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UI Windows Keep Resizing Themselves


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So I just finished installing and modding up my Morrowind and things were going great. Well, that is until I finished sizing my inventory, map, etc and existed that menu. Suddenly the next time I killed a mudcrab and went to loot it the loot window took up the entire screen. The same then happened when I entered dialogue with npcs, and when I entered my inventory again all of my work resizing it had been reset so that all the windows took up the entire screen. I tried resizing them again, but when I return to any of these they suddenly pop back up to take up the entire screen. I've googled the hell out of this and found no threads on the topic so I figured I'd ask you fine folks for a little assistance.

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IIRC, those window positions are stored in morrowind.ini


Maybe that file's marked as read only?


Or maybe you've installed into Program Files and are running up against folder virtualisation?


I can't think of any mods which real time adjust those windows. If there was one it'd be an MGE / MGE XE mod, running any of those? Pretty sure that MGE / MGE XE themselves don't mess around with those windows.


Another thought is the Morrowind Code Patch, there were some options which (IIRC) messed up the Save, Load etc buttons if you selected them and shouldn't. Maybe have another look through those options.

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I'm using Morrowind Graphic Overhaul and a couple of mods that just add some stuff like NPCs to the game. Nothing that messes with the UI from what I can tell. I'll take a look at the .ini and take a look at the Morrowind Code Patch again. Those are the only two things I can think of. Thanks for the reply btw.

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Also, try having a look in your screen settings (resolution &c). If you have previously selected full screen and are trying to use a smaller screen instead, that could also be the answer.

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