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Weapons have weird pixelated border, pics inside


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Hi the only mods I have installed right now are the no-border windowless, Save game manager, Improved night sky and The Dragons Moons. Lately I've realized there is this jarring border around my weapons, seen here http://i.imgur.com/R4AHG.jpg and here http://i.imgur.com/szP9K.jpg. I've tried uninstalling the mods I do have but it didn't go away, so I re-installed them. Any ideas? Maybe I didn't uninstall right? Thank you for your time and consideration in advance.
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It happened to me as soon as I started playing the game. I don't have a clue as to what it is.
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Graphics settings. the game is getting use to a model on higher graphics. I had a similar issue with people when I pumped my graphics up. it vanishes after a while


I sure hope that it does. That or I will just get used to it and not notice it to much.

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I have that too and it never goes away. My graphics are ultra anyway, so getting them up won't help. I assume its a Bosmer resist disease and resist poison effect. That or my leather enchanted armor.
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