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Smithing enchantments don't modify the base skill. They directly increase the tempering of the item. That value calculated on the fly and not accessible to the creation kit. It might be possible with an SKSE plugin.
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Smithing enchantments don't modify the base skill. They directly increase the tempering of the item. That value calculated on the fly and not accessible to the creation kit. It might be possible with an SKSE plugin.

If i change them to just modify the base skill by adding points instead of a %, how do i cap it so it wont go over 100 of the base skill?

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Do perks like mod incoming damage work on npcs? I'm adding one to an actor via spell but it does nothing. Added it via console as well. I tried both perk to apply and adding the perk using a script.

If it doesn't work, how can I get the same effect?

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Do perks like mod incoming damage work on npcs? I'm adding one to an actor via spell but it does nothing. Added it via console as well. I tried both perk to apply and adding the perk using a script.

If it doesn't work, how can I get the same effect?

I believe that Perks must be added to NPCs in the CK for them to work (can't be added by console, spell, quest, etc); they unfortunately can't be added dynamically.

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Do perks like mod incoming damage work on npcs? I'm adding one to an actor via spell but it does nothing. Added it via console as well. I tried both perk to apply and adding the perk using a script.

If it doesn't work, how can I get the same effect?

I believe that Perks must be added to NPCs in the CK for them to work (can't be added by console, spell, quest, etc); they unfortunately can't be added dynamically.


Damn. I've got to find a work around then. Thanks.


I came up with this. The values are for testing. Not sure what to do if the actor uses a flesh spell while the effect is active.

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	Float OriginalDamageResist = akTarget.GetActorValue("DamageResist")
	akTarget.ModActorValue("DamageResist", OriginalDamageResist/10.0)


Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	Float CurrentDamageResist = akTarget.GetActorValue("DamageResist")
	akTarget.ModActorValue("DamageResist", CurrentDamageResist*10.0)


Edit:Ah..I can use value modifier and select damage resist. Could that be used to half the current value?

Edited by Elias555
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What I'm hoping to do: make scripted alchemy magic effects that take potion magnitude into account.



1) Get magnitude value (with GetMagnitude())

2) Set a global variable with this value (within magic effect script) - this value resets at end of magic effect

3) Make a tiered magic effect (10 tiers) that checks against this global variable (stronger effects w/ larger value). Duration also scales w/ potency, so there is still a difference within the tiers (i.e. not stronger, but longer lasting potions within the same tier).


This all works fine, but it only returns the unmodified Magnitude (the magnitude of the ingredient w/ the highest magnitude). I was hoping that it would return the modified magnitude; magnitude that includes bonuses due to alchemy skill level, bonuses (from + alchemy enchanted gear), perks, etc. The problem with making my own modifications to magnitude (e.g. checking alchemy level) is that these checks would happen when the potion is consumed, not when it is made. So if you make a potion at alchemy level 15 it's potency would increase as you progress in alchemy. That is, for a player with 100 alchemy there would be no difference in the potency of a potion they made at alchemy levels 15 and 100. Not ideal. I have no idea how I could save this information (e.g. alchemy level at time of potion production) and this seems like a logistical nightmare/completely untenable from my own alchemy-heavy play-throughs (thousands of potions).

Does anyone have experience with GetMagnitude (https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=GetMagnitude_-_ActiveMagicEffect) or have any other advice?

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Edit:Ah..I can use value modifier and select damage resist. Could that be used to half the current value?



I'm not sure about damage resist, but I've used the Value Modifier archetype before and it works well on NPCs. Definitely worth giving it a try; it's fairly straightforward and easy to test.

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I can't select a certain sound as a property and I can't figure out why. The sound "MAGPowerRacialBattleCryFire2D" isn't in the property list and I can't auto fill it either. The next sound is "MAGPowerRacialBerserkerFire2D" and that comes up so I checked for conditions and differences and there's none that I can see. I tried duplicating the sound I want and that's also unselectable.

Any ideas?







Edit:Ah..I can use value modifier and select damage resist. Could that be used to half the current value?



I'm not sure about damage resist, but I've used the Value Modifier archetype before and it works well on NPCs. Definitely worth giving it a try; it's fairly straightforward and easy to test.


In the end I settled for a fixed value, works fine.

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Smithing enchantments don't modify the base skill. They directly increase the tempering of the item. That value calculated on the fly and not accessible to the creation kit. It might be possible with an SKSE plugin.

If i change them to just modify the base skill by adding points instead of a %, how do i cap it so it wont go over 100 of the base skill?


I still need an answer to this if anyone knows. Cannot figure out how to cap a skill.

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Smithing enchantments don't modify the base skill. They directly increase the tempering of the item. That value calculated on the fly and not accessible to the creation kit. It might be possible with an SKSE plugin.

If i change them to just modify the base skill by adding points instead of a %, how do i cap it so it wont go over 100 of the base skill?


I still need an answer to this if anyone knows. Cannot figure out how to cap a skill.


If I understood correctly it would be something like...If greater than 100, set to 100.

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