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In response to post #39675940. #39677215, #39679030, #39680875, #39683735, #39684460, #39688180, #39690275, #39694390 are all replies on the same post.

Kregen wrote: why do'nt beth just hire youguys to run thier modding center and forums, you at least know what you are doing and instill confidance into the comunity.
kevindad1 wrote: Does Bethesda know that Nexus exists?
Benjamin0329 wrote: They know it exists.
kevindad1 wrote: Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding.
Crimsonhawk87 wrote: Err, we've all been saying the same thing for months now....in fact, the only ones who do not agree with us are Bethesda and a handful of console users (not all mind you, I'd venture to say not even a majority, but a few like the wild west show that is Beth.net). Dead horse, beaten.
1stReaper wrote: @Kregen

if beth hired Dark0ne and the team
you can be damn sure beth would fire todd howard and give them his job =/...

im actually surprized howard STILL his job considering the fact that
they 1st try to stick paid for mods into action, 2nd rise the price tag off the season pass
and <3rd strike>... stateing "nukaworld is the last dlc"... making the rised pricetag a complete rip off...

if howard worked for me i'd have thrown him out the second the 3rd strike get laid down =/...

Cheers for helping the modding community as much as you guys and girls have :),
lets hope that things continue to pick up, and repair the wounds from the recent event with the mod thieves taking stuff that dont belong to them =/... it sucks as we're still recovering the trust lost because of the paid for mods =/....

Keep up the awesome work :)

mmm my guess is if beth teamed up with Dark0ne, they would lose out because on the nexus they wouldn't have control of what happens with the mods.. and thank f**king god... if they did it'd be the end of the modding community =/... (if paid for mods have anything to say about it)

Aragingmonk wrote: "Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding."

Bethesda will end up charging for mods in the future, when they get this worked out. If they control the creation kit they can eventually state in the rules that you have to put the mod on their site. Then they will charge for it.

ESO = Failure went free to play. Doom = Failure had to release free demo and extend it. cannot say much about FO4 because I did not buy it, but have read the fiasco over charging too much for season pass and poor dlc content.

They should concentrate on making a decent game that we do not have to fix instead of raping peoples wallet. Almost as bad as EA!
digitaltrucker wrote: I suspect it's more Pete Hines than Todd Howard (not excusing Howard in any way, mind you).
LordCybot wrote: "Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding. "

Because Bethesda wants to eventually corner the market and be the by far largest and most used mod distributing site, that way they can more easily control what gets put out, growns in popularity, sinks ins popularity etc etc

I'd just like to point out one other thing Beth already has paid mods they are called DLC.
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In response to post #39666270. #39693685, #39704300 are all replies on the same post.

RattleAndGrind wrote:

That's great, thank you!

Now if only we could also clearly separate the terminology "to mod" (the action of installing mods) form "to mod" (as in actually producing mods). Using identical words for both causes quite a bit of confusion at times.

"The solution starts with me".


I participate in "mod creation" because I am creating a mod (albeit very slowly and painfully).


I also participate in "mod installation", because I have downloaded and installed mods.


I know that "mod creation" and "mod installation" are verbose. but sometimes more words actually clarify a situation.

WileyQuixote wrote: To mod, or not to mod: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler to upload, to suffer
The slangs and harrows of outrageous forums,
Or to take arms against a sea of trolls,
And by opposing end them? Risk the hammer of ban: to sleep;

Or perhaps something from Act 5,Scene 1

Let me see. (takes the jewel case of Elder Scrolls: Arena) Alas, poor Howard! I knew him, Dark0ne, a fellow of infinite games, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne the entertainment I hath played a thousand hours, and now,...........

Sorry I couldn't resist. I'll go back to trying to learn papyrus now.

But on a more serious note I've always pretty much thought it was:
To Mod (download and install a bunch of mods and hope you don't screw something up)
To Author (create the mods)
Jord159 wrote: Wiley this has to be the best comment I've seen. On another note, what tutorials are you using for papyrus because I've tried to learn it before but couldn't wrap my head around it.

This one probably has all the info one could need.
*Warning* may cure insomnia
http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Category:Papyrus (edit won't let me turn off the emoticon replace it with ": p" minus the quotes and space)

And this one:
http://www.cipscis.com/skyrim/tutorials/beginners.aspx Edited by WileyQuixote
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In response to post #39690065. #39693855 is also a reply to the same post.

Masterofnet wrote:

Wise move. The Nexus needed a creation kit specialized thread.


However when the Skyrim Special Addition comes out you may want to consider keeping the creation kit thread for PC modders separate from the console modders.

Takashiro wrote: All mods are made on pc anyway, i see no need in trying to keep it separate. Unless this is just more of that unnecessary hate for console mods which i really dont get,ether way putting up a wall between them would not do any good for anyone.

There needs to be more interaction between console and pc mod users. Ive been talking to console players on beth net and they can see that nexus has something to offer them in the way of contact with mod devs. Those I talked to understand that porting to a console is not always straight forward and are willing to help with beta testing.
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In response to post #39678300.

MagnaBob wrote: I've modded various games but can get nowhere fast in the CK due to not knowing where the various resources lie within the menu structure. Will someone please WRITE a tutorial? I know there are dozens of YouTube videos but if you have hearing difficulties like I do they are virtually worthless, and secondly for the lucky folks with good hearing, it is very difficult to do any kind of search other than scrubbing through frames. And Nexus, thank you for breaking this out-- it will make finding stuff much simpler.

