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Ten mods I'd love to find or see made!


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I am completely new to PC gaming and only have experience in the Elder Scrolls series from Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim on consoles. Oblivion was my favorite and I’ve always wanted to try it on PC because of the modding thing, but even today I’m a tad overwhelmed by it. If anyone could help me enjoy a game I’ve loved all these years in a new way, I’d be grateful to ye! :{D


Update: Only these remain after all the help people gave me :]


Still interested in:


- Black, panther-esc Khajiit. I don’t care if it’s just a simple color slide to black on the default Khajiit or a hunky black Khajiit dude in a sexy loincloth. I’ve never played the beast races before, so I wanna try it. But I just want a black cat dude. That’d be cool.


- Purple stuff! I found this cool archmage robe mod and it reminded me, ‘that is the exact purple I love. Where are the other purple mods out there?’ I’m talking clothes, weapons, armor, hair, skin, fur, wings, companions, houses, anything! As long as male characters can use it. Do you know any?


- The things ‘everyone’ considers are the essential mods that everyone needs, no matter what your preferences. I’ve heard things like a major patch that fixes tons of bugs, or the mod that puts all your keys on one convenient item slot. What do YOU consider the absolute ‘we should all have this’ mods? Feel free to ramble about your picks and the reasons why. I'm interested in that stuff!

Edited by PurpleOblivion
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All right, quite a list there!


I don't want you to think I am being a smart butt here, but I think the best way to help you (at least as first) is to have you help yourself. That whole give a fish, teach to fish saying applies here.


The Nexus has a pretty robust search function that I think will help you. So have you used the advanced search function and the filters, category, etc?

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About 1, you can already... Did you play with the sliders?

I did on the 360 version just to test it. I could get it almost all black (a bit TOO black actually, couldn't tell it was a cat anymore to a degree, lol). But you know how Oblivion's character creation is. It keeps throwing in these strange red, green or white spots on your character's face when you don't want it to. For me, it was red. Looked kind of cool in a Darth Maul sort of way at first, but then I thought 'nah, I could probably get something nicer in the PC world xD'

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All right, quite a list there!


I don't want you to think I am being a smart butt here, but I think the best way to help you (at least as first) is to have you help yourself. That whole give a fish, teach to fish saying applies here.


The Nexus has a pretty robust search function that I think will help you. So have you used the advanced search function and the filters, category, etc?

Oh you no-good smart butt you! >:{3 Lol, nah man I appreciate any comments.


To be honest I did, but I kinda got overwhelmed at just how many tabs I was getting just digging and digging. When I did find something (like on that list I did find some of those), I was worried 'okay, is this the latest version though? Because it would be just my luck to find some outdated version that no longer works or something' xD


I will say that I haven't seen the black panther Khajiit anywhere, very few purple items, haven't seen any hug animations, the proper grass thing, and even though I kinda-sorta remember a two-handed staff animation once upon a time, couldn't find that :[


I did look AND used advanced searching options, but I got overwhelmed and Noped all the way here. Thought maybe people could help my noob ass out, gwaha


You are right about the teaching how to fish thing though. While I wait for responses here, I'm gonna do more digging and see what I can find this time. Quite a list of mods our theh, bruv! Quite a list :{D

Edited by PurpleOblivion
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1- Elsweyr Anequina adds a number of variety for the Khajiit race with sometimes a darker fur. If they aren't already playable you can easily change it.


3- http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/38928/?


4- There are already some mods for the grass maybe does the one you want already exist


5- You shouldn't have much trouble creating a blunt weapon with a staff mesh I think.


7- Kvatch rebuilt & Kvatch aftermath


8- Installing a body model always affects all the NPC's


9- Maybe was it removed, did you make a search?


10- There are too many things you can change in a game and various tastes to give a universal answer. You're talking about the Unofficial Oblivion patch http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/5296/? and keychain http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/3409/? I guess

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You could consider using DarNified UI, or DarN UI, or whatever it is called, instead of Keychain. You can collapse all the item categories, so it basically allows you to hide your keys when not needed without using any additional mod. I have never used Keychain myself, but I think that was the one people claimed to have caused some issues with their games. But I cannot remember. There are both vanilla colour and Dark UI versions of DarN UI, the search function will find them for you.


For leveling, this one might be handy: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/13879

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RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52 is the latest version of Roberts Male and the latest refinement is Seamless Equipment - Roberts Male v5.2 Edition (read install iinstructions carefully). Edited by Striker879
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1- Elsweyr Anequina adds a number of variety for the Khajiit race with sometimes a darker fur. If they aren't already playable you can easily change it.


3- http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/38928/?


4- There are already some mods for the grass maybe does the one you want already exist


5- You shouldn't have much trouble creating a blunt weapon with a staff mesh I think.


7- Kvatch rebuilt & Kvatch aftermath


8- Installing a body model always affects all the NPC's


9- Maybe was it removed, did you make a search?


10- There are too many things you can change in a game and various tastes to give a universal answer. You're talking about the Unofficial Oblivion patch http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/5296/? and keychain http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/3409/? I guess


1.) Oh, nice! I saw a dark grey leapard-like dude in there, but you're saying there's an option to make a solid black one? I mean I saw a blue one in there so they must have lots of options, gwaha :{D Also, if I got this mod, would I have to get the desert along with it? I don't really care about that, nifty as it looks.


3.) OH SNAP! Haha, that mod is adorable :{3 Thank you for the link. I'll start editing my first post and thank whoever helped me


4.) Yeah I gotta keep digging. Some mods are pretty general in just saying 'this makes everything look better, including the grass.' Thank you though :]


5.) Is it hard for a complete beginner like me? I'd probably mess it up and cause the staff to be upside down, or cause a crash when I do a power attack xD


7.) Awdude, thank you so much~


8.) Thanks for clearing that up :]


9.) I searched 'White Gold Tower' and got some simple teleporters to the top, but haven't found the nice house up top yet. Here's a video from the old days that showed it off. Lol, a tad smaller than I remember it but it was still kinda cool :{D


10.) I know, it is a broad question haha. I was just curious if there were some that pretty much everybody agreed were the must-haves.


@Contrathetix: Ah, I see. I might just do as I did on the 360 and drop keys I don't use in a barrel somewhere xD


BOOM! That was the one. Thank you for the help.


@Striker: Thank you as well :]



Welp, time to edit my first post. Got work in a bit too, but I'll keep an eye on this thread. You guys rock >:{3

Edited by PurpleOblivion
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You might find links like


http:// www. tesnexus. com/ downloads/ file.php? id=39040


that do not work. Usually the mod linked is still there, but in a move that shows incompetence, stupidity or total malice the nexus changed all the addresses without making a redirect*. To reach the destination manually copy the number in a new link like this one:


http://www. nexusmods. com/ oblivion/ mods/ 39040

(of course do not really put the spaces, those are there only for clarity)


See the 39040? Same number. This example is from the HugTouch mod, but it happens often.


Besides, I think you'd like this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/46722

I personally LOVE it.




*In possible defense the dns is different, it could be actually be a problem.

Edited by zdswulyx
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