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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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..Ignorance can't be an excuse, no one is innocent...



So, what? You're just OK with breaking savegames, games, and consoles?


The average console user, I wager just opens up Fallout 4> Clicks Mods> Browses Mods> Clicks Download> Wash Rinse Repeat until satisfied or download queue is full or whatever> Returns to menu> Stars game.

There is NO WAY OF TELLING THE MOD IS STOLEN. What about that do you not flippin understand?


Is your ego that fragile that you're perfectly fine with "console peasants" being out, possibly $300 because of your free mod being redistributed? Please go away, don't start this again. I don't want to talk about the pure shittiness of that attitude. If you're that fragile, just stop modding. Just stop-- you obviously don't care about the community. Back to the way I put it:


You're burning a village, to catch a thief. IT. IS. MADNESS. Good Job, Targaeryen. Answer all your problems with fire.



EDIT: Furthermore, by including scripts that may break a game or console, you are supplying weapons to the terrorists now, you realize that? You're doing the work for them. By doing so, you have yourself become the very thing that will destroy the modding community. Good Job, on that one.



It is reading your toxic prose filled with contempt towards Mod Author that drive to such ideas.

I didn't read one proposal, one suggestion from you to help or pacify in this situation.

You came here to attack and provoke. This is self defense.


There are ways to tell if something is stolen or not but it requires some implication (like a few clicks)

Users are a part of the problem, not wanting to face it will have bad consequences.


So far, to my knowledge it didn't happen yet, so what are you crying about?

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With the Skyrim Special edition paying mods are right around the corner and I get a feeling that this time Beth will ignore everyone. I can't find any other explanation for them having this lousy platform (even I could have coded something better in 2 hours) on their website. If they don't start selling mods with the "new" Skyrim then their next game will surely have them from the get-go.


I'd really like to know where you people are finding these sources of paying-for-mods coming around the corner.


Seriously, any legitimate Bethesda sources claiming this to be a thing?

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..Ignorance can't be an excuse, no one is innocent...



So, what? You're just OK with breaking savegames, games, and consoles?


The average console user, I wager just opens up Fallout 4> Clicks Mods> Browses Mods> Clicks Download> Wash Rinse Repeat until satisfied or download queue is full or whatever> Returns to menu> Stars game.

There is NO WAY OF TELLING THE MOD IS STOLEN. What about that do you not flippin understand?


Is your ego that fragile that you're perfectly fine with "console peasants" being out, possibly $300 because of your free mod being redistributed? Please go away, don't start this again. I don't want to talk about the pure shittiness of that attitude. If you're that fragile, just stop modding. Just stop-- you obviously don't care about the community. Back to the way I put it:


You're burning a village, to catch a thief. IT. IS. MADNESS. Good Job, Targaeryen. Answer all your problems with fire.



EDIT: Furthermore, by including scripts that may break a game or console, you are supplying weapons to the terrorists now, you realize that? You're doing the work for them. By doing so, you have yourself become the very thing that will destroy the modding community. Good Job, on that one.



It is reading your toxic prose filled with contempt towards Mod Author that drive to such ideas.

I didn't read one proposal, one suggestion from you to help or pacify in this situation.

You came here to attack and provoke. This is self defense.


There are ways to tell if something is stolen or not but it requires some implication (like a few clicks)

Users are a part of the problem, not wanting to face it will have bad consequences.


So far, to my knowledge it didn't happen yet, so what are you crying about?


What didn't happen yet?


You mean mod authors planning on planting potentially harmful scripts into their mods?


((Edit: making a quick edit to let you know I'm writing more, addressing your first bit, with the suggestion on how to pacify the situation.))


You're right, I haven't made any real suggestions on how to pacify this. Well, at least not beyond "Dear Mod Authors; get over yourselves."


The first step is to stop treating this like its a big deal, because it's not. Once you get your heads out of your fragile ego-arses, then you can start thinking clearly.


The second, is to work with Bethesda by giving them more feedback on Bethesda.net, and how to make it more secure. Perhaps register as a creator before uploading, and then mod authors that have been reported (more than 6 times per supposed mod theft) are removed entirely. Things likes that-- you would know more about this sort of stuff than I would. Automated reporting systems are ripe for abuse, so that is not the answer.


After that, having a more streamlined upload/port service for the mod creators so that they can more easily and efficiently take their existing PC mods and make them more readily available for the console variants. I could see the console versions being patched with these third party things such as Script Extenders, and other things that many mods have dependencies over being built into the game. A lot of work, actually, but it is and idea.


