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Crafting armor and weapons has killed the game for me!!


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I still run around wrapped in fur, cause i dont care much for stats :dance:



Hehe. It's all about looks for me. If my character does not look good in their new found gear it's not gonna be worn regardless of stats :biggrin:

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So uhhh... Don't craft or use crafted gear, problem solved.


Threads like this crack me up!


How dare you inject logic into this thread! Not only has the OP ruined his game save, but you ruined his thread for him too!


I still run around wrapped in fur, cause i dont care much for stats :dance:


Aletheia is running around in that "starter" gear you get from the bandits in Bleak Falls. It seems more fitting of vikings than demonic looking daedric or whatever.

Edited by kitsuneshoujo
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The fact that they are there just makes you want to use them, they are just too easy to access and it ruins it a bit..why would you just use weaker gear when you have access to the phat stuff?your kind of reply doesnt belong here.


The Fact I can wear Full Heavy Plate Armor wielding a 2 hand Great sword casting Destruction spells does not mean I am going to go that route. Some of us like challenges and don't need game limitations holding our hand to do so.... :teehee:

Edited by soot00
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The fact that they are there just makes you want to use them, they are just too easy to access and it ruins it a bit..why would you just use weaker gear when you have access to the phat stuff?your kind of reply doesnt belong here.


So you only want replies that agree with you? Facist much? I dare say that it is your comment that doesnt belong here. Not everyone came from Warcrack to Skyrim... or Aion, or whatever other gear-grinder is out there. This is an RPG, not an mmo. In the same respect, if you power level yourself through the content in 24 hours and then whine that you have nothing to do at the end, its your own damn fault (and I am not saying you did that).

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To me, the problem is not that you have the ability to create good stuff by yourself, but the fact that the loot you find and the items you can buy in shops levels with your character in a very obvious way. You should be able to go down in to a very hard old unexplored elven... or wait, not another one of those..., spend a few hours battling your way through way to hard monsters and get a "Three-handed-sword-of-insane-butt-kicking". Right now, everything you get is a dwarwen axe, tops.
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I strongly suspect, as there has been in the past two games, that there will be unique and super-strong pieces of armour and weaponry throughout the game which will be better than your set.


sure there is, not to mention those unique artifacts in its previous series, i actually found a piece of a set that appears to be unique enchanted, says 30 frost resist helmet(why unique? 'cos u cant enchant helmet with frost resist effect with helmet or other parts except boots! ) besides i'm playing master difficulty and i dont see armor rating does much protection from harm, i'm a 24 level dark elf with full set orcish armors(epic),armor rating goes up to 270,but still die quite a lot, sometimes be killed by even two blows melee attack( not those god- forsaken gaints with golf club but leveled bandit or silver hand badass),but i'm still lovin' smiting though,as those high-tier armors look so damn awesome!

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Frankly it suits me just fine. I love making things and smithing fits immersion-perfect with my melee focused character. That said, I didn't "powerlevel" I leveled "naturaly" and my gear kept up with my levels just fine-Dwarven a 7, Orcish now at 14, which is about the progress in Oblivion. And frankly I just enjoy wielding my own handywork. Drawing a sword, honed to the highest level possible, and glittering with enchantment and knowing that I made that sword, really feels good. Powerful to be sure, but isn't the point of an RPG to become more capable?


To be honest though I can see why people are annoyed with the OP here-it's really not very logical to powerlevel your way to 100 then claim it's the game's fault it's not dificult. You have only yourself to blame for your frustration-you made the decision, and you could easily decide to reverse it. Calm down, and put the smithing hammer away, Skyrim has yet to devour your soul.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I only craft the type of armor that suits my characters current level and gear. I am level 18 and still have had only one enemy using a glass weapon. So since I was on the hunt to find dwemer armour at the time, I instead, crafted it and upgraded all to Superior and then destroyed an enchanted dwarven sword so that I could learn the enchantment and apply it to my current Superior dwarven sword.


But, I do not want to spend the time and waste the gold to train up my smithing skill to 80 just to be able to craft ebony at level 10 or something. Sounds lazy to do something like that. But then again, everyone had there own playstyle

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