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Perhaps Fo4's problem lies in its inbalance of gameplay elements


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Bought the game yesterday and played till back to my home town.


I don't want to be Boby McBuilder. Period! I do not care even about modding my weapons nor having to maintain an exo-squeletton.


I want to follow that thin and perilous line that will eventually lead me to my son and some answers.

I want to roam the land, sleep in shitty places, starve, cry, suffer, feel this land.

I want to bath in RAD water and see the sun comes out.

I want to chew my half baked mole rat meat and drop a tear before sunrise after a night of running off troubles and near death.

I want to be the only reliable thing my dog think about.

I want to wear clothes only reaped from the people that I put out from their misery.

I want to be excited to find ammunition and a weapon that match.

I want to appear before the final boss only with my experience and determination.


Replace "I want" with "I need".


I guess I can.

I will just have to club to death everybody that ask me to do their job: surviving.

(I hope NPC can be set to non essential if they are.)


Great ambiance, super engine, awesome animations.

Too much micro management from the scratch, gave me a panic attack.

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You do realise that it's not compulsory to build settlements nor to wear power armour, don't you? If that's the way you want to play do so. There have been posts on here about playing the game using only stealth and others about not building settlements, if that's how you/they want to play, great, good luck to you. I enjoy building settlements and defending them, I feel like I'm taking back the Commonwealth one settlement at a time.


I don't enjoy dieing so I wear armour and power armour and use modded weapons and I enjoy killing people in the game. I play computer games for fun and I try not to get too serious about it (although I have broken the occasional mouse/keyboard). Many of the things that annoyed me a bit, have been fixed by mods, other things still annoy me, but I cstill carry on playing.


Some people on here won't agree with me, but I enjoy playing FO4 and that's what matters most to me


Mind you, thinking back to last night, I was in a fight with some gunners and I heard Dogmeat yelp, I turned round and a gunner was hitting him with an iron bar and kicking him. As I emptied a full clip from a Scar on full auto into him, I heard myself say "Don't kick my f*****g dog", so maybe I get more immersed in it than I thought.

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The technical side of the game is well done. It's lackluster and uninteresting because it offers nothing interesting however.


In a sense, yes. But I don't find it that much different from any previous Bethesda game. They all have been rather lackluster as far as real quests, not fetch and carry, are concerned. Apart from Morrowind, which drew me in with it's open world, which was a novelty back then, I always lost interest sooner rather than later. I always came back to playing after a few months pause, but there always has been this up and down between fun and boredom.


Right now I'm taking yet another leave, after having played FO4 for some time, after taking my first leave in january. And This time round, I noticed that I busied myself with settlement building rather than quest hunting. I haven't even finished the main as of yet. Which also is something I always experienced with Bethesda games. Not really being drawn into the story arc.

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Fun fact fallout 4 dispute using almost four times the disk space as base Skyrim has 1/3 the quests and looks only a little better. also it's double the size of fallout NV and has half the quests, in fact only fallout 3 has less quests out of any Bethesda game.

Fun Fact, most of the quests in Skyrim was arbitrary chores like finding a book or killing something an NPC will give you.


Fun Fact, most of New Vegas was small fetch quests that rarely had any content in them.


Fun Fact, large amounts of data =/= "should have more quests" it just means it has more meat in other areas. Like environment, level design, texture work and mechanics.


Fun Fact, just having more quests =/= better or more content when most of the quests are bare-boned.


And fallout 4 is not completely fetch/kills this quests? Lets see

Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution: kill scavengers, fetch items, fix some things, kill lots more scavengers then flip a switch.

All the Brotherhood of Steel quests: go there talk to him, kill that, get that, kill more of that then watch a robot kill stuff.

The minutemen: there's another statement that needs your help I'll mark it on your map. And so on.

Thing is most quests in any Bethesda game are go here talk to him, kill something, get something, activate something then talk to someone again. Vary few have more to them then that but fallout 4 has less of everything but radiant quests when compared to anything but fallout 3.

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All quests are fetch quests in rpgs. Fetch can mean simply go get item, can mean go kill person (and fetch proof) etc. The difference is how you present that quest. When you go to save USS Constitution, that quest is fun - characters are humorous, the dialogue is interesting (and new compared to the same 3 lines Preston says), the events are unexpected, and the reward is a room on an old ship (yer a sailah now mate) and a hand bloody cannon. Yea, just a fetch quest.

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