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Guys one of your own is threatening to brick consoles


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Why would I threaten this.. Is this what one gets for bringing a problem to light? Being accused of actually using it maliciously?


I'm way more evil than your normal villian bro, if I was going to use it, you wouldn't get a warning.


The reminds me of a Janet Jackson CD in the early 2000s. You might wonder, what does that have to do with this conversation? The same talk was going on about people stealing music back than and a Sony Executive famously said,




"The industry will take whatever steps it needs to protect itself and protect its revenue streams... It will not lose that revenue stream, no matter what... Sony is going to take aggressive steps to stop this. We will develop technology that transcends the individual user. We will firewall Napster at source - we will block it at your cable company. We will block it at your phone company. We will block it at your ISP. We will firewall it at your PC... These strategies are being aggressively pursued because there is simply too much at stake."




What happened was Sony installed a rootkit which would become famous that would break your computer for those who legitimately bought the CD.







At this point the Government got involved when countless PC's were effected by this rootkit which caused law suits all over the place. Funny thing hackers started using this same code for other purposes ( http://www.securityfocus.com/brief/34 )


Doing this would be no different then when Sony's PSN Network was shut down by rogue hackers. You're exposing code to the general population people who might unknowingly download a mod that they have no idea is compromised. I could understand if you go after the thief themselves. I see the logic in that but going after the public is only going to cause a huge out cry and go against the agenda you're trying to push. If this was ever released and is true just imagine when the local authorities get involved. Try telling the detectives interviewing you "Well I console users feel like they are privileged and they should of known not to download that mod!"


Just because you're mad at a group of people you don't go poisoning the local well. This is just madness


You still don't get it. He wasn't actually going to use it. It would still be nowhere near the scale or severity of the issue with Sony even if it did happen.

Edited by noahdvs
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a lot of gamers have a console(or 2) and a pc and could just be like "cool my fav mod is on the console,I'll play that while I get my pc fixed"

​and well it would just be kinda s*** especialy if that person barly makes enough money to support himself let alone by another console(or repair a pc lol that also expensive).

​I for one usally buy these games first for console than wait for the goty edition before getting it on pc to let all the good mods devalip(which is stupid of me,not going to do it for tes6.)


I mean i get it some random ahole took your mod that you made says its his and makes money off it via donations that by all rights should be yours,its really s#*!!but it doesn't make it allright to fck up an innocent bystanders console.

p.s No this messege was not directed at anybody as I mean no offence to anybody.

Edited by looper8330
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Yep by exposing a problem and only harming myself, I have destroyed the community!!!


Wonder if you guys would beat up a cop for exposing a meth house in your area.. probably... Seeing as the meth house was clearly never there before the cops found it since you didn't see it...


It is ok, I shall be your jesus, I shall bear your sins so you all may be safe and free!

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