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True Anthropomorphic Race


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I don't see the appeal of non-lore species being added, but if you people manage to make this a proper project that, as a collateral, will improve the looks of the Suthay-raht currently in-game, I'd be happy with it. In my not so humble opinion, I think this should be organized in the following phases:


Phase 1: proper looking Suthay-raht.

This will act as the foundation of the project. Technically the Argonians are fine according to lore ("Why are they plantigrade and the females have mammaries?" "Uhm... the Hist did it!"), so getting proper looking Suthay-raht should be the focus, especially if things such as custom meshes and skeleton structure are used, since then they can be utilised with everything else later on. It also has the incidental appeal for anyone interested in a proper rappresentation according to the TES Lore, since all Khajiit with the exception of the Ohmes (from Arena) have been described (and represented in Daggerfall, Redguard and Morrowind) to be digitigrade to various extents. Also, since this is "simply" changing the models, no extra coding and bug-testing should be required.


Phase 2: Argonians and other Khajiit sub-types.

With the basis covered, Morrowind-style Argonians and other Khajiit sub-species (like the Ohmes-raht, or the Cathay-raht) can be modelled using the work made to have proper looking Suthay-raht Khajiit. The reason this phase should be on its own is simple: the subspecies can be made to be simply aesthetic in nature, so as not to screw with the game having to recognize a custom race. Or, something a bit more advanced, could be to have them selectable as different species (with appropriate skill bonuses), but still have them classified as Argonians or Khajiit. That way there's should be no risk of breaking something in the game. Also it is still lore-friendly for those that care about it (like me).


Phase 3: free-for-all madness

With the basics covered and a little experimentation in the second phase, now you are free to create whatever you want, and have to deal with the game code. It may be something easy or something complicated, I wouldn't know, so good luck with that.

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Can I say I love the poster above me? I came in here, read the first couple of pages, and then decided I would skip to the last to essentially post what he just did.


The thing I want to see most in this game (and future TES games as well) are proper Khajiit. I would love to be able to choose between [appropriate] Khajiit types to play as. Proper Suthay-raht would be at the top of the list, followed by Ohmes-raht, and Cathay-rhat.


To be fully honest, I thought the Khajiit in Skyrim (and Oblivion) were meant to be Ohmes-rhat at first due to their legs and feet, but no, Bethesda just doesn't want to model proper legs for them.




So, if you guys want to create more Anthro races, be my guest. Khajiit and Argonians are enough for me seeing as how cats and lizards are my two favourite types of animals (and Anthros) in that order, but please, for the love of Alkosh, create some proper Khajiit while you're at it.


I would love to play as a Cathay-rhat.<3 (But I'll take a proper Suthay-rhat over nothing :3).

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