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LordofWar - 3 Armor Mods Deleted From Database


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Simply making people link their steam accounts before they upload mods to Bethesda's site will not be enough to deter theft.


They will have to have a team (at least as many as the nexus has if not more due to increased size & access to the site) to police it.


On top of that they will have to be very harsh with their punishments (things like perma steam hardware account bans & CD key invalidation)


Otherwise the little shits will just get new accounts to upload stolen mods.

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Removing your mods to guilt end-users into getting angry at Bethesda for a 3rd party hosting them without consent is idiotic.


The thing is not only were they being stolen.


The thieves were taking credit for making them.

Some of them were not only taking credit but also asking for donations.

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Removing your mods to guilt end-users into getting angry at Bethesda for a 3rd party hosting them without consent is idiotic.


The thing is not only were they being stolen.


The thieves were taking credit for making them.

Some of them were not only taking credit but also asking for donations.


Asking? Try demanding donations. I've seen the little f*#@ers outright saying that they'll keep pirating mods if people donate enough money to buy the pirate a copy of the game + season pass.

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Wow some peeps in this thread need to be hit in the head with a frying pan to wake them up, and those not happy on Nexus can take their business elsewhere and don't let the door hit you on the way out!


Here's the deal:


  • Jackasses steal mods, get applauded by the console plebs, modders have enough, modders remove their stuff from bethesda.thievesnet and possibly here, modders quit.
  • Selfish modders still upload their stuf to thieves.net, selfish modders support thieves.net, selfish modders don't have any solidarity towards their fellow modders, result: rest of modders still get brutalized, whined at, troll-rated, insulted in mod comments, etc etc.


What should be done:


Everyone and their grandma remove their mods from bethesda.wtf, result: no more mods for the plebs, result 2 : huge outcry from the plebs punishing Bethesda, MS and Sony, WAAAAAAAAh WAAAAAAAhaAa May MODZ AR gone! BUHAAAAAA! End result: Bethesda does something about the situation, everyone re-uploads their stuff, everyone is happy.


Here, simple, clear even for people with few brain cells.

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He's the creator, so he's free to do whatever he likes with his mods, but I still think all this is such a shame. Yes, the thefts suck and Bethesda handled their mod site extremely poorly. But they got the message by now, I'm sure. People got angry at Bethesda and they made their promise to try fix it. I'm not sure what else we are expected to do about it that's within reasonable bounds.


I get it, it's about principles. But we can't just ignore the actual consequences and only focus on "what-ifs". I'm starting to feel like the whole revolt against Bethesda has caused far more harm than the lack of moderation ever will. I don't want to be arrogant and pretend like I'm anywhere near the level of skill and popularity of some of these protesting mod creators. But I have spent more than 150 hours working on the mods I currently have in the pipeline, so I do feel entitled to an opinion in the debate.


Thievery sucks. But it's pretty much fact that mod authors are literally hurting nobody at this point but their actual respectful fans. Thieves don't give a damn that you pulled your mods. They already have them. Heck, it's even worse now. Now the only people who can still get Lord's mods -are- people who condone the mod thefts. Bethesda made their promise. I don't know if they're going to keep it, but let's not kid ourselves: they're not going to start panicking because a couple mod authors retired.


It's a shame that I'm starting to take a side against such a great community like the Fallout and TES modding community, but I feel like some mod authors are starting to act unreasonable. You can get hung up on principles all you want, it doesn't change the reality of the situation. And again, I know I'm not a big modder like L0rd or DD or whoever else that has probably spent several more hundred hours on modding than I have. But I have spent entire days working on mods myself and I've been biting my tongue because I was afraid that "mod authors" would dismiss my opinion like I was just another user who does nothing back for the community. Some mod authors are starting to act like only their opinions matter because they've created succesful and popular mods, and that they can push negative feelings on their fans by removing their mods, in order to force their fans to get pissed at Bethesda. All because of the shocking revelation that there are assholes on the internet who steal stuff. It's been happening forever to other media, hence the popularity of pirating, and I bet several of these protesters actually condone piracy. It's only a problem now that it happens to smaller creators. And you're not just "harming" (I know, exagerated term when all it is is no longer having access to a mod) your fans, but yourselves. I actually enjoy modding and I'm sure most others do as well. Why take the fun out of it for yourself just to get back at a handful of asshats on a different site?


In the end, you should create mods because you either want them for yourself and happen to feel like sharing, or because you just want to create something awesome and share it with other people. A lot of people respect mod authors a whole lot. But just because you're the small content creator and not the big company like Bethesda doesn't mean you're always right. And to be clear: this is a rant in general, not specifically about L0rd. He was actually an extremely helpful person who helped me on my own mods when I asked him, and he didn't mind me fiddling around with his work for personal use. But, you know who you are. There are a lot of mod creators that I will sorely miss if they ever decide to quit over this. But at this point, it's just becoming protest for the sake of protest. Let's just get back to the joy of sharing our work with each other and ignore Bethesda's site all we like.

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Well the problem isn't just the fact that the mod authors have pulled their mods which they have every right to do. And I think they have every right to b&@*$ about it as vocally as they want. It seems like it's the only way that the issue gets real attention. And I totally 100% support every single thing that DD does in this regard. People get all worked up over it and that's a good thing. In the end hopefully Beth, Sony and Microsoft will finally get the point of it all. But the bigger problem is that mod authors will stop modding all together or at least not offer any mods they might create in the future even if everything eventually gets worked out. Though I truly hope that those that had stopped modding will eventually return. But time will tell. This whole affair really pissed off a lot of people.

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Well, the skyrim remastered edition basically tells us all we need to know. They consider modders un-paid help that can make them loads of money.




I have a hard time seeing any console user saying, hey lets rebuy this old game with slightly better graphics for full price! So, the only draw is mods. They gave us pc users the free remastered version. Which I admit is decent of them. However, it doesn't cover up that the original one had screwed up memory management issues that didn't even stem from it being 32bit. In other words, this is paid modding, only they just cut out the be bit where modders made some cash.


Lastly, after playing the witcher 3, for the first time (steam sales yay!). I really have to wonder why the hell Beth can't do a better job. The creation kit and tools are not a reason for the lack of content. It's Beth just assuming they can spit out any piece of garbage dlc, and modders will make it better. In the end, they'd probably better off buying the company that makes witcher, and firing beth's entire story and quest making team.


/rant off

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