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[WIP] Shezzarine - The Fate Of Tamriel


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Caesia is definitely one of the best companion mods out there but I have to agree with a few other commentators that the current outline of Shezzarine feels a bit grandiose and overblown. There have been several attempts at "Destroy the Thalmor & Become the Emperor of Tamriel" mods and I feel that the premise lacks originality. I think the concrete scale of a mod doesn't always correlate with worthwhile content and actual epicness. I don't doubt your skills as writer but I get a strong feeling that you might stretch yourself a bit too thin with this one. Maybe narrowing down the mod as an extension of the College questline since Onmund is the key character anyway? You'd still get a lot of interesting material from the Ps'jic monks and Artaeum.


Nevertheless, I hope you luck and success whatever path you tread on and the most important thing of course is that you have fun while modding.


Thanks for the kind words. :smile: While the scope seems non-original, the theme and storyline are not. I did it in a way that a small team can handle yet the scope doesn't lose its greatness. Imagine it as something like Hearts of Stone of The Witcher 3, or Trespasser from Dragon Age Inquisition.



Both those DLCs you mentioned are beyond groundbreaking. Trespasser not only offers closure to Inquisition but set the stage flawlessly for the upcoming 4th game (omg please don't f*#@ up the same way the Andromeda team did!). And Hearts of Stone brought back a character from the first game and brought a short yet very simple story that while not as impressive as the following Blood and Wine, was still interesting. Tho I agree that scaling down may be the best. I mean I GREATLY ADMIRE this passion. And your goal of reaching the gaming industry with this mod isn't technically unrealistic. I believe I read the creator of the Falskaar mod was reached out to by a gaming company and hired (if you can, reach out to the people who made that for either advice or even help in making the mod).

As a writer myself, I understand wanting to create a great story and while this story, imho, may come off as fanfiction (since the lore is still Elder Scrolls still), the characters and plot can stand out in their own rights. This can interest others.


​but I agree that scaling down the game may be easier, unless u can finally find the help you need. Try reaching out to other modders as well, tho I'm sure you have but try even more. Reach out to modders who made the BIGGEST and most popular mods. Like the ones who made Falskaar or the ones uploading more and more every day online.


Just saying...scaling down a bit may be the best option. I'm working on a fantasy novel intended to be huge, but why is the first book finally doing well and making progress? Because I decided my world needs a smaller, shorter, and simpler story that ends with a door open to expansion. A one-shot story that could generate enough interest to make people ask "what happens next". You can't jump into the gaming world by leaping to the heights set by CDProjektRed and BioWare, gotta scale it properly. Now if u manage to get the help you need, then you'll have a golden opportunity.


I hope you find success. Hell, I wouldn't mind trying out the voice acting for fun (I've been told I do great impressions). But the only roles I felt I could do are all filled and the last two...well I'm 24 years old and not sure I can do an old man or middle aged guy. Plus I'm not too sure if I can nail the true English accent u want and not sure I have the proper mic to record my voice. but may try it out.

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Caesia is definitely one of the best companion mods out there but I have to agree with a few other commentators that the current outline of Shezzarine feels a bit grandiose and overblown. There have been several attempts at "Destroy the Thalmor & Become the Emperor of Tamriel" mods and I feel that the premise lacks originality. I think the concrete scale of a mod doesn't always correlate with worthwhile content and actual epicness. I don't doubt your skills as writer but I get a strong feeling that you might stretch yourself a bit too thin with this one. Maybe narrowing down the mod as an extension of the College questline since Onmund is the key character anyway? You'd still get a lot of interesting material from the Ps'jic monks and Artaeum.


Nevertheless, I hope you luck and success whatever path you tread on and the most important thing of course is that you have fun while modding.


Thanks for the kind words. :smile: While the scope seems non-original, the theme and storyline are not. I did it in a way that a small team can handle yet the scope doesn't lose its greatness. Imagine it as something like Hearts of Stone of The Witcher 3, or Trespasser from Dragon Age Inquisition.



Both those DLCs you mentioned are beyond groundbreaking. Trespasser not only offers closure to Inquisition but set the stage flawlessly for the upcoming 4th game (omg please don't f*** up the same way the Andromeda team did!). And Hearts of Stone brought back a character from the first game and brought a short yet very simple story that while not as impressive as the following Blood and Wine, was still interesting. Tho I agree that scaling down may be the best. I mean I GREATLY ADMIRE this passion. And your goal of reaching the gaming industry with this mod isn't technically unrealistic. I believe I read the creator of the Falskaar mod was reached out to by a gaming company and hired (if you can, reach out to the people who made that for either advice or even help in making the mod).

As a writer myself, I understand wanting to create a great story and while this story, imho, may come off as fanfiction (since the lore is still Elder Scrolls still), the characters and plot can stand out in their own rights. This can interest others.


​but I agree that scaling down the game may be easier, unless u can finally find the help you need. Try reaching out to other modders as well, tho I'm sure you have but try even more. Reach out to modders who made the BIGGEST and most popular mods. Like the ones who made Falskaar or the ones uploading more and more every day online.


Just saying...scaling down a bit may be the best option. I'm working on a fantasy novel intended to be huge, but why is the first book finally doing well and making progress? Because I decided my world needs a smaller, shorter, and simpler story that ends with a door open to expansion. A one-shot story that could generate enough interest to make people ask "what happens next". You can't jump into the gaming world by leaping to the heights set by CDProjektRed and BioWare, gotta scale it properly. Now if u manage to get the help you need, then you'll have a golden opportunity.


I hope you find success. Hell, I wouldn't mind trying out the voice acting for fun (I've been told I do great impressions). But the only roles I felt I could do are all filled and the last two...well I'm 24 years old and not sure I can do an old man or middle aged guy. Plus I'm not too sure if I can nail the true English accent u want and not sure I have the proper mic to record my voice. but may try it out.



Thank you. In truth, what I am doing is very similar to making a smaller thing first, then make a larger thing. The first version is the prelude which we've 98% completed. (It was developed simultaneously with the content of later versions/chapters)

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I've uploaded some pics of the levels. I wrote something to keep those who suffer long loading time entertained.









Some are background lore which is canon, some are lore added by this mod, some are directly relevant to the story's events.

Edited by anbeegod
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So whats the time frame for release? I thought it was supposed to launch in December.


A bit of change in plan, we need to ensure the quality of the product and make sure it has the least bugs possible on launch.

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