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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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Like others this game has been constantly crashing for me, PC is normally rock solid. I have a Radeon HD5870 Turbo, factory clocked at 875/1225. I have tried everything that has been mentioned but to no avail. But I tried the memory underclock 2 days ago, I am now running 875/1000 and the game hasn't crashed once, even by the blacksmith in Whiterun. It tried to crash in the battle for Whiterun directly after the underclock, screen contrast flickered and sound distorted. But it didn't crash and has been rock solid ever since.
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Like others this game has been constantly crashing for me, PC is normally rock solid. I have a Radeon HD5870 Turbo, factory clocked at 875/1225. I have tried everything that has been mentioned but to no avail. But I tried the memory underclock 2 days ago, I am now running 875/1000 and the game hasn't crashed once, even by the blacksmith in Whiterun. It tried to crash in the battle for Whiterun directly after the underclock, screen contrast flickered and sound distorted. But it didn't crash and has been rock solid ever since.

If it will crash again underclock to 900 mhz

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Just an update in my case: My problem IS the hardware, but my problem is a little different. I'm not getting the black screen, my screen is like this:




So i gave up on Skyrim and started to play other games: Mass Effect 1, Crysis 2, The Witcher 2 and the freezing continued with all of them. So i think that the problem was related to the 3D games and tryed a less demanding game: Magic - Planeswalkers 2012. I can run this game without problem and that confirmed my GTX 280 problem. I searched, and a lot of people with the 200 and 400 series are reporting this problem. My card have almost 3 years use and no more warranty. So i changed my hardware and this week i will receive my new hardware and the first game that i will test is Skyrim. If the problem persist or get solved, i post the results here.

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Everyone getting crash with no reason after few minutes of play should try this http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/503105-fix-for-ctds-and-missing-textures-32bit-large-memory-access/

it works for me anyway.

But i have another problem, everytime when i try to access magic menu i have ctd, Searched for long time and that crash isnt because of many food stacked. also tried to learn new spells and no effect. Maybe someone know how to fix it or have some utilites to edit savegame?

Edited by xerrhurr
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Just an update in my case: My problem IS the hardware, but my problem is a little different. I'm not getting the black screen, my screen is like this:




So i gave up on Skyrim and started to play other games: Mass Effect 1, Crysis 2, The Witcher 2 and the freezing continued with all of them. So i think that the problem was related to the 3D games and tryed a less demanding game: Magic - Planeswalkers 2012. I can run this game without problem and that confirmed my GTX 280 problem. I searched, and a lot of people with the 200 and 400 series are reporting this problem. My card have almost 3 years use and no more warranty. So i changed my hardware and this week i will receive my new hardware and the first game that i will test is Skyrim. If the problem persist or get solved, i post the results here.


I had this exact screen with an asus g73. I realized it was appearing in other games after a while. It could be a gray screen of death. Don't know what your system is, but for mine the fixes are flashing your bios (which can potentially fry your system), or, switching to the stock asus drivers. I switched back to the stock drivers and don't get any gray screen freezes. Hope this helps...


Oops - nm, didn't read your system info, well maybe others have this problem too.

Edited by Sharis
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My bit of info, and i hope it prevents some people from destroying their computer.


I get either reboots or shutdowns only at skyrim and only with the latest patch. I get them with or without mods. They are random, after minutes, or after hours, indoors, outdoors, while looting, while standing while doing anything. I play skyrim since release and besides some crashes here and there, never had a reboot or shutdown. Never had a reboot from any software to be exact since my first 100mhz pentium I 17 years ago...Im an nvidia user and had the same version of drivers since november. I updated them recently and the reboots in skyrim are the same. Also not only i play other games as well which NEVER ever caused any reboot, but i also play those with OCed CPU and GPU unlike skyrim which i run at default speeds. Add the fact that im an electronics and networks engineer, and i fix computers for a living. So let me conclude


If you get REBOOTS or SHUTDOWNS (not freezes/crashes) only in skyrim, it's bethesda.