Being more active for the console community is the only way to educate them in the difference between legitimate and stolen mods. Sitting there and calling them 13 year old console peasants, or whatever other regard you hold them in is not helpful. Sitting there are being outright disrespectful to console users, and consoles themselves because of their (oh, my god) "inferior" limitations.


Barring that, the rest is up to you and Bethesda.

Edited by boomerizer
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In response to post #39594210.

boomerizer wrote:




..Ignorance can't be an excuse, no one is innocent...



So, what? You're just OK with breaking savegames, games, and consoles?


The average console user, I wager just opens up Fallout 4> Clicks Mods> Browses Mods> Clicks Download> Wash Rinse Repeat until satisfied or download queue is full or whatever> Returns to menu> Stars game.

There is NO WAY OF TELLING THE MOD IS STOLEN. What about that do you not flippin understand?


Is your ego that fragile that you're perfectly fine with "console peasants" being out, possibly $300 because of your free mod being redistributed? Please go away, don't start this again. I don't want to talk about the pure shittiness of that attitude. If you're that fragile, just stop modding. Just stop-- you obviously don't care about the community. Back to the way I put it:


You're burning a village, to catch a thief. IT. IS. MADNESS. Good Job, Targaeryen. Answer all your problems with fire.



EDIT: Furthermore, by including scripts that may break a game or console, you are supplying weapons to the terrorists now, you realize that? You're doing the work for them. By doing so, you have yourself become the very thing that will destroy the modding community. Good Job, on that one.



It is reading your toxic prose filled with contempt towards Mod Author that drive to such ideas.

I didn't read one proposal, one suggestion from you to help or pacify in this situation.

You came here to attack and provoke. This is self defense.


There are ways to tell if something is stolen or not but it requires some implication (like a few clicks)

Users are a part of the problem, not wanting to face it will have bad consequences.


So far, to my knowledge it didn't happen yet, so what are you crying about?


What didn't happen yet?


You mean mod authors planning on planting potentially harmful scripts into their mods?


((Edit: making a quick edit to let you know I'm writing more, addressing your first bit, with the suggestion on how to pacify the situation.))


You're right, I haven't made any real suggestions on how to pacify this. Well, at least not beyond "Dear Mod Authors; get over yourselves."


The first step is to stop treating this like its a big deal, because it's not. Once you get your heads out of your fragile ego-arses, then you can start thinking clearly.


The second, is to work with Bethesda by giving them more feedback on Bethesda.net, and how to make it more secure. Perhaps register as a creator before uploading, and then mod authors that have been reported (more than 6 times per supposed mod theft) are removed entirely. Things likes that-- you would know more about this sort of stuff than I would. Automated reporting systems are ripe for abuse, so that is not the answer.


After that, having a more streamlined upload/port service for the mod creators so that they can more easily and efficiently take their existing PC mods and make them more readily available for the console variants. I could see the console versions being patched with these third party things such as Script Extenders, and other things that many mods have dependencies over being built into the game. A lot of work, actually, but it is and idea.


Being more active for the console community is the only way to educate them in the difference between legitimate and stolen mods. Sitting there and calling them 13 year old console peasants, or whatever other regard you hold them in is not helpful. Sitting there are being outright disrespectful to console users, and consoles themselves because of their (oh, my god) "inferior" limitations.


Barring that, the rest is up to you and Bethesda.

You're acting like console players are entitled to mods. They're not. A mod author has every right to make sure their mod stays for PC only. The authors that are releasing them for consoles are doing you guys a solid, even if it only causes them more work.

You're acting entitled and then claiming you're part of the community, but if you actually were, you would know it doesn't work that way Edited by jfisha
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Infact, just leave the site. You’re very likely to be a douche and an endemic problem within the PC gaming community. There is nothing wrong with the concept of mods being available on consoles.


Well how nice of you insulting me that way when i'm not on the same Boat as you on this Topic. And also thanks letting me know, that after 20 Years in your "Gaming Community" i dont belong here anymore.

Edited by Imiona
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Infact, just leave the site. You’re very likely to be a douche and an endemic problem within the PC gaming community. There is nothing wrong with the concept of mods being available on consoles.


Well how nice of you insulting me that way when i'm not on the same Boat as you on this Topic. And also thanks letting me know, that after 20 Years in your "Gaming Community" i dont belong here anymore.



