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Another New Patch A Now The Wait To Play Again


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This is horrible! Oh the humanity! Its the apocalyPS3 all over again!!!!!111!1!ONEWITHALLCAPS!!!!!1

Just think, last week, Bethesda ninja patched the game under everyone's watch. Then they did it again today. Those sneaky little buggers that they are, they are them, in which they are. Them.


Oh well, guess I'll do other stuff to pass the time. :3

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Steam just did a live update so it's sit around and wait till F4SE catches up :sad:

The beth creeps will PRAISE the game breaking (Oh look, one did exactly that). Yet Steam DEMANDS that steam users allow updates to happen automatically, so most gamers need to need to have the tech knowledge to disable such updates- which is a thoroughly UNREASONABLE requirement.


I think it is despicable when creeps tell ordinary users, who have PAID so much for their game, to 'suck it up' and laugh at their frustrations. Speaks volumes about the 'other' side, doesn't it.


*I* can and do control my PC experience to a greater degree than 99.99%+ of ordianary users, but does that mean I mock people with less technical skill when they rightfully complain about nasty behaviour by software publishers?


Forced updates are becoming an industry cancer- look at the rotten behaviour by MS in trying to force W10 on people for example. And those that force updates, like steam and MS, want it to be FAR more difficult to prevent such updates in the future- if not impossible.


Beth has a RIGHT to update its software, and a DUTY if they are fixing bugs. But they don't have a right to force updates on gamers when by doing so they may interfere with the experience the user paid for. Users should be given a clear choice, and NOT by hacking computer settings that require any form of expertise.


It is interesting how the pro Beth trolls are always anti-choice and anti-user-rights. One might question where this uniform agenda originates.

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Really getting sick of my game being unplayable... they could at least space em out a bit.


Or maybe release the patch they say they are gonna release... instead of a totally different version number, can't wait for all the dlc and patches to be done.

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Having trouble finding what's in the patch. What's in the patch? Link?


Edit: found a link, but it was a beta patch that I won't get for a while. Saw they were trying to fix the armor and weapons racks modifying people's stuff. Performance and stability tweaks.

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