The solutions posted by some, are workarounds, countermeasures, not real solutions, for example changing some graphic settings might prevent the triggering of the reboot, but the trigger is there, and its bethesda. Thats why they work on some and not on others, thats why these reboots are not OS/fan speed/drivers/chipset/voltage/OC/mod/PSU specific. Bad programming can kill computers, it has happened before, its a fact, dont go nuts with your pc guts :)


EDIT: 12 hours of skyrim with no reboots so far. Used this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3211 which addresses a problem bethesda is supposed to have patched already (have they? and how bug free is it). I for one dont understand why make a software with a ram limitation like that and not let the OS handle it. The software issues a loop command to the cpu with a condition to stop. The cache holds the ram addresses to repeat those commands. Then the cache recalls them, the loop is there, the condition to stop is there, but the software blocks the stop condition as it suddenly decides its stored outside the boundaries of the 2GB. Cpu accepts the loop and loops infinitely. And the fail safe design of the cpu auto shuts it down to prevent it from turning into a boiler. No blue screen, no freeze, no CTD, just cpu off, plain and simple. This is just a scenario of the hundreds that can turn a cpu off cause of software. Change your hardware, bios settings, OS settings, a couple dll's and you might reduce the chance of this happening. But the problem is still there. Im sure bethesda is aware of this but dont expect them to admit it, as such things can toast computers. Just for historical reasons, same happened with sc2, not long ago, with an uncapped frame rate that fried some thousand GPUs


Hope this helps you out.

Edited by johad
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My bit of info, and i hope it prevents some people from destroying their computer.


I get either reboots or shutdowns only at skyrim and only with the latest patch. I get them with or without mods. They are random, after minutes, or after hours, indoors, outdoors, while looting, while standing while doing anything. I play skyrim since release and besides some crashes here and there, never had a reboot or shutdown. Never had a reboot from any software to be exact since my first 100mhz pentium I 17 years ago...Im an nvidia user and had the same version of drivers since november. I updated them recently and the reboots in skyrim are the same. Also not only i play other games as well which NEVER ever caused any reboot, but i also play those with OCed CPU and GPU unlike skyrim which i run at default speeds. Add the fact that im an electronics and networks engineer, and i fix computers for a living. So let me conclude


If you get REBOOTS or SHUTDOWNS (not freezes/crashes) only in skyrim, it's bethesda.


The solutions posted by some, are workarounds, countermeasures, not real solutions, for example changing some graphic settings might prevent the triggering of the reboot, but the trigger is there, and its bethesda. Thats why they work on some and not on others, thats why these reboots are not OS/fan speed/drivers/chipset/voltage/OC/mod/PSU specific. Bad programming can kill computers, it has happened before, its a fact, dont go nuts with your pc guts :)


EDIT: 12 hours of skyrim with no reboots so far. Used this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3211 which addresses a problem bethesda is supposed to have patched already (have they? and how bug free is it). I for one dont understand why make a software with a ram limitation like that and not let the OS handle it. The software issues a loop command to the cpu with a condition to stop. The cache holds the ram addresses to repeat those commands. Then the cache recalls them, the loop is there, the condition to stop is there, but the software blocks the stop condition as it suddenly decides its stored outside the boundaries of the 2GB. Cpu accepts the loop and loops infinitely. And the fail safe design of the cpu auto shuts it down to prevent it from turning into a boiler. No blue screen, no freeze, no CTD, just cpu off, plain and simple. This is just a scenario of the hundreds that can turn a cpu off cause of software. Change your hardware, bios settings, OS settings, a couple dll's and you might reduce the chance of this happening. But the problem is still there. Im sure bethesda is aware of this but dont expect them to admit it, as such things can toast computers. Just for historical reasons, same happened with sc2, not long ago, with an uncapped frame rate that fried some thousand GPUs


Hope this helps you out.


So Bethesda lied to us when they released patch 1.4 (which supposedly addresses the 2gb limitation) ? And I'm guessing the mod you used required me to revert back to the previous patch as well ?

Also something unusual happened, when I played Skyrim yesterday windowed (I read that it prevents the crash, and it did) at lower resolution (1400*900ish) I did not crash at all for hooouuurrss. But today when I bump it larger to 1600*1050ish, my Skyrim crashed within minutes! Sheesh Bethesda... I love you but I hate you

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