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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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In response to post #39477815. #39477935, #39477995, #39478485 are all replies on the same post.

Canderis wrote: what about the mass amounts of mods you guys just reuploaded from filefront? I certainly didn't give my permission for mine to be uploaded here.
jim_uk wrote: There's a contact email at the bottom on this news article where you can get in touch with them about it http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/news/12810/?
jackty89 wrote: I think they did it for mod preservation , as filefront is closing down, if there is a real problem contact them, i'm pretty sure the nexus team is willing to help you
The Vampire Dante wrote:
Then (as Jim_UK suggested) send us a list of linked files that belong to you and we'll remove them.

That's a really lousy thing to say. You would have preferred all of those mods to have been lost? I still play Bridge Commander, Kotor 1 and 2, Jedi Academy, etc, and the vast majority of those mods would have been lost for good.
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I read the article, yes the whole thing. I liked it. As a matter of fact I found it a good read for people. The thing I think people do not under stand is that it is like a damn that got broken and needs to get fixed. Console users, when given access to mods thought "great we have mods now for us too". Now the reality is and a lot of Console users don't understand this fact is that it takes a person to make the mod for them to use. Yes, it takes someone willing to take the time and effort to make the mod, then upload it to Bethesda.net for console if they so wish. The sore spot for Console users is that they feel now that they have access they should have "full" access. A lot of the user base for Consoles do not understand that it takes time to make a mod that is fully compatible for the Console in some situations. They don't like that and they want what they have not had before "now". Now there is DRM available for mods, if the mod author so chooses. No, I am not talking about F4SE, I am talking about what is referred to as "vapor ware", wherein basically you have to have a two part "key" system to use the mod. For example the holotape. Pop it in and you now have access to the mod. Do I support mods on Console might be a good question and the answer is yes. However, I will not tolerate blatant theft. Because of the I want it now mentality that has erupted this is what we have and this is what is needing to be dealt with. It sickens me. This whole situation of mod theft just makes me ill. It is what has become and what will destroy the community as a whole. In the end I just hope everyone here realises it comes down to one thing, and that is people. People make the mods, people make up the modding community, and to sh*t on them by stealing hours of hard work just because you "want " something is wrong. Modding was an outlet for me, now it is just an ill word. I have no passion to mod like used to and for me that is a hard thing to say and a sad truth. Thank you Robin for another great post.
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In response to post #39477815. #39477935, #39477995, #39478485, #39479710 are all replies on the same post.

Canderis wrote: what about the mass amounts of mods you guys just reuploaded from filefront? I certainly didn't give my permission for mine to be uploaded here.
jim_uk wrote: There's a contact email at the bottom on this news article where you can get in touch with them about it http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/news/12810/?
jackty89 wrote: I think they did it for mod preservation , as filefront is closing down, if there is a real problem contact them, i'm pretty sure the nexus team is willing to help you
The Vampire Dante wrote:
Then (as Jim_UK suggested) send us a list of linked files that belong to you and we'll remove them.
Cirrak wrote: That's a really lousy thing to say. You would have preferred all of those mods to have been lost? I still play Bridge Commander, Kotor 1 and 2, Jedi Academy, etc, and the vast majority of those mods would have been lost for good.

If filefront is shutting down then your mods will be gone forever. Quite frankly I am shocked to the core to hear that people would allow their own hard work simply tank like that. I know people who did that and ended up seriously regretting it later.
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In response to post #39478995.

Asuhrie wrote: Really good post Dark0ne. I especially liked the father analogy, really kind of sums up the concerns.

With no real response from Bethesda though, I'm afraid that maybe they don't see an issue with this. Bethesda is a business, and the dollar is almighty. I'm sure there are some within Bethesda that understand and care what is going on here, but their bosses and their bosses bosses won't understand why they should let a few hurt feelings get in the way of what could be another potential revenue source (as long as the lawyers say they are in the all clear, which they were obviously already consulted with).

More mods on consoles means more sales, more sales is more dollars - if they just ignore the issue for a little longer, they let some great mods get onto consoles. All moderation would be doing now would be hurting sales.

I would anticipate once not so many eyes from Bethesda are watching this little experiment, those who truly care about the community at Bethesda can make some changes for the good of the community.

