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You can add a formlist as a single entry onto another formlist. Â You can run through your custom formlist and add each individual item to the stock formlist. Â Either way works, but behavior in game may be different depending upon how the stock formlist is used.


AddForm is the function that you'd need.

I was hoping to be able to just add the custom formlist to the vanilla one, but you pointed out something I wasn't considering - formlist behavior.


I want to add new ingredients to the common, uncommon, and rare ingredients lists. I'd like to have the new ingredients treated the same as vanilla ones, so I should go through my custom formlist and add items one at a time to the vanilla formlist, correct?


Without testing, I'd guess that one at a time would be best for what you want to do.

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I have a quick and hopefully simple question about modifying formlists via script. I would like to add some if my custom forms to vanilla formlists via script for compatibility reasons. I have a fair number of items that I'd like to add and I'd like to add them to multiple existing formlists.


My question; if I put my items into a new formlist is there a simple way I can just append vanilla formlists with my custom formlist by script?

If you really want compatibility then don't use scripted functions to manipulate the game's original formlists. We learned that lesson the hard way long ago and it's the main reason the Wrye Bash ability to make a Bashed Patch exists. Scripted mods can also revert formlists to the original values. So any other mod can completely disable your changes at any time and there's no way to detect that. If your changes or additions are important modify the original formlists and tell people to use Wrye Bash to merge any changes from other mods into the Bashed Patch.

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I have a quick and hopefully simple question about modifying formlists via script. I would like to add some if my custom forms to vanilla formlists via script for compatibility reasons. I have a fair number of items that I'd like to add and I'd like to add them to multiple existing formlists.


My question; if I put my items into a new formlist is there a simple way I can just append vanilla formlists with my custom formlist by script?

If you really want compatibility then don't use scripted functions to manipulate the game's original formlists. We learned that lesson the hard way long ago and it's the main reason the Wrye Bash ability to make a Bashed Patch exists. Scripted mods can also revert formlists to the original values. So any other mod can completely disable your changes at any time and there's no way to detect that. If your changes or additions are important modify the original formlists and tell people to use Wrye Bash to merge any changes from other mods into the Bashed Patch.


There is a difference between leveled lists and formlists at least in so far as Wrye Bash is concerned. WB does not merge standard formlists, only leveled lists.

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After learning more, it's the leveled lists that I wanted to modify after all.


Current thought:

Don't modify the original leveled lists. Instead, add my custom leveled lists directly to apothecary merchant chests via script. Or would this run into the same compatibility issue?

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Thanks again, IsharaMeradin. You feedback, as always, is very helpful :)


Is AddItem a good way to add lists to a merchant chest? I've read that there are some issues with persistence across multiple saves using AddItem. Is there a better function or a way or way to make a script using AddItem more persistent?

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AddItem is the function to use. Tho you may want to test adding directly and seeing how Wrye Bash and/or xEdit handle with merging the container inventory. I seem to recall one of the two merged merchant container inventories for me. I think it might have been 3.07+ of WB

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Hi everyone,


Anyone know if it is possible to add flame to armor? I know we can add it easily for weapons with the torch but with armor so far i had no success, it work only when i drop the armor piece on the ground but not when i am wearing it.


I also tried to make the hit art effect to get the flame on the piece of armor but when the player jump or crouch the flame does not follow the armor.


I am on this since the past 3 days and i would really appreciated if someone can point me in the right direction.

Edited by dovapix
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I made a post asking a few questions, but I guess I'll ask here too since no one seems to be replying after a few days. Been working on my first mod ever, a simple mage follower. My intention is to meet her early on and use her the entire playthrough, using EFF for leveling among other things. I think I've got it all figured out except for the spells, and I can't continue until I can get some answers which apparently can't be found anywhere else online.


1) There are multiple versions of the same spell (flames, flamesLeftHand, flamesRightHand). Looking at other mages like Jzargo, there doesn't seem to be any pattern. Some have just flames while others have all 3 for example. Which one/s do I add and why?

2) I read here that the order you add spells affects how they are chosen, but as soon as I exit the actor window, they are alphabetized. Does adding spells in any particular order matter?

3) On the subject of spell prioritizing, I also read somewhere the AI is already smart enough to switch spells for the situation. (frostbite vs nords, flames vs flame atronach, etc.) How do I make her prefer fire spells generally unless another would be better?

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