the game must in fact suck, and that the pittance we paid for the DLC pass was not in fact a bargain but a HUGE RIPOFF!


I can't believe I spent all these weeks thinking I was having fun and enjoying myself when in reality I was being hoodwinked by Bethesda. Shame on me.

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Can't tell if serious or joking but I disagree with every bit of your point. Everything Bethesda has given us is based on fan feedback (I've been an active member on the official Fallout 4 Bethesda forums since launch and even before then so I know this first hand)


Bethesda didn't 'hoodwink' anyone and the DLC is in response to what a lot of people wanted. People wanted to build more, wasteland workshop answered that. People wanted an Arena, wasteland workshop added that. People wanted displays, seems like contraptions is adding that. People wanted to build a vault, welp it's being added. And of course people wanted to be part of a raider faction, guess what Nuka World is adding, exactly that. Even Far Harbor answered feedback with branching quests and a neutral option for the main story as well as adding in the famous Harpoon gun that everyone wanted.


I feel Bethesda did a good job with their DLC.

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No need to bait like this. Fallout 4 is my most played game ever and I love it, so you're not alone. There are however valid reasons to be disappointed, and some people will want to vent those frustrations. Then there's other people who just like to hate on everything. Just remember that it's easy for the internet to seem far more negative than what people really think. People who are angry will flock to forums to express their anger far more often than people who are happy. If you hate something, you'll feel the need to make a topic about it. If you love something, you just enjoy it and don't really feel the urge to go create a topic about it.

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Obv the tone wasn't as obvious as I imagined, yeah one could describe it as "not so serious" - F4 may not be the best game I ever played but it's been a hoot from start to finish. I guess my point (if I can call it that) is that I too have had the heartache of sequel games that didn't do it for me (yes Dead Rising 2 and Dead Space 3 I'm looking at you... shame on you...shame...) but I don't get the level of vitriol I see here and at at B.net at all.


TL/DR - was trying to be lighthearted, failed.

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"A hoot from start to finish"- funny how that reads just like a quote on the poster for some mega-expensive 'blockbuster' movie that every critic has warned is a total TURKEY.


What I do know is companies like Zenimax use the services of REPUTATION MANAGEMENT agencies- where rooms full of people sit in front of terminals posting 'positive' comments about their clients products to any and every available forum. Watch them in action on IMDB when certain film studios and producers have a new film out.


Not saying that any defensive post in the name of Beth on the Nexus falls into this category, but I struggle to imagine how even the biggest fan of FO4 would praise it with such a phrase- the game experience is almost NEVER a 'hoot' because of the lazy (very very very lazy) writing, and 'to finish' suggests it is fun and satisfying to push the main quest to completion.


On the other hand, most of the most serious critics of the game willingly acknowledge they've enjoyed aspects of it.


Now if someone used the same phrase to praise the Witcher 3, it would make perfect sense and would be contextually correct. FO4 is more my kind of game, but it was W3 that was "a hoot from start to finish".

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