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Anyone ignoring skyrim?



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  1. 1. Continuing to play Oblivion?

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I intend to continue with Oblivion for a long while for a few reasons-


1.) My computer in its current state cannot run Skyrim. lol

2.) Four years of playing oblivion and I never did the main quest line.

3.) There's bound to be a plentiful amount of bugs and glitches in Skyrim to be sorted out.

4.) Oblivion is going to have more mods for a long time.


Anyone else joining me? Why are you sticking with Oblivion?

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I'm with you Kiyasumeni. While I do understand the desire to have the latest and greatest, and the I want it NOW crowd, I've also learned to appreciate the benefits one gains by having a little patience. By the time I install Skyrim there will be countless forum postings for almost every possible problem with the game ... all I'll need to do to avoid those pitfalls is read a few forum threads. By the time I buy Skyrim it will have dropped about half way to it's end of life price, and that won't be the only savings I'll get. By that time the hardware to really enjoy the game will be well defined via actual gamer's experience, with all the host of services and utilities running away in the background chewing up CPU cycles, not the best case scenarios displayed by the marketing guys on the game specifications. By the time I buy that hardware, it will be half way to it's end of life price and the driver teams at NVIDIA and AMD will be long past Skyrim and chasing the next latest and greatest game with their driver optimimizations.


Hell, even though I've known about Oblivion since it's day one release I only started playing it a year ago (though I do admit I owned the game for more than a year before that and just didn't get around to installing it). I've got plenty of time to keep tinkering with Oblivion before I need to get all wound up about Skyrim.

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I'm pretty die hard when t comes to Oblivion I'll be playing it till it goes the way of Pong even further if I can keep a pc running that will play it. Don't get me wrong. I loved Sky Rim from my first sight of it but it does have it's problems and my pc won't play it anyway so it will be a while till before I can play on a regular basis.
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I was first hovering over "Yes", but then I came to realize, I'm not "playing" at all!


I have to opt out on Skyrim as well for quite a while for a multitude of reasons:

- I've got no free time between work to even consider "playing" anything, so "buying" something now which I know I can't play is not gonna happen.

- I've got no time to buy a new PC either, and the MacBook I'm working on will most likely not do the trick. It works fairly well for continuing Oblivion modding, but never will it work for Skyrim!

- I'm more modding than playing anyways, and at the current state of development of the inevitable 3rd party modding tools modding Skyrim the way I need is pretty much impossible. Last time I checked forums they couldn't even create working NIF files, yet.

- Every game I mod I must mod Drake into at one point or another, anything else will not suffice. It is currently impossible to mod Drake into Skyrim, so I'll keep doing this in Oblivion, where all I need is right there and now, and I know exactly how to do what I need to do.

- I was avoiding any forum related and any topic containing those 6 letters like the plaque after having read the first few threads out of curiosity. Back then I decided to not follow those pointless arguments (you call it discussions? Then you learned a different meaning of the word than I) until after 11-11-11 to change my mind with some actual facts and truth for a change. However, having read some more now "after" 11-11-11 has just doubled my concerns to stay clear of it.


I love the looks of the game from what I saw so far and the actual gameplay seems to well be able to entertain me for a long, long time to come, modding or not. The "modding"-related forums I will frequent on a regular basis, to stay up-to-date with the latest developments. But the "mod"-related forums I will definitely continue to stay clear of, as I can't read it anymore what they are writing in there. I've got far more important things to loose my sanity over.


I just hope anybody coming along to demand me converting my mods to Skyrim "now" won't be offended when all he'll get in response is big laughter and a childish gigglefit from my side, right before I drop from my chair and start rolling on the floor next. :whistling:

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I'm very excited about Skyrim, alas I feel that I simply don't have the time to play it yet. I'm lagging behind when it comes to video games, and before I try Skyrim I would love to first play through some other games that I have missed, like Mass Effect and Dragon Age... and ofcourse, Oblivion. :P As you can notice on these boards, I'm in the process of beginning to explore the Shivering Isles, since I haven't gotten around to that yet. I like Oblivion very much, even more than Morrowind (Although that game was far from bad) and as such I'm looking at alittle more than 1000 hours played, currently. And I still have some things I'd like to do before I progress to a new game.


It's also a matter of waiting for a lot of issues and problems to arise and be solved as someone else said. In these situations I've found that it's much better to wait and let others struggle with the bugs and whatnot. :P That, and, I'm waiting until the modding scene for Skyrim has taken off, to see what mods I'll use.


Since Skyrim is singleplayer, there's no rush to play it, imo.

Edited by NocturneNight
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The requirements are high, it's buggy, there are features missing (spellmaking, a good inventory UI) that I really want, there's no extensive modding community yet and probably won't be for a year, and I've got heavily modded Morrowind and Oblivion setups that add tons of content in place. Why should I chuck out a good slab of cash for something I'm not going to play, when the money could go into household funds that are needed, or for holiday gifts, or for other purchases such as books?
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I tried Skyrim, and my computer is going to need some work before I can play the game right. So it is going to take some time, money, and effort before I even have the choice to really play and mod Skyrim. From what people who have played it have reported, it sounds like there are so many grievances that there will be a huge market for mods to fix Skyrim the way people want it.
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Skyrim is not buggy, I speak from experience. Not once have I come across a single bug. Not one! Why you say? Because of the day one patch to fix the issues which i got as soon as the game finished installing. I have not had a single problem with the game at all. It runs like a charm, looks so damn gorgeous, and plays so much better than Oblivion. Hell, even M'aiq is back and guess what he says about Cyrodiil? "M'aiq hears that people from Cyrodiil are really ugly. Would have never known." And yes he is obviously telling the truth. The game world of Oblivion felt so small. Felt like all you were doing was running around in a bowl compared to skyrim.


It will be a very long time before I return back to Oblivion. For now, it shall lay in it's dusty grave.

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Skyrim is not buggy, I speak from experience. Not once have I come across a single bug. Not one! Why you say?


Perhaps I've mentioned bugs because I've taken note of the official Bethsoft Skyrim forum on software and hardware-related problems, here, with more than 3500 topic entries already. Not all of these are specifically bugs, but quite a lot are, as you can discover for yourself by simply reading through a few pages of the forum.


Which isn't to say that Skyrim is ridiculously buggy. But it's a big game, and all of Bethsoft's games are always loaded with bugs when they first appear. This can be confirmed by considering how many bugfixes are in each of the patch releases for Oblivion and Morrowind, for example--and then how many further bugs were unofficially caught by the players, who issued their own further patches. Literally thousands of issues, large and small, are always in need of repair.


Expect plenty of future patches for Skyrim. It's what a conscientious company does when there are thousands of complaints.

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