Basic one, hope it helps

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Perhaps you should add a couple of forums for all variants of the Script Extender? They are doing Gods work with keeping it updated and adding more features. Searching at Beth.net for their recent activity is almost a pain (In the..). Just a thought. :smile:

The latest version of the FO4 Script extender is available at the exact same place it has always been available - http://f4se.silverlock.org/ :thumbsup:


There is NO advertising, NO tracking and No registration required. And it's FREE. :dance: So why would you even want to get F4SE somewhere else?


The new version will always be posted there first. And downloading it from anywhere else is probably a mistake.

For those that don't know how to install it, the instructions are included in the zip file.

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In response to post #39675940. #39677215, #39679030, #39680875, #39683735, #39684460, #39688180, #39690275, #39694390, #39705550 are all replies on the same post.

Kregen wrote: why do'nt beth just hire youguys to run thier modding center and forums, you at least know what you are doing and instill confidance into the comunity.
kevindad1 wrote: Does Bethesda know that Nexus exists?
Benjamin0329 wrote: They know it exists.
kevindad1 wrote: Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding.
Crimsonhawk87 wrote: Err, we've all been saying the same thing for months now....in fact, the only ones who do not agree with us are Bethesda and a handful of console users (not all mind you, I'd venture to say not even a majority, but a few like the wild west show that is Beth.net). Dead horse, beaten.
1stReaper wrote: @Kregen

if beth hired Dark0ne and the team
you can be damn sure beth would fire todd howard and give them his job =/...

im actually surprized howard STILL his job considering the fact that
they 1st try to stick paid for mods into action, 2nd rise the price tag off the season pass
and <3rd strike>... stateing "nukaworld is the last dlc"... making the rised pricetag a complete rip off...

if howard worked for me i'd have thrown him out the second the 3rd strike get laid down =/...

Cheers for helping the modding community as much as you guys and girls have :),
lets hope that things continue to pick up, and repair the wounds from the recent event with the mod thieves taking stuff that dont belong to them =/... it sucks as we're still recovering the trust lost because of the paid for mods =/....

Keep up the awesome work :)

mmm my guess is if beth teamed up with Dark0ne, they would lose out because on the nexus they wouldn't have control of what happens with the mods.. and thank f**king god... if they did it'd be the end of the modding community =/... (if paid for mods have anything to say about it)

Aragingmonk wrote: "Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding."

Bethesda will end up charging for mods in the future, when they get this worked out. If they control the creation kit they can eventually state in the rules that you have to put the mod on their site. Then they will charge for it.

ESO = Failure went free to play. Doom = Failure had to release free demo and extend it. cannot say much about FO4 because I did not buy it, but have read the fiasco over charging too much for season pass and poor dlc content.

They should concentrate on making a decent game that we do not have to fix instead of raping peoples wallet. Almost as bad as EA!
digitaltrucker wrote: I suspect it's more Pete Hines than Todd Howard (not excusing Howard in any way, mind you).
LordCybot wrote: "Well I don't see the point in the website if Nexus exists. They could have just teamed up with this site and there would be no problems with modding. "

Because Bethesda wants to eventually corner the market and be the by far largest and most used mod distributing site, that way they can more easily control what gets put out, growns in popularity, sinks ins popularity etc etc
Kregen wrote: I'd just like to point out one other thing Beth already has paid mods they are called DLC.

You REALLY don't want Bethesda in charge of the Nexus, which is what would have to happen in order for Robin and his team to be the official source for mods for Bethesda games. I promise you they absolutely would NOT allow the Nexus to be the official source for mods and remain independently operated, and if they controlled it, there would be many undesirable changes.
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In response to post #39684690. #39684860 is also a reply to the same post.

crashpilot wrote: Nexus is solving Bethesda's problems, again!
You guys should geta share of their profits!!!!
1stReaper wrote: lol
they should have their job, never their profits =/....

the nexus and the modding community
...as far as i can remember has been fixing beth's ..... f**k ups
since when skyrim came first came out on the pc =/

thank god i switched to pc over console
i think i came to pc versions of skyrim and then fo3, new vegas and fo4 give or take a few months after dragonborn came out... (shrugs) its been that long i cant remember :P...

o wait i remember now...
i switched into pc gaming when i first saw baldurs gates enhanced editions release news :D
not regarting coming to pc gaming yet :)

good thing about the pc -
if theres an issues theres modders patches and console commands <3

Uhh, the Nexus (in one form or another) has been around since well before Skyrim. It was around even before Oblivion.
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In response to post #39676305. #39691020 is also a reply to the same post.

crazyjake252 wrote: Hey, this is literally my first time making a mod, and it's a companion mod... I know I have to write a script, but I have no idea what a proper script looks like. Once I have that, I can use it as a reference tool to use as a model for making my companion script... Anyone want to post what a companion script looks like with the companion wheel included?
WileyQuixote wrote: It sounds more like you are talking about dialogue related to a quest. If that is the case than a google search for "how do I add companion dialogue to a quest" should net you several very nice tutorials for Skyrim that are still relevant as far as I know.

If you are talking about Scripts (Papyrus). Get ready for the fun and excitement of Chinese Algebra. Wait a minute Chinese Algebra was easier. In all seriousness though a search for "Papyrus Wiki" should get to the Wiki for Papyrus that has some decent tutorials and references.

You shouldn't need a new script unless you want your companion to have some custom behavior. If you're fine with the default companion behavior, then just use the default companion script.

As for what a proper script looks like, well, load up a normal companion in the CK, look through their attached scripts until you find the script you want, and study it. As Wiley said, google Papyrus wiki for any bits you don't understand.
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