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Runtime Error R6025


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Since a couple of days, I'm getting this R6025 Pure Virtual Function Call runtime error. Strange thing is that it only rarely crashes my game. Only thing that happens is that I notice that my V-RAM freezes (am monitoring temps and V-RAM/RAM use through MSI Afterburner and the display on my G19 keyboard) at whatever amount it is at that particular time. Upon closing the game, I get a black screen with the pop-up announcing the runtime error. Most of the time I can't get rid of the black screen (FO4 is still running in the background) and have to reboot the computer...


Am wondering why this happens all of a sudden. Any ideas?

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Do you have Visual Studio? It cause a similar, but not your exact error, for me. Got rid of it. No problem now.

Don't have Visual Studio. Besides, been playing FO4 since its release and never had this kind of error. Started happening two or three days ago. Didn't get any Windows or driver updates, so, I don't understand why I all of a sudden am getting this runtime error, mostly when closing the game...

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  • 1 year later...

Started having this issue all of a sudden, +800 hours into the game, and can't find a fix... tried reinstalling, verifying cache, reinstalling C++ Packages, updating drivers, even scanning for malware and registry errors, but it still happens; anybody got it fixed somehow?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 11 months later...

From what I've read on steam, this is a result of CC updates breaking things. I just started getting this error from my latest reinstall (As of April 2019). If that's the case, then that means installing another F4 update and f4se, and all the mods all over again, and hoping that fixes it.

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