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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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I really hope the patch 1.6 of tomorrow fix this shitty problem, i haven't play Skyrim since many month. At each patch i try to play the game, but it never works. And i'm really angry, cause i have play this game more than 50 hours before the problem of crash reboot begin. So it's really a software problem!!! My computer is OK !


Someone know if there is an official thread of bethesda what's speaking of that, where we can have information about, bethesda never speak about this problem but it seems there's a lot of people who have the same.

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I also just in the last 2 week have been having the same issues, randomly 2 of my 3 monitors would lock up turn off with no video signal the third however (on another V/card) I could continue to see but my pc was locked up, a hard reboot was the only choice. (with the Skyrim sound playing on for a while.)


Oh I run Win 7 64 bit.


I run CPUID HWMonitor on the monitor I could watch even after the crash locked up my PC, it still showed me that display and I noticed my video card was over heating (92`c) I took the side off and stuck a desktop fan there to cool everything and ran the game for several hours (with it blowing air in it) (with the temp staying around 56`c) without a lockup compared to early that day when I was locking up every 10 to 15 mins or sooner.


I have no idea what changed and why I use to be able to play Skyrim without this extreme fix but for me seems its the issue. (have to look at other cooling don't want a desktop fan there fulltime)


Hope this helps you. :)

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Hi guys, try this :


In Skyrim.ini, write under (GENERAL] iNumHWThreads=X, where X is the total number of your cores.


Launch the game, ALT+TAB then CTRL+ALT+SUPPR to get the windows Taks Manager.

Right-click on TESV.exe and there, two things : Priority & Affinity

In Priority, change "Normal" to "High"

In Affinity, make sure that ALL the cores are concerned.


Go back to the game, and try to play.

If it works, you have to know that all that changes will vanish next time.

A small software exists to create definitively rules : http://www.pcastuces.com/logitheque/bill2sprocessmanager.htm


Good luck, for me it works. In the same time, i abandonned AA, far too power-consuming with my resolution & my mods.





Edited by MYRDHYNN
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I have an update finally!!!


Ok so i tried underclocking the memory clock on the GPU. That didn't work.


I also tried downloading that atiumdag.dll file on a youtube video that was posted pages ago. That also didnt work.


However, on page 131 of this forum GuardianPL posted a fix from another forum and a way to disable v-sync. I also disabled AA and AF from the game options and am using my video card options instead. Now....instead of getting a complete PC shutdown, I get a CTD, at least for this one time of playing. I will continue to play more to see if it happens constantly. But at least this is a shift in the right direction.


Hope this helps!


is that the solution for stopping the whole pc freeze?

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I'm going to try going back to XP and see if that helps things any. Will post back if it does. *sigh*


EkoArcazua: I've been playing around with Afterburner this weekend. Even a 20% underclock on my core speed isn't helping. I would up the voltages but my 6870 doesn't seem to support that.

Edited by psykeri
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May have found a solution; heard back from the folks at Steam. They advise:




The following instructions describe how to temporarily disable applications running in the background which can cause conflicts with Steam. These instructions are for temporary, diagnostic use only and your system should not be left in this state.


Please try this:


Click the Start button, then "Run" (or Windows key + R)


Type in:




Choose "Selective Startup"


Uncheck the box labeled "Load Startup Items".


Now, click on the "Services" tab.


Please make sure the "Hide All Microsoft Services" box *is* checked.


Then, click "Disable All".


If you are using Vista or Windows 7, please re-check the "Steam Client Service" as this is required for Steam to function on these operating systems.


Click "OK" and allow your computer to restart.


Test the issue and let us know the results. This is for diagnostic purposes only. You should not leave your computer in this state, but it may help us determine the cause of the issue.


To set the system back to normal, launch msconfig again and choose "normal startup", close the window and restart your computer.


If the issue persists, please *temporarily* uninstall (not disable) all Norton software and re-test the issue.


Should the issue continue, please provide an Msinfo report *after* making the above changes.


Title: How to run and submit MSINFO32 Reports

URL: http://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=1376-WTZN-9132




Yes, it's a pain to have to do a special boot to play, but I played for 7 hours straight with no crashes after doing a minimal startup as instructed.


Hope this helps.

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I have tried nearly EVERYTHING suggested in this thread to no avail. BUT I have finally got it working. If you are using a Z77 MOBO and have Virtu MVP installed (maybe it doesnt require a Z77 actually), try uninstalling it. It allowed me to open Skyrim up for the first time today.

My symptoms were a bit different, I used to crash upon startup and could never get the game open. When attempting to open, my CPU and RAM usage skyrocketed to 100% and my computer froze, forcing me to hard restart.


Again, the problem was solved for me by UNINSTALLING VIRTU MVP.


Good luck everyone.

Edited by khoabi
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Reporting back from yesterday. I installed 32bit XP SP3 on a spare disk, fully patched it, installed a fresh Steam client, redownloaded Skyrim, started the game, 5 minutes, bang! Blackscreen, audio loop, hard reset required. No other game does this on my box.


So it ain't Windows 7, or 64 bits. I'll check out what Threemoons posted next.


C2D E8400 3.0GHz

Asus P5N-D

8GB G.Skill PC2

HIS Radeon HD 6870

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