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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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In response to post #39597960.

moldilox wrote: I kinda wonder if this is actually bad for their own platform. Having mods just randomly being uploaded that don't work could really water down their own service.

I thought the same thing, imagine all the older mods that can break their save files, or the mods that (That use console commands or .bat files) just straight-up break the game like ~TCL. Edited by Dtain
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Technically speaking, if someone makes an iron man mod, that is against copyright. There are many mods here that are technically against copyright. Even fanart is against copyright.


The thing is though, companies just generally allow it, because it would do more harm than good to try and enforce it. In fact, for them it's actually beneficial to allow it. Copyright laws are complicated and not always 100% followed to a T. The fact is, most people here have broken copyright laws in some way. Some more than others. There was a big talk about copyright at a past comicon. It's a pretty interesting video to hear since it goes over many things we do that are technically against copyright.




Which makes it De Facto, exactly how it works. Making FanArt or something resemble something does not violate copyright unless you are asking for payment.


Again, not true. You don't have to be selling it, in order for it to be against copyright.


Here is some information on the issue.


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In response to post #39597960. #39601285 is also a reply to the same post.

moldilox wrote: I kinda wonder if this is actually bad for their own platform. Having mods just randomly being uploaded that don't work could really water down their own service.
Dtain wrote: I thought the same thing, imagine all the older mods that can break their save files, or the mods that (That use console commands or .bat files) just straight-up break the game like ~TCL.

It definitely isn't going to get them rave reviews, customer satisfaction awards or any PR points.

Probably gonna tax the hell out of their support service to since no matter what they say 99% of the people who have problems caused by a mod WILL call them expecting help anyway. Those guys and girls better get practicing the "Sorry we don't offer technical support for the mods" line now. Edited by Liquidacid23
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In response to post #39594035.

boomerizer wrote:


In response to post #39590680. #39591610, #39591915, #39592885 are all replies on the same post.

boomerizer wrote:

So, what? You're just OK with breaking savegames, games, and consoles?

..Ignorance can't be an excuse, no one is innocent...

The average console user, I wager just opens up Fallout 4> Clicks Mods> Browses Mods> Clicks Download> Wash Rinse Repeat until satisfied or download queue is full or whatever> Returns to menu> Stars game.

There is NO WAY OF TELLING THE MOD IS STOLEN. What about that do you not flippin understand?

Is your ego that fragile that you're perfectly fine with "console peasants" being out, possibly $300 because of your free mod being redistributed? Please go away, don't start this again. I don't want to talk about the pure shittiness of that attitude. If you're that fragile, just stop modding. Just stop-- you obviously don't care about the community. Back to the way I put it:

You're burning a village, to catch a thief. IT. IS. MADNESS. Good Job, Targaeryen. Answer all your problems with fire.

EDIT: Furthermore, by including scripts that may break a game or console, you are supplying weapons to the terrorists now, you realize that? You're doing the work for them. By doing so, you have yourself become the very thing that will destroy the modding community. Good Job, on that one.

jwa1975 wrote:
In response to post #39590680.

boomerizer wrote:

So, what? You're just OK with breaking savegames, games, and consoles?

..Ignorance can't be an excuse, no one is innocent...

The average console user, I wager just opens up Fallout 4> Clicks Mods> Browses Mods> Clicks Download> Wash Rinse Repeat until satisfied or download queue is full or whatever> Returns to menu> Stars game.

There is NO WAY OF TELLING THE MOD IS STOLEN. What about that do you not flippin understand?

Is your ego that fragile that you're perfectly fine with "console peasants" being out, possibly $300 because of your free mod being redistributed? Please go away, don't start this again. I don't want to talk about the pure shittiness of that attitude. If you're that fragile, just stop modding. Just stop-- you obviously don't care about the community. Back to the way I put it:

You're burning a village, to catch a thief. IT. IS. MADNESS. Good Job, Targaeryen. Answer all your problems with fire.

EDIT: Furthermore, by including scripts that may break a game or console, you are supplying weapons to the terrorists now, you realize that? You're doing the work for them. By doing so, you have yourself become the very thing that will destroy the modding community. Good Job, on that one.

