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How do you intimidate people?


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i'm having problems successfully intimidating anyone. it never works. what is it dependant on?


surely it can't be based on speech. Speech is for persuading. Plus, intimidate and persuade tend to both appear as options at the same time so having them both tied to the same skill makes no sense. There is a speech perk for it though, which kind of makes me wonder.


I'm playing a big scary nord warrior girl. i have a huge axe on my back and enough two-handed skill/perks to kill most people in one hit with it. i AM scary. and i really dont want to have to learn to talk nicely to people :(


any ideas ?

Edited by WarKirby3333
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Intimidation might be broken... The PC version of skyrim is really borked and buggy...


I got a bug where 'get bounty from skarl' ended up going to riftwood when the jarl is in dawnstar, meaning the quest somehow overlapped one another or took the other misc quest's title.


Btw I have like 10~20 misc quests stacking and like 15 side quests filling up my journal so I don't know if bethesda debugged it if players just fill up their journal with quests and not finish them.

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persuasion is based solely on your speechcraft, intimidate is based on your speechcraft and your character level, ive had intimidation attempts fail before, but they worked when i used the console to artificially increase my level.
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