My thoughts exactly. It's not so much the Bethesda game devs but the suits at Zenimax that are deaf.
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Guest deleted20630284
I usually skip these long posts. I however read this one. No more I can say other than good luck, today's ok but looks like a storms on the horizon tomorrow.
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Posting a general reminder to people that although this is a heated topic, name calling and inciting others to hostility is not tolerated on this site. Have instituted a pair of 24 hour posting bans already to a pair of users who just could not calm down and avoid being personal. Other warnings will follow if necessary.


We can discuss, we can argue the validity of one point or another, but the moment you start insulting others you only serve to distract from the topic at hand. You don't have to agree, you don't have to like eachother, but you should remain respectful. The baiting, name calling, and general hostility needs to stop.

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@Dark0ne, wholeheartedly agree. Have no issue with console users getting mods, but not at the modders expense or the users for that matter as the legit users will also suffer from the slowness or lack of action. If a modder wants to put their mods here or beth.net or anywhere else really its their call, hell if they decide to keep it to themselves then its their right.



I feel sorry for the console mod users who go to use a supposedly legit mod only to find

1/ It doesn't work

2/ Causes crashes, corrupted saves (immediate or over long term)

3/ Checks for updates only to find mod they downloaded is unsupported or just isn't the legit mod.

4/ Uninstalls mod and corrupts the game anyway.

5/ By the time bethesda do something about it the damage has already been done.


While it can be very easy to pick a side in the console vs pc modding, the problem is that bethesda has half assed this.


Many of us who play Bethesda games on PC especially those who use substantial number of mods, know that more mods = greater chance of conflicts, corruption, performance issues or just outright ctd. As many would likely agree when steam workshop got involved with skyrim, support became a nightmare because 'newb' mod users were downloading massive numbers of mods and expected them to work, without reading about additional install instructions, known issues, conflicts or having any idea about load orders, archive inval, etc. No doubt when it happens (if it hasn't already), there will be a lot of disgruntled users appearing on mod threads on Nexus and beth.net complaining about how so and so mod broke there game.


Most modders are kind enough to support their own mods on whatever platform they decide to allow, and many will often go out of their way to make it compatible with other mods. But when people steal a mod and upload it elsewhere then that mod often isn't supported, why should a modder have too? But we all know that the users will often go out of there way to complain rather than ask for help about any issues they encounter.


In the end it will all eventually be redirected at bethesda, Bethesda should have a few additions to the use of the mods uploaded there.


1/ Warn that using multiple mods especially similar ones will result in a dud game.

2/ Warn that its quite likely to reduce performance as many mods in the past have been designed to make use of the additional power some pcs have.

3/ Have more presence on their own forums and in support. ( Hell i am still unable to download CK, since Beth.net launcher appears to direct CK install/downloads to dud server for australians that don't use a vpn).

4/ Support the modders who they hope will provide additional content, by providing the moderation, improving the ability to report abuse, and reacting promptly. Regardless of peoples opinions about Nexus, i think we can all agree that bethesda would be better able to pay for the suggested 24/7/365 support that beth.net (especially since its in beta) needs.


Ignoring or taking long time to take action against the above will result in modders not uploading and using the service, or being less active in the support of it. This will result in less use by users as they will find fewer mods that are supported or work and become more jaded till they decide to not risk their install and saves. Ending in Bethesda having wasted time and money implementing the service in the first place.


Mod thieves will not support the mods they did not create they often won't know how, so if people wish to believe there is nothing wrong with that theft then so be it, but when you or others download a stolen mod knowingly then break your game because the true author had a good reason not to upload it in the first place then its your own damn fault.



Edited by DeMocha
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I have been a member of this community a fairly long time.

I have been through more than one hacking event, system rebuild... and at some point the site even lost track of the fact that in a much earlier version of the sites existence I sent them some $$s.

I tell you now that Bethesda has B*nged the family pet on this one.

Bethesda has mined this site for years for ideas and talent and now they are doing something that damages it.

I work in the I.T. industry...and have for >35 years.

The tech folks at Bethesda would not have decided this is the way to run things.

So, I would suggest that we (the nexus site community) come up with a unified response in email.


Dark0ne, you would be the perfect coordinator for such an event.

If you need help... Shoot me an email... I would be happy to assist in defending this mod community.




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