I was in Iraq for 3 years and never saw someone carrying around a Xbox to try and kill me with. I saw plenty of RPG rockets, bullets flying past me, IED explosions which crippled me, and many other things. To say that including F4SE scripts is supplying terrorists with a type of weapon is just ignorant. Why don't you go screw yourself before insulting any more vets that actually play these moddable games. F4SE is harmless you stupid ignorant s***, especially when used as DRM. It is a preventive measure and when used correctly a good one. Games are full of scripts, its how they function you corroded *censored*. God bless America, because we the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines will fight the wars.

Namea wrote: As a fellow veteran I find your use of the term "Rag Head" disgusting and quite indicative of the type of person you must be.
Derrick93 wrote: you should ask this to bethesda since all this mess is caused from them. Bethesda is responsable of bethesda.net, same for the safety and stability of the console version. And just to say, this is one of the most stupid comment i ever read on nexus.

Such drama.

Console users are not imbeciles. Some mods are going to break saves. PC users deal with this every time we download a mod, too. It happens. Missing masters, incorrect file locations (due to author or installation method, I have dealt with both), hell, I couldn't play Fallout 4 for two days recently because of Beth's ninja-patch, so F4SE didn't work. We have learned how to work within the limitations of modifying the game well beyond its original design parameters--it's one of the fun parts of modding for many of us--and we are aware of the problems it can cause. Console users have not dealt with that on their machines yet, but this is not Armageddon we're talking about here. These are computers, running video games.

There is a way to tell if a mod is stolen. Console users just need to be told how--it is called Google, and you type in the mod's title in that little search bar, and if you see it listed in the results on the Nexus or somewhere else, visit the page. If the author matches the Bethnet listing, or if the author has stated it is on Bethnet, you know it's legitimate. If not, just steer clear. If a console user is too lazy to do this (if they can access Bethnet on their XBone, they have internet, complete with browser, so there are literally NO EXCUSES on that, once they know), then they are choosing to be complicit with using potentially stolen mods. As Bethnet/CK gets fixed/improves, this step should be unnecessary, but until then, spread the word. Console users are not babies, despite the smack talk. They can manage simple internet searches.

When you learn to ride a bike or climb a tree, do you get hurt? Usually. Some skinned knees, maybe a broken arm, but you learn, and part of it is learning how not to skin your knees and break your arms. That's where the console community is right now. "They don't know any better" is not an excuse, it's condescending to the point of insult. Console users are learning, and once the furor of this whole debacle dies down a bit, they will keep learning, and get better, and maybe, just maybe, become a great part of the established modding community.

You deride pixelhate by saying they solve all their problems with fire, but you are the one pouring gasoline on this flame war just to watch the world burn. You also invoke terrorists, an odd metaphor (I HOPE it's a metaphor), so what's next, comparing someone to Hitler? Stop being a pedant and instead spread the word in the console community about their responsibility--yes, responsibility--in making sure the mods they download are legitimate. If you have no interest in doing that, you are simply here to whine and argue, which makes your comments less than useless, it makes them part of the problem.

Don't be that guy.


The person shouldn't have to google everything just to pander to mod authors. If a mod is uploaded to Bethesda.net, it is Bethesda's responsibility to make sure it works, and doesn't break a game.


And JWA, are you serious? Did you seriously believe I meant ISLAMIC TERRORISTS? ARE YOU SERIOUS?


GO home. Go to the VA and get your s#*! checked, because clearly you are TRIGGERED. Je zuz f'in Kryst. No.


I, of course, meant the petulant children that steal mods, include some nefarious script with the intent to f*#@ s#*! up. Hackers. Script kiddies. Whatever you want to call them. You're an idiot that you think that I meant islamic extremists. I mean, I really want to be nice, here, I really do, but people like you make it extremely difficult.

Mods aren't free DLC that come with hundreds of hours of QA and bug testing. Never have been, never will be. Although I love that consoles are finally being able to have mods because I've loved modding every Bethesda game since Oblivion and I started playing that on Xbox back in 2006/7, I'm beginning to think more and more that perhaps console owners shouldn't really get that privilege. There seem to be lots who think that a mod is just "click this button and install and your magically ready to go." F*** that noise, seriously. What this community USED to be was a tight knit group of people who would make mods, try them out, and in many cases an insane amount of troubleshooting and feedback was required. Anyone honestly expecting the ability to plug and play without having to do any background research on the mod and its compatibility is going to be a detriment to the community, plain and simple. While they're doing this background research, I suspect any issues about mod thievery would likely arise. I hope that most console users don't anticipate this being the case but...your attitude suggests otherwise.
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In response to post #39594035.




boomerizer wrote:

In response to post #39590680. #39591610, #39591915, #39592885 are all replies on the same post.




boomerizer wrote:

So, what? You're just OK with breaking savegames, games, and consoles?

