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Skyrim- Werewolf: The Dark Ages Mod


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Glad to hear you're interested in making the default werewolf look less ugly... IMO the ones provided by default are intimidating, yes, but at the same time are weird looking (proportionally). I can't tell what it is about them... but they look off. I think it's the gangly fingers and short muzzle. Anyways, if you're interested in a voice actor, email me at [email protected] so that I can get onboard. I'd love to see this mod come to fruition!


Also, is there any sort of online-viewable lore that I could read to familiarize myself with?

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As far as I know, as long as you make everything yourself, there's no problem. You don't need to change the names of anything. If you aren't sure, ask an admin about it.
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As far as I know, as long as you make everything yourself, there's no problem. You don't need to change the names of anything. If you aren't sure, ask an admin about it.


it was just that a terran vampires mod was removed because of something like that but i dont know.

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You mean this mod:





I don't see anything wrong with it.


nope it was one that tried to do go even closer to the original an ressurected thing that was posted on another site or something like that but it was removed because of that but i am not shure

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Nice mod, but don't you think you are overdoing it?

i would appreciate such an awesome mod but damn...that will take lots and lots of your free time^^


Thanx for that :biggrin:




You mean this mod:





I don't see anything wrong with it.


nope it was one that tried to do go even closer to the original an ressurected thing that was posted on another site or something like that but it was removed because of that but i am not shure

ahm, that is the last version though, there will be a remake by others though: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/410370-terran-vampires-revived/

Edited by JinKanzaki
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  • 2 weeks later...

wow, I really like the mod outline, I am looking forward to it:o).


And a curious and impatient question:o): How is the project progress? When do you roughly expect it to be done?

And, will it be a free downloadable mod, or will it be a paid mod?


Good luck with the progress!!


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Can there please be a faction of werewolves for Dark Elves? I hope there is a story opportunity for it. Also can there be fixes to how werewolves cant fit through some passageways in dungeons to improve the practicality of going through the game in werewolf form. Sense life should be toggleable and always available.
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