A segregated community isn't really a community though, is it? If Dark0nes message against elitism triggered you, I can only assume you want to keep console users from having mods at all costs.

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Just a few things I'd like to add to this:


1) That consoles are inferior (they are) to PCs is indeed completely and totally irrelevant to the issue at hand. That does NOT make it an invalid issue, but it does mean that nobody should've brought that unrelated, even if valid, discussion into this one.


As long as it's here, though, (yes I'm being hypocritical, but I'm sorry, this has to be said) I just want to say one simple thing: you can buy a gaming laptop that outperforms all 3 consoles combined for under $700. Just about the one and only reason, historically, to buy a console was that it was cheaper. Now they're not. (Both major controllers are Bluetooth so they work with PCs, obvious graphics superiority, etc. Not going to rehash everything else here.)


In short, I'm not an advocate for PCs because they're better. I'm an advocate for PCs because consoles are ripping off consumers. People are paying more money for an inferior product. In other words, I'm trying to protect console players from themselves. You don't have to like the fact that I'm forcing you to wear a seatbelt right now - you'll like it when you aren't a grease spot on the pavement later.


But, yes, that isn't relevant to the problem at hand. It's still a valid discussion, but ok, this really isn't the place. (I love you my console brothers and sisters! I'm only trying to help you!)


2) Mods make money. Not all mods, and not a lot of money, but Nexus has a donation feature. I haven't actually looked at Bethesda.net (I have no reason to) but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the donation feature isn't one they offer.


And that's a problem. Credit and kudos and warm fuzzy feelings aside, I'm sure at least a dozen mod authors on the Nexus make enough money from their creations to fuel several late night coffee binges, and I've read enough mod descriptions (and written enough PHP in my youth) to know that's when the really awesome, creative stuff happens. In a very real, palpable sense, mod theft isn't just stealing the recognition these authors deserve, it's literally taking cold, hard cash out of their pockets.


And who knows? Maybe that $10 or so is the difference between them being able to sink another 20 hours into an awesome armor or weapon, or having to go get a second job and not having the time. I'd hate to be deprived of the next Nuka Gear or Commonwealth Shorts because the author had to go get another job to pay the bills, when just 2 or 3 generous people who found their mods through Nexus could;ve made a difference.


3) This problem really began in April. I still don't have the CK, because I refuse to make yet another account on yet another web site, theft or not. The day we had to go create an account with Bethesda to download the CK, THAT'S then the uproar should've started. That's when this turned south. It was the red herring we all missed.


And here's the scary part: now I'm probably going to have to find a way to pirate a copy of the CK just to make mods for a game I bought and paid good money for the season pass for. I mean, now that the true purpose of Bethesda.net has been revealed, I'm less annoyed at having to create yet another umpteenth login on yet another web site, and more straight up too mad at them to consider it...but those are my choices now. Either sign up for a site I hate on principal, or pirate a utility for a game I actually bought. How messed up is that?

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I agree that console moding should be equal to pc, and that all mods are suppose to be shared freely without forcing exclusive access to only the richest of the rich pc owners. i love both pc and console gaming. my ps4 plays most games better than my 6 thousand dallar computer can due to the lag and programing of pc games. fanboys stink.
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In response to post #39596560.

jeyjs wrote: I agree that console moding should be equal to pc, and that all mods are suppose to be shared freely without forcing exclusive access to only the richest of the rich pc owners. i love both pc and console gaming. my ps4 plays most games better than my 6 thousand dallar computer can due to the lag and programing of pc games. fanboys stink.

pc is fun for verry few games, but console is fun and way cheaper with little graphical deference that i and 90 percent of gamers can barely even notice. Edited by jeyjs
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In response to post #39596560. #39596575 is also a reply to the same post.

jeyjs wrote: I agree that console moding should be equal to pc, and that all mods are suppose to be shared freely without forcing exclusive access to only the richest of the rich pc owners. i love both pc and console gaming. my ps4 plays most games better than my 6 thousand dallar computer can due to the lag and programing of pc games. fanboys stink.
jeyjs wrote: pc is fun for verry few games, but console is fun and way cheaper with little graphical deference that i and 90 percent of gamers can barely even notice.

plus if mod authors leaves over consols having thire mods added, let them, thats just more than likely Fake unloyal pc only fanboys looking for popularity and free money from donations. they care nothing for making moding better and more known and loved. i dont like seperation, thats the same as racisim and or slavery. Edited by jeyjs
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