..Ignorance can't be an excuse, no one is innocent...

The average console user, I wager just opens up Fallout 4> Clicks Mods> Browses Mods> Clicks Download> Wash Rinse Repeat until satisfied or download queue is full or whatever> Returns to menu> Stars game.

There is NO WAY OF TELLING THE MOD IS STOLEN. What about that do you not flippin understand?

Is your ego that fragile that you're perfectly fine with "console peasants" being out, possibly $300 because of your free mod being redistributed? Please go away, don't start this again. I don't want to talk about the pure shittiness of that attitude. If you're that fragile, just stop modding. Just stop-- you obviously don't care about the community. Back to the way I put it:

You're burning a village, to catch a thief. IT. IS. MADNESS. Good Job, Targaeryen. Answer all your problems with fire.

EDIT: Furthermore, by including scripts that may break a game or console, you are supplying weapons to the terrorists now, you realize that? You're doing the work for them. By doing so, you have yourself become the very thing that will destroy the modding community. Good Job, on that one.

jwa1975 wrote:
In response to post #39590680.




boomerizer wrote:

So, what? You're just OK with breaking savegames, games, and consoles?

..Ignorance can't be an excuse, no one is innocent...

The average console user, I wager just opens up Fallout 4> Clicks Mods> Browses Mods> Clicks Download> Wash Rinse Repeat until satisfied or download queue is full or whatever> Returns to menu> Stars game.

There is NO WAY OF TELLING THE MOD IS STOLEN. What about that do you not flippin understand?

Is your ego that fragile that you're perfectly fine with "console peasants" being out, possibly $300 because of your free mod being redistributed? Please go away, don't start this again. I don't want to talk about the pure shittiness of that attitude. If you're that fragile, just stop modding. Just stop-- you obviously don't care about the community. Back to the way I put it:

You're burning a village, to catch a thief. IT. IS. MADNESS. Good Job, Targaeryen. Answer all your problems with fire.

EDIT: Furthermore, by including scripts that may break a game or console, you are supplying weapons to the terrorists now, you realize that? You're doing the work for them. By doing so, you have yourself become the very thing that will destroy the modding community. Good Job, on that one.

I was in Iraq for 3 years and never saw someone carrying around a Xbox to try and kill me with. I saw plenty of RPG rockets, bullets flying past me, IED explosions which crippled me, and many other things. To say that including F4SE scripts is supplying terrorists with a type of weapon is just ignorant. Why don't you go screw yourself before insulting any more vets that actually play these moddable games. F4SE is harmless you stupid ignorant s***, especially when used as DRM. It is a preventive measure and when used correctly a good one. Games are full of scripts, its how they function you corroded *censored*. God bless America, because we the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines will fight the wars.

Namea wrote: As a fellow veteran I find your use of the term "Rag Head" disgusting and quite indicative of the type of person you must be.
Derrick93 wrote: you should ask this to bethesda since all this mess is caused from them. Bethesda is responsable of bethesda.net, same for the safety and stability of the console version. And just to say, this is one of the most stupid comment i ever read on nexus.

Such drama.


Console users are not imbeciles. Some mods are going to break saves. PC users deal with this every time we download a mod, too. It happens. Missing masters, incorrect file locations (due to author or installation method, I have dealt with both), hell, I couldn't play Fallout 4 for two days recently because of Beth's ninja-patch, so F4SE didn't work. We have learned how to work within the limitations of modifying the game well beyond its original design parameters--it's one of the fun parts of modding for many of us--and we are aware of the problems it can cause. Console users have not dealt with that on their machines yet, but this is not Armageddon we're talking about here. These are computers, running video games.


There is a way to tell if a mod is stolen. Console users just need to be told how--it is called Google, and you type in the mod's title in that little search bar, and if you see it listed in the results on the Nexus or somewhere else, visit the page. If the author matches the Bethnet listing, or if the author has stated it is on Bethnet, you know it's legitimate. If not, just steer clear. If a console user is too lazy to do this (if they can access Bethnet on their XBone, they have internet, complete with browser, so there are literally NO EXCUSES on that, once they know), then they are choosing to be complicit with using potentially stolen mods. As Bethnet/CK gets fixed/improves, this step should be unnecessary, but until then, spread the word. Console users are not babies, despite the smack talk. They can manage simple internet searches.


