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well I was reporting it but then I can only use one syllable words short sentences and small talk. not more then 185 char! post a few links and well your done!



Overwatch on B.Net. Not B.Net own by Blizzard, B.Net owned by Bethesda. Go Sue.


Will that work?


No because I tried to tell them about this BUT. I made the mistake of using WORDS! Words hurt there brain which is why you only get 185 char to speak with!!!!



You need to think more like a caveman, or if you wanna go more simplistic, think like the mod thieves. Like Yur mod, bet site. thief bad, you sad?

Or just write a ton theft reports in haiku form, then once you've gathered enough, make a book out of it and see how many copies you can sell...


Ooh! How about this:


"Bethesda use Blizzard stuff! Steal! Site has! Lawsuit? Get money? Money good, yes?"


What company can ignore something when the word "lawsuit" is included?

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People need to stop treating Todd Howard as a God, and start making him answer for this Shitt. He is part of this company.

Hold on, is the term "God Howard" actually used in a non-derogatory fashion by some people?

I always thought people called him "God Howard" because, you know, if there is a God, he clearly doesn't give a damn about what he created, and is laughing at how we are tearing each other to pieces, while he just gets worshiped blindly, and grows more powerful, despite having creating an utterly flawed product that he abandoned the second after it was built.

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People need to stop treating Todd Howard as a God, and start making him answer for this Shitt. He is part of this company.

Hold on, is the term "God Howard" actually used in a non-derogatory fashion by some people?

I always thought people called him "God Howard" because, you know, if there is a God, he clearly doesn't give a damn about what he created, and is laughing at how we are tearing each other to pieces, while he just gets worshiped blindly, and grows more powerful, despite having creating an utterly flawed product that he abandoned the second after it was built.



If Todd Howard was a God, I would think he would be a God in a sense how you appear to be a God in "The Sims" Game. God Howard builds a great looking pool for you to go into, but once you are in, Todd will then delete the pool ladder and let hilarity ensue.

Edited by ahnjd
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While it's about damn time that they linked the site to steam accounts, it wont accomplish anything unless they have a full time staff to monitor the site and hand out strict punishments for mod theft.


And by strict punishments I mean disabling CD keys and possibly even steam hardware bans.


Without a full time staff it just takes too long to get a stolen mod taken down if it gets taken down at all, and without strict bans like these the little thief shits will just continue to steal stuff.

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I refuse to link until I have too, that way we can see how long their grace period is, said grace period ONLY helping criminals btw, there is 0 upside for a grace period for legit MA's


f***ing stupid s*** c*** bethesda

It amuses me to read your posts while hearing them in Elmo's voice in my mind. =^[.]^=

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