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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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Being a lurker for quite a while but I have to say this.

The biggest with stolen mods is the thief can solicit for donations or xbox codes.

Which has legal implications.


And of course, the more common one is the issue of stolen mods bricking the console or corrupting saves. That is the one that causes all hell to break through.


If something in the game breaks, all the blame goes back to the author, while thief just laughs at them. If you are wrongly accused for something you did not do, that feels like s#*!. And frankly that is why many mod authors are clamping up or just making F4SE compulsory, so they don't have to deal with this issue.


This is an issue that must be addressed by Bethsoft, which they have shown no interest in doing so unfortunately.

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In response to post #39485330. #39488480 is also a reply to the same post.

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There are 0 tools for a modder to troubleshoot on a console. And frankly asking a modder to buy 2 consoles just to test his mods is ridiculous anyway.

Maybe we should encourage the thieves or pirates to do the testing?
I am pretty damn sure a handful of modders would be glad to outsource this to them.
If they ask first of course.
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In response to post #39487555.

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I checked your upload history, sorted by filesize and its unsurprisingly you make tiny mods not worthy of theft, if you did a complete overhaul of something 100mb+ you wouldn't be saying

"And there are bigger issues in this world than Bethesda.net and stolen mods. "

Also: "Play Call Of Duty the Xbox 360 way but with your PC." is one of your mods, keep console shilling. Edited by AveragePhotoshopSkills
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In response to post #39487475.

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not only does the game have to be running but you have to be ACTIVELY in the game watching it download, its cancer.

I started a 2gb download and alt-tabbed to watch some streams on twitch, when I alt tabbed back a couple of hours later it was still at 1%
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I've been torn. On one hand Bethesda.net is terrible. On the other, many authors have been just as bad if not worse. I understand that theft needs to be dealt with, but to some great degree that has been used as a cover for merely attacking anyone using beth.net. So, it's hard to figure out who to be angry at more. It boils down to pretentiousness and arrogance on both sides. Being a legitimate author on beth.net is like being caught in the middle of a pissing contest. Everyone is pissing on you for no apparent reason. Though I agree with Dark0ne about how beth.net appears to have created a rift within the community, I'd also argue it more so exposed a rift. I've felt this rift since the launch of Fallout 4. A huge influx of new mod authors, and frankly many Skyrim veterans took it as a personal assault. The rift was created. The second you add console mods to the mix...fire and gasoline. Authors are fully justified in defending their mods from theft, but quite a few legitimate authors are getting hit in the crossfire. Too many are using this opportunity to take down others mods within the confusion. Frankly it's a mess, that admittedly Bethesda is primarily responsible for, but this rift won't go away, even after Bethesda, in theory, fixes their platform.
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I have not been into Bethgaming for quite a while, but still visiting the Nexus for the latest mods and News. I loved reading this article, it shows a lot of the controversal potential Bethesda's relatively new path of cross-platforming and mod distribution has. Their business model is getting more and more refined each decade, and with each title coming and going. Certainly, business is a fine thing, and Bethesda deserves all the success they have, but still, I dont exactly like where all of this is going, and that Bethesda.NET Clientism in particular.


Loved the reading, really polarizing, thanks a lot!


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In response to post #39488585.

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I think I would have to add to this. Let me first throw a disclaimer out there: "I am in no way against mods on consoles"; ok there, done. Now, I actually hope (as mean as it may sound) that a mod only meant or PC capable that gets stolen, DOES brick a console. And I hope its a lawyer's son/daughter. This way someone will go after the thief, as the author EXPRESSLY declined permission for consoles for whatever reason. Hopefully that would put an end to this debacle much faster than trying to reason with people that don't care to see reason.

PS. If my view offends you, I apologize in advance, but that would be justice you have to admit :p
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