When you learn to ride a bike or climb a tree, do you get hurt? Usually. Some skinned knees, maybe a broken arm, but you learn, and part of it is learning how not to skin your knees and break your arms. That's where the console community is right now. "They don't know any better" is not an excuse, it's condescending to the point of insult. Console users are learning, and once the furor of this whole debacle dies down a bit, they will keep learning, and get better, and maybe, just maybe, become a great part of the established modding community.


You deride pixelhate by saying they solve all their problems with fire, but you are the one pouring gasoline on this flame war just to watch the world burn. You also invoke terrorists, an odd metaphor (I HOPE it's a metaphor), so what's next, comparing someone to Hitler? Stop being a pedant and instead spread the word in the console community about their responsibility--yes, responsibility--in making sure the mods they download are legitimate. If you have no interest in doing that, you are simply here to whine and argue, which makes your comments less than useless, it makes them part of the problem.


Don't be that guy.

The person shouldn't have to google everything just to pander to mod authors. If a mod is uploaded to Bethesda.net, it is Bethesda's responsibility to make sure it works, and doesn't break a game.

And JWA, are you serious? Did you seriously believe I meant ISLAMIC TERRORISTS? ARE YOU SERIOUS?

GO home. Go to the VA and get your s*** checked, because clearly you are TRIGGERED. Je zuz f'in Kryst. No.

I, of course, meant the petulant children that steal mods, include some nefarious script with the intent to f*** s*** up. Hackers. Script kiddies. Whatever you want to call them. You're an idiot that you think that I meant islamic extremists. I mean, I really want to be nice, here, I really do, but people like you make it extremely difficult.

Mods aren't free DLC that come with hundreds of hours of QA and bug testing. Never have been, never will be. Although I love that consoles are finally being able to have mods because I've loved modding every Bethesda game since Oblivion and I started playing that on Xbox back in 2006/7, I'm beginning to think more and more that perhaps console owners shouldn't really get that privilege. There seem to be lots who think that a mod is just "click this button and install and your magically ready to go." F*** that noise, seriously. What this community USED to be was a tight knit group of people who would make mods, try them out, and in many cases an insane amount of troubleshooting and feedback was required. Anyone honestly expecting the ability to plug and play without having to do any background research on the mod and its compatibility is going to be a detriment to the community, plain and simple. While they're doing this background research, I suspect any issues about mod thievery would likely arise. I hope that most console users don't anticipate this being the case but...your attitude suggests otherwise.


I am sorry, but the community is not like that lol, you are seeing things that are not actually there. I am betting more than half the community on pc don't even check if the mod on the nexus is stolen or not. I know I certainly do not, and I am willing to admit that because it's not really something I even think about when looking for mods.


I mean, you do know the steam workshop has existed for some time now right? Where it's pretty much one click and install. How many people there do you see making sure the mod isn't stolen? You can't just pin this on console players lol.

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In response to post #39589525. #39589815, #39590450, #39601020 are all replies on the same post.

kevindad1 wrote: Pretty much everything has the "release now, fix later" treatment. That's not to say that what you're saying is wrong though.
kevindad1 wrote: And why are people talking about paid mods? Bethesda knows that that failed. Do you really think that they'll attempt that again? How would they make it work anyway.
phantompally76 wrote: The same way EA gets away with charging full price for half a Star Wars: Battlefront and then ransoming the other half as DLC behind a paywall.

Because average gamer$ will purchase them without questioning the legality, morality or stupidity of the software companies.

Paid mods already exist. Some of you just don't realize it yet.
kevindad1 wrote: Who said that EA got away with that? Better yet, what does your reply have anything to do with what I said? (Minus the last part, that is obviously not true)

They're still getting away with it. And they're going to get away with it again when they release the Battlefront sequel. And they won't change their business model, because they don't have to.

But if you don't want me to bring EA into it, fine. Bethesda didn't fail at paid mods. To the contrary, they've already succeeded. You just haven't stopped to realize it yet.

