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True Anthropomorphic Race


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Snake and tiger anthro-races could very easily be lore-freindly. One of the Akaviriian races, the Tsaesci I believe they're called, are serpent-people mainly centered around magic. Another Akaviriian race is the Ka Po'Tun, the tiger warriors built for melee combat. It would make sense...Bethesda has already integrated a thief-type character, the Khajiit, as well as the assassin Argonians. Why not round out the beast-race circle with the Ka Po'Tun warriors and the Tsaesci mages?

It probably wouldn't be too horribly difficult to make new models, either. Now, I am NOT saying, however, that it be easy, either.

But the Ka Po'Tun could be a bulkier, retextured version of the Khajiit. There's already a tiger retexture by JazzJr. This race is also considered to be more wild and I suppose less evolutionized, so digitigrade legs, longer claws, and a power similar to the Orc Berserker power would be good aspects to have. A bonus to Two-Handed and Heavy Armor would make sense, as well.

The Tsaesci, however, would be more difficult. As they are serpents, they would need an entirely new body form. There would have to be new armors tailored for it, as well. But from what I know, the Tsaesci are very prideful, rather self-absorbed mages, so their powers could be heavily based off of the Altmer.

This whole thing could probably make for a very good, lore-friendly quest mod, too. If someone was up for the challenge.

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  • 2 months later...

I actually wouldn't mind if races from another game, such as D&D or Pathfinder, could be used for inspiration.


I found some interesting races from the Pathfinder Advanced Race Guide and the bestiaries that could possibly be used with some skill sets transferred from their descriptions.



Tengu: ravens that are skilled in stealth, speech, and one-handed swords, they are quick and could be used as either a scout or ninja character.


Grippli: frog-like people that hail from swamp lands, much like the argonians. They could be designed to be skilled in alteration, alchemy, and one-handed weapons so it is suitable to a druidic playstyle. They can also have a bonus to jump height and reduced falling damage.


Gnoll: hyena-folk that are ferocious and that would do well as a berserker character. They would be best fit for light armour, two-handed weapons, and block. They tend to be huge, so they would be a bit taller than even the high elves and they should naturally have some extra health. They also consider anyone that has died a potential meal, so they should have a natural cannibalism ability.


Ratfolk: a short race of humanoid rats that are often found in trading caravans, just like Skyrim's Khajiit. They are also good at tinkering with mechanical and magical devices. This would mean that they should have speech, enchanting, and smithing as their main skills. They have a strong focus on community and family, so giving them an attack and health bonus while they have a follower is understandable as they normally would be quite frail.


Vanaras: being monkeys, they could live in the jungles or forests of Elsweyr and Valenwood. They prefer to not wear any armour and are skilled in unarmed combat, making for a decent monk playstyle, but are also known to be tricksters. They would have restoration, alteration, and sneak. They shouldn't have increased unarmed damage, but rather have their unarmed attack speed is increased.

Edited by NachoRocket
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  • 2 months later...



Birds are so underrated! I mean, come on, bros! I have a whole idea for a lore in my head, a whole world set for the bird folk in my head. Just Google the most epic eagle in the world, The Harpy Eagle. It's epic!

It's the biggest eagle and bird on the Earth!

It can easily snatch a baby if it wanted, or even a 5-6 year old child and carry it away...

Now imagine such power in humanoid form? Of course, there would be the problem with the flying part, since Skyrim's dragon flying mechanics SUCK and were obviously not even planned ever!

But even just a feather covered race, etc.


I'm also all for wolves, foxes, tigers... Share some animal love. And when I say animal love I don't mean bestiality, to all you furry folks out there!

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I don't why we have two threads that are basically the same thing, but I'll paste my post from there.

Just uploaded a werewolf race using Bethesda unused assets. They are nothing like vanilla werewolves, it's a playable race, selectable in the race menu and with some customization included. Other features planned. They have a new unique head, not remeshed Khajiits or a furry human face.


Head uses quality textures made from scratch by me.

Edited by Derok
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  • 3 months later...


This was put up on the steam workshop recently, I found it today by chance after looking for something similar for hours. Figured you guys would like it

I tried that one and it sucked. the fur really doesn't change color and it crashed on me before i could even play after making my character

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This was put up on the steam workshop recently, I found it today by chance after looking for something similar for hours. Figured you guys would like it

I tried that one and it sucked. the fur really doesn't change color and it crashed on me before i could even play after making my character


Really? The only problem I had with it was that the female hands don't blend like the males do, this is only due to it not being compatible with my body mod. I also use an ece so I can choose what color, I'll agree that the color choice isn't great but I can still choose anywhere between a white/gray and dark brown without the ece

Edited by tdspringer
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey. I'm new to this thread but couldn't help noticing there seems to be some disagreement on here and not much has been posted on here lately either so I'm guessing that I might be too late to for any new ideas.


Anyway one race idea I came up with that hasn't really been mentioned (haven't looked at all 29 pages so maybe it has) is the Woodland Satyr - A race that uses stealth combined with accuracy. I figured that the would they would excel in bow use and two handed weapons like spears. Maybe have the ability to summon spriggan's and maybe align with them as well since they are also guardians of the forests. I think when it comes to build etc... they would be slightly larger than Nord's and Orc's with a stronger build about to perhaps carry more wieght. I also think that they should have a frenzy ability in melee attack similar to the Orc's berserk ability. Here's a couple of images I found that represent what I think they would best look like.




Initially I thought this race would be best implemented as a creature as oppose to being playable, roaming the woodlands in groups of two's and three's taking down mages, witches and hagravens with a stronghold similar to the Elvenwood mod. Anyway this is my new idea. I'm surprised no one has made these anything like these guys yet.

Edited by tempestseeker
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