Most of us here paid for a mod disguised as DLC from Bethesda nearly 4 years ago, a derivative work based (heavily) off a free mod. Some in this community STILL refuse to purchase it (much to the chagrin of almost every mod author on the Nexus), leaving a very small minority of gamers with the ability to stand upon any sort of tangible moral high ground on this matter, but most of us own it (even if we got it on sale or in a bundle). Most of us own and use a paid mod uploaded by Bethesda based off someone else's work. Why this never came up during #modgate (and perhaps it did, but if so it was buried amongst the blatant hypocrisy and ASCII genitalia) is a little staggering.

So don't pretend to act like this is new territory. Bethesda has already charged the majority of us for a mod....the ultimate copyright-infringing paid mod.... and the majority of us willingly shelled out the cash because they called it DLC. Bethesda got away with it, and they will get away with it again.

And before the white knights retort "But that was totally different....", no. No different.

Just inconvenient.

Edited by phantompally76
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In response to post #39602495.

Brabbit1987 wrote:


In response to post #39594035.

boomerizer wrote:

In response to post #39590680. #39591610, #39591915, #39592885 are all replies on the same post.

boomerizer wrote:

So, what? You're just OK with breaking savegames, games, and consoles?

..Ignorance can't be an excuse, no one is innocent...

The average console user, I wager just opens up Fallout 4> Clicks Mods> Browses Mods> Clicks Download> Wash Rinse Repeat until satisfied or download queue is full or whatever> Returns to menu> Stars game.

There is NO WAY OF TELLING THE MOD IS STOLEN. What about that do you not flippin understand?

Is your ego that fragile that you're perfectly fine with "console peasants" being out, possibly $300 because of your free mod being redistributed? Please go away, don't start this again. I don't want to talk about the pure shittiness of that attitude. If you're that fragile, just stop modding. Just stop-- you obviously don't care about the community. Back to the way I put it:

You're burning a village, to catch a thief. IT. IS. MADNESS. Good Job, Targaeryen. Answer all your problems with fire.

EDIT: Furthermore, by including scripts that may break a game or console, you are supplying weapons to the terrorists now, you realize that? You're doing the work for them. By doing so, you have yourself become the very thing that will destroy the modding community. Good Job, on that one.

jwa1975 wrote:
In response to post #39590680.

boomerizer wrote:

So, what? You're just OK with breaking savegames, games, and consoles?

..Ignorance can't be an excuse, no one is innocent...

The average console user, I wager just opens up Fallout 4> Clicks Mods> Browses Mods> Clicks Download> Wash Rinse Repeat until satisfied or download queue is full or whatever> Returns to menu> Stars game.

There is NO WAY OF TELLING THE MOD IS STOLEN. What about that do you not flippin understand?

Is your ego that fragile that you're perfectly fine with "console peasants" being out, possibly $300 because of your free mod being redistributed? Please go away, don't start this again. I don't want to talk about the pure shittiness of that attitude. If you're that fragile, just stop modding. Just stop-- you obviously don't care about the community. Back to the way I put it:

You're burning a village, to catch a thief. IT. IS. MADNESS. Good Job, Targaeryen. Answer all your problems with fire.

EDIT: Furthermore, by including scripts that may break a game or console, you are supplying weapons to the terrorists now, you realize that? You're doing the work for them. By doing so, you have yourself become the very thing that will destroy the modding community. Good Job, on that one.

I was in Iraq for 3 years and never saw someone carrying around a Xbox to try and kill me with. I saw plenty of RPG rockets, bullets flying past me, IED explosions which crippled me, and many other things. To say that including F4SE scripts is supplying terrorists with a type of weapon is just ignorant. Why don't you go screw yourself before insulting any more vets that actually play these moddable games. F4SE is harmless you stupid ignorant s***, especially when used as DRM. It is a preventive measure and when used correctly a good one. Games are full of scripts, its how they function you corroded *censored*. God bless America, because we the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines will fight the wars.

Namea wrote: As a fellow veteran I find your use of the term "Rag Head" disgusting and quite indicative of the type of person you must be.
Derrick93 wrote: you should ask this to bethesda since all this mess is caused from them. Bethesda is responsable of bethesda.net, same for the safety and stability of the console version. And just to say, this is one of the most stupid comment i ever read on nexus.

Such drama.

Console users are not imbeciles. Some mods are going to break saves. PC users deal with this every time we download a mod, too. It happens. Missing masters, incorrect file locations (due to author or installation method, I have dealt with both), hell, I couldn't play Fallout 4 for two days recently because of Beth's ninja-patch, so F4SE didn't work. We have learned how to work within the limitations of modifying the game well beyond its original design parameters--it's one of the fun parts of modding for many of us--and we are aware of the problems it can cause. Console users have not dealt with that on their machines yet, but this is not Armageddon we're talking about here. These are computers, running video games.

There is a way to tell if a mod is stolen. Console users just need to be told how--it is called Google, and you type in the mod's title in that little search bar, and if you see it listed in the results on the Nexus or somewhere else, visit the page. If the author matches the Bethnet listing, or if the author has stated it is on Bethnet, you know it's legitimate. If not, just steer clear. If a console user is too lazy to do this (if they can access Bethnet on their XBone, they have internet, complete with browser, so there are literally NO EXCUSES on that, once they know), then they are choosing to be complicit with using potentially stolen mods. As Bethnet/CK gets fixed/improves, this step should be unnecessary, but until then, spread the word. Console users are not babies, despite the smack talk. They can manage simple internet searches.

When you learn to ride a bike or climb a tree, do you get hurt? Usually. Some skinned knees, maybe a broken arm, but you learn, and part of it is learning how not to skin your knees and break your arms. That's where the console community is right now. "They don't know any better" is not an excuse, it's condescending to the point of insult. Console users are learning, and once the furor of this whole debacle dies down a bit, they will keep learning, and get better, and maybe, just maybe, become a great part of the established modding community.

You deride pixelhate by saying they solve all their problems with fire, but you are the one pouring gasoline on this flame war just to watch the world burn. You also invoke terrorists, an odd metaphor (I HOPE it's a metaphor), so what's next, comparing someone to Hitler? Stop being a pedant and instead spread the word in the console community about their responsibility--yes, responsibility--in making sure the mods they download are legitimate. If you have no interest in doing that, you are simply here to whine and argue, which makes your comments less than useless, it makes them part of the problem.

Don't be that guy.

The person shouldn't have to google everything just to pander to mod authors. If a mod is uploaded to Bethesda.net, it is Bethesda's responsibility to make sure it works, and doesn't break a game.

And JWA, are you serious? Did you seriously believe I meant ISLAMIC TERRORISTS? ARE YOU SERIOUS?

GO home. Go to the VA and get your s*** checked, because clearly you are TRIGGERED. Je zuz f'in Kryst. No.

I, of course, meant the petulant children that steal mods, include some nefarious script with the intent to f*** s*** up. Hackers. Script kiddies. Whatever you want to call them. You're an idiot that you think that I meant islamic extremists. I mean, I really want to be nice, here, I really do, but people like you make it extremely difficult.

Mods aren't free DLC that come with hundreds of hours of QA and bug testing. Never have been, never will be. Although I love that consoles are finally being able to have mods because I've loved modding every Bethesda game since Oblivion and I started playing that on Xbox back in 2006/7, I'm beginning to think more and more that perhaps console owners shouldn't really get that privilege. There seem to be lots who think that a mod is just "click this button and install and your magically ready to go." F*** that noise, seriously. What this community USED to be was a tight knit group of people who would make mods, try them out, and in many cases an insane amount of troubleshooting and feedback was required. Anyone honestly expecting the ability to plug and play without having to do any background research on the mod and its compatibility is going to be a detriment to the community, plain and simple. While they're doing this background research, I suspect any issues about mod thievery would likely arise. I hope that most console users don't anticipate this being the case but...your attitude suggests otherwise.


I am sorry, but the community is not like that lol, you are seeing things that are not actually there. I am betting more than half the community on pc don't even check if the mod on the nexus is stolen or not. I know I certainly do not, and I am willing to admit that because it's not really something I even think about when looking for mods.

I mean, you do know the steam workshop has existed for some time now right? Where it's pretty much one click and install. How many people there do you see making sure the mod isn't stolen? You can't just pin this on console players lol.

I tried to emphasize the words "USED to" - as in, past tense. Though mod thievery still existed back then, and will likely always exist, modding TES games is becoming more mainstream and the company that owns the franchise does not have as good of a foundation as this site does for supporting that kind of endeavor.

It comes with these games becoming more mainstream I guess but I can still look to this community's history and see that it never USED to be this way.

I'm not TRYING to pin this on console players; but your point that the Steam Workshop is a thing just reinforces the fact that the infrastructure does not exist to prevent the problem Robin is addressing. It is obvious then that the world at large is not ready for modding on a large scale because it can't respect established protocol - or maybe more protocol